Roof Fan Maintenance: Have Your Roof Fans Checked for Proper Operation Before Winter Arrives

Roof exhaust fans often get overlooked. Out of sight, out of mind, as the old saying goes. However, your building’s roof exhaust is vital to proper airflow inside. It even affects tenant health, whether your property is residential or commercial. Therefore, it’s important as a landlord or building manager to remember to conduct routine maintenance on your airflow system. Here are four great reasons why you should make sure your roof fan maintenance has been performed before winter arrives.

Summer Is HVAC Feast or Famine

Airflow problems are exacerbated or go unnoticed

During the warmer months of the year, your tenants may use the HVAC system more frequently, running their air conditioning 24/7 to keep the temperature comfortable inside. Having their units sealed can also prevent unwanted elements from entering inside, thereby preventing asthma attacks and other respiratory problems.

When this happens, your roof exhaust fans run overtime. All that extra use can put a strain on airflow systems that were already in need of repair or replacement. Even roof exhaust fans that started out fine at the end of the winter can become worn, dirty, and in need of inspection by midsummer.

Sure, New York City residents use plenty of air conditioning in summer. But, many people also like to take advantage of the warm weather and throw their windows open.

This can also create problems for your roof exhaust system. Because people aren’t using the HVAC as much, you may not realize you have a roof exhaust problem until it gets put to use again.

Wear and Tear Accumulates Throughout the Year

Rust, detritus, and other problems build up

Over the course of a year, your roof exhaust fans take a beating. By summer’s finale, they can become rusted or clogged with detritus. Particulate matter, loose trash, and leaves can be blown around your roof during summer storms. When fans run continuously during heat waves that prompt constant air conditioning use, they can wind up in need of lubrication or replacement parts as elements become worn.

Small Issues Can Become Big Ones… Fast

Malfunctioning roof fans warn of failure

As with all mechanical systems, when your roof exhaust fans experience minor malfunctions, it can be predictive of bigger issues looming in the near future. And if you let small problems fester, when they become more serious, the solution is almost always more expensive and time-consuming.

In addition to paying more money for repairs, you may end up needing to replace larger components of the system that are far more costly. This could also entail waiting for parts to be shipped or retooled. If the entire exhaust system fails, you may force your building’s tenants to do without air circulation or air conditioning, which can cause a range of problems from aggravation to health complications. No owner or superintendent wants to take on more phone calls and messages on top of their regular duties.

Your Roof Fan Specialists Get Booked Up in Fall

Don’t delay roof fan maintenance until you have an emergency

There is a tendency to put off roof fan maintenance if things seem to be going fine with your airflow system. However, as well as missing small problems that shouldn’t go undetected, you may also find that your roof fan specialists are busier in fall.

Why fall? First, all those property owners who forgot to schedule work in summer are scrambling to get their roof maintenance done in autumn before the snow falls. Also, many people associate the fall months with catching up on building projects, probably because the weather is cooler and that back-to-school mentality gets everyone working on their to-do lists.

But as New York moves into fall mode, experts in the various trades get booked up, which can make it difficult to schedule an appointment that’s convenient for you. You can avoid this problem by scheduling roof fan maintenance early, so you get the best slots in the appointment book and have plenty of time in case you need to do any major repairs or order parts.

Don’t wait until your roof exhaust pros are completely booked or until you have an emergency with your roof fans. Reach out today to Antler Pumps, New York City’s professional pump and motor company for nearly 75 years.

You can call us at 212-534-2500 or use our easy online form to leave us a message or schedule an appointment. We’ll make sure your roof fan maintenance is taken care of in a timely fashion before winter and before any system problems create headaches for you and your tenants.

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