Common Issues With Cooling Tower Water Pumps and How To Prevent Them

When operating correctly, cooling tower water pumps help control the temperature of the coolant in an air-conditioning system. Warm coolant circulates out of the primary system and into the cooling tower cabinet, flowing through a condenser coil that travels past fans and receives misting from pumped water supplies. The path through the coil re-chills the coolant before sending it back through the system.

Unfortunately, pumps can fail, causing issues with your property’s air conditioning. Discover common pump issues and prevention strategies.

6 Common Issues With Cooling Tower Water Pumps

1. Excessive Vibration or Noise

Excessive vibration within a cooling tower, or any mechanical system for that matter, is problematic. While some movement is unavoidable, machinists design equipment as close to equilibrium or balance as possible.

Every system requires maintenance and occasional recalibration to ensure vibrations don’t disrupt performance. Parts wear and shift without routine maintenance, disrupting output and increasing noise.

As well as excessive vibration, a bad seal, broken belt, corroded materials, or damaged shaft are all possible causes of noise within a pump. Cavitation — the buildup or low-pressure bubbles — can also cause noises and damage the system.

Because of the many possible causes of excessive vibration and noise, diagnosing a system without examination and expertise is impossible. Pump maintenance is delicate and intricate work, and with your property’s cooling depending on an accurate diagnosis and quick repair, you have no time to waste on well-intentioned novices. Hire a professional with Antler Pumps.

2. Poor Water Flow

Cooling tower water pumps must maintain proper water flow to ensure stable coolant temperatures. A reduced flow may cause rising coolant and building temperatures. You may find that your air-conditioning system is blowing hot air. The cause of rising temperatures can stem from other system problems, but they likely center around the cooling tower.

If the problem stems from a pump delivering poor flow, there are many potential causes. First, the sprinkler or distribution method to the tower may have a clog. Second, the pump output motor or circulating fan may have a fault. Third, the primary pump filter may need cleaning or replacement.

A pump may have numerous issues disrupting proper output or flow. Qualified technicians must assess the equipment to determine the cause of the problem and repair it. Not all issues require extensive or expensive corrections, so be sure to call Antler Pumps promptly when your property experiences a pump-related problem.

3. Water Loss

Like all pumps, cooling tower water pumps are susceptible to leaks. Leaks typically occur around seals or connections and may stem from ordinary wear and tear or accidents. If the damage occurs in a more unpredictable manner, such as a collision with machinery, a leak can occur nearly anywhere in the device or cooling system.

Corrosion is another common problem in liquid and water-based systems. The water eventually wears away at various components, including rubber seals. Corroded areas are more prone to leaks and cracks. Routine maintenance can ensure that degradation issues receive proper attention in a timely manner.

Leaks may cause poor output, meaning cooling equipment won’t operate as efficiently. Your staff may notice pooling underneath or around the pumps or HVAC equipment. Also, condensation or humidity levels may increase around HVAC systems and rooms.

Antler Pumps can investigate the cause of puddling, increased humidity, or poor HVAC operations. With an annual service contract, you can ensure your pumps and equipment receive all necessary inspections and maintenance to remain in tip-top shape.

4. Excessive Water Flow or High Water Levels

Sometimes, cooling tower water pumps have problems with the intakes or outputs. In some situations, the issues stem from mechanicals in the cooling tower, not the pump.

Debris or sediment can clog the filter between the cooling tower and the pump, resulting in too much water remaining in the tower. Too much water in the tower can cause overheating because the water temperature rises the longer it’s in the system. Also, if temperatures rise too much, pressure can build within the tower, possibly causing cracks or worse.

The sprinkler mechanism can also malfunction or break down, allowing more water than is necessary into the system. Mechanism failures can occur spontaneously but are more often a result of neglected maintenance.

5. Poor Suction or Output

A pump is a looped system that pulls liquid in one direction and pushes it out the other. Every cooling system has at least one pump but may also have primary and several secondary pumps. Regardless, all cooling tower water pumps have internal components, including drive motors and impellers, that help pull and push water through the system.

Poor suction or output can signal a new or existing defect among the internal components. Finding the damaged part may require dismantling the pump. A technician from Antler Pumps can use their experience and expertise to identify and correct the problem quickly.

Sometimes fixing a pump is challenging because the system may have redundancies to mitigate supply and power losses. Also, too many property owners allow maintenance and inspections to lapse, meaning neglected bypasses, controls, valves, bearings, and various other components may compound an already complex situation.

6. Age and Wear and Tear

A typical water pump can last around 15 years or longer, depending on how you care for it. Other factors, such as demand, also play a role in the lifespan of a pump. As with any machine, the more you use it, the more you expose the system to wear and tear.

The older the device, the more likely it is to experience problems or require repairs. By working with professionals, you can ensure the health of your pump and its components.

How To Prevent Common Problems With Cooling Tower Water Pumps

Adhere To Proper Maintenance and Repair Schedules

Cooling tower water pumps play a critical role in the cooling systems of your property. Despite the necessity of the pumps, they are not impervious to damage or regular wear and tear. Contact Antler Pumps at 212-534-2500 to discuss annual service contracts and schedule routine pump maintenance.

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