Repairing or Replacing: Deciding How To Respond To Issues With a Pump System

Pumps play an essential role in many building operations. They aid in heating and cooling, pressurize safety systems, boost water pressure and supplies, and operate wastewater systems.

Pump failures or mechanical breakdowns interfere with the operations of many systems. Common causes of failure or disruption include contamination, corrosion, and mechanical wear.

Depending on the severity of the issue, a property owner has two options: pump replacement or repair. How do you know what option is right for your property, and how do you limit the risks of future failures? You can determine if a replacement is necessary by reviewing four criteria.

Pump Replacement or Repair: 4 Criteria To Make the Choice Easier

1. Extent of Damage

Pumps may not perform or operate inefficiently for many reasons. Before replacing the pump, pump technicians should determine the cause of the problem or malfunction.

An Antler Pumps technician can inspect the affected pump to determine the root cause of the failure or service disruption. They will determine the severity of the issue and recommend a solution, which may include repair or replacement. Sometimes either option is workable, leaving the decision to the property owner.

As a property owner, listen to the professional’s assessment. If the damage is extensive and requires significant labor, a replacement is likely preferable. If damage is minimal, like a worn seal, repair is often preferable.

Throughout its life, a pump can experience extensive damage. The damage may stem from overuse, system stress, vibration, or a lack of maintenance. An annual service contract with Antler Pumps can reduce the risks of pump failures and service interruptions.

2. Pump Age

Like any appliances, all pumps have an average lifespan. The time before a pump replacement is necessary depends on the type of pump. Water pumps can last from 10 to 20 years. Sewage pumps have an average operational life of five to 15 years.

Several factors determine the life expectancy of a pump, including maintenance, usage, and installation. All mechanical devices need regular maintenance and inspections. The electrical components and moving parts in a pump may not have the same lifespan as the entire device, meaning they need replacing more often.

How much and how often a pump is used can be the biggest determinator for life expectancy. Manufacturers design pumps based on industry averages, not individual property demands. Your property may use its sump pump more often than industry averages, reducing the projected lifespan. If you use the pump less often than manufacturer assumptions, your pump may last longer.

Finally, the initial installation of the pump can affect its life expectancy. If the original installer does not seat the pump correctly or does not install proper connection and drainage points, failure is inevitable, and it will come sooner than average estimates.

When deciding whether to invest in a pump replacement or repair, consider the pump’s age. If the pump is near the end of its lifespan, it is likely best to replace it; if it still has several years left, a repair might be worthwhile.

3. Repair or Replacement Timing

How much time do you have to get your pump back into operation? If you are dealing with a faulty heat pump in the middle of winter, you don’t have a lot of time.

Before you can decide on replacing or repairing a pump, you need to know the timeline for each task. Sometimes a repair is faster than a complete replacement, but that depends on the severity and location of the damage.

An Antler Pump technician can assess your pump, determine the cause of the problem, and give you an estimated timeline for work completion. They can also help you understand the repair or replacement process and the reasons for how long repairing or installing a new pump will take.

In most situations, pump replacement or repair timing does not play as critical of a role in the decision as the extent of the damage to and age of the pump. Still, being aware of your property’s demands and the costs of any delays in operations can influence your choice.

Antler Pumps works with building owners to ensure the recommended solution is the most appropriate for their operations. The technicians do everything in their power to ensure efficient workflows and rapid but thorough repairs. Annual service contracts can help you stay on top of routine pump maintenance and inspections for your building, reducing the risks of future issues.

4. Cost

The cost of a pump replacement varies based on the pump and can run between several hundred and several thousand dollars. Repairs can cost the same, depending on the damage and pump type.

If the pump is a single stage, it likely has a low unit price, making it a better candidate for replacement than a larger centrifugal pump with water-resistant components. Typically, the higher the unit price, the more likely repair is recommended over replacement, but this rule fluctuates on a case-by-case basis.

Most property owners in NYC cannot just look at a faulty pump and assess its value; they do not have the experience or skills to do so. Antler Pumps is a trusted NYC service employing licensed and trained technicians who can accurately assess your property’s pumps. With an accurate assessment of damaged pumps, they can provide estimates for repairs or replacements, allowing for a straightforward cost analysis.

Antler Pumps: Assessment for Pump Replacement or Repair

Schedule an Inspection With a Professional

Pumps are the backbones of many systems within your building, from heating to water supplies. To ensure proper functionality and reduce the risks of service interruptions, you must adhere to maintenance and inspection schedules.

Even with proper upkeep and care, pumps may fail or start to operate with less efficiency. When problems arise, you must determine whether a pump replacement or repair is necessary. The team of technicians at Antler Pumps are ready to help you with that decision.

Call us at 212-534-2500 to schedule an appointment, and don’t forget to ask about annual service contracts.

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