How Does a Condensate Pump Work?

Condensate pumps are integral to HVAC systems, condensing boiler furnaces, steam systems, and many other systems common in New York City properties, serving to remove or recycle condensate.

How does a condensate pump work to eliminate water from specific systems? Discover condensate basics and the signs a pump needs repair to ensure your heating and cooling systems work efficiently.

How Does a Condensate Pump Work?

Condensate Basics

Condensate is water that forms when warm, moist air comes into contact with a cooler surface — such as when water droplets form on a cold glass on a hot day. This process can occur in two different ways in your building’s heating and cooling systems.

First, in an air conditioning system, condensate typically forms around the evaporator coil. The coil uses refrigerant to chill the air passing over it, so as the warm air is cooled, moisture condenses, creating water droplets.

Second, the condensate may form within the pipes and radiators in a steam heat system. As the warm air produced in the boiler travels through the pipes and radiators throughout the building, the air cools, forming water droplets. In a steam system, the excess water typically travels back to a reservoir tank for reheating.

Condensate cannot remain in either system because it can cause problems. In an AC system, excess condensate can overflow in pans, causing leaks and reduced efficiency. Steam heating systems with excess condensate in the pipes and radiators may experience water hammer, corrosion, and reduced efficiency. Condensate pumps guard against these issues by removing excess moisture from the systems.

Pump Components

How a condensate pump works is through the cooperation of five components. The reservoir is one of the most important components of the pump. It acts as a holding tank for condensate. The size of the reservoir depends on the system’s needs, but it should be large enough to handle heavy condensate flows. Most reservoirs are around one gallon.

Each reservoir has a float switch that operates the pump’s on-and-off mechanism. The device is two-pronged, with a buoyant float and a trigger. As the water in the reservoir rises, the float rises with it. Once the float reaches a predetermined level, it triggers a switch, activating the pump motor.

A condensate pump motor doesn’t require a lot of horsepower. Most condensate pumps use motors rated at a fraction of a horsepower, generally 1/30 hp to 1/50 hp for residential purposes and 1/3 hp for commercial applications. This small motor is still powerful enough to move water from the reservoir to a discharge point.

Most condensate pumps have a discharge line. The line is a tube or pipe that carries condensate away from the pump. Typically, a discharge line routes condensate to a sink a, floor drain, or an outdoor location. The line size depends on the expected discharge volume, but it should be large enough to handle heavy flows without clogging.

Pump Operation

A condensate pump works intermittently, or it should. The design of these pumps cannot handle nonstop operations. Too much use will lead to premature wear and eventual pump failure.

A condensate pump operating typically cycles on and off between four and several dozen times per day. The frequency of the cycles depends on several factors:

  • Relative humidity levels
  • Location of HVAC equipment
  • Size of pump and system

For example, a high-efficiency furnace can produce up to one gallon of condensate per hour. With this type of system, it’s normal for a condensate pump to cycle on every 20 to 30 minutes. Knowing the typical operating cycle of your pump can help you identify problems and call for early inspections and repairs.

What Are the Signs Your Pump Needs Repair?


One of the most common problems with a condensate pump is leaks. These can occur for several reasons. More often than not, condensate pump leaks stem from clogs in the drainage line or reservoir that occur because of dust, dirt, mold, algae, or rust. You can limit clogs by performing regular maintenance, including cleaning the pump, its drain line, and the condensate pan.

Constant Running

A condensate pump should work in cycles. If your pump is running continuously, there are several potential causes. First, a clogged drain line may prevent water from emptying from the reservoir. Second, the float switch might be stuck or broken, causing the system to turn on even when the reservoir is empty. The pump itself might also be broken, or the reservoir may have a clog near the drain opening.


While condensate pumps are quieter than other types of pumps thanks to their small motors, they still make some noise. If your pump is excessively loud, there might be problems with the system.

Vibrations might throw a pump out of balance so it requires rebalancing. A buildup of debris, sediment, and other substances can lead to improper or difficult functioning, resulting in louder operations. Worn-out bearings can also lead to a nosier system, as can a pump that is not seated correctly.

Alarms or Error Messages (on Select Pumps)

Some newer condensate pumps have built-in alarms or error message screens or lights to inform owners when repairs are necessary. Sometimes a pump only needs a simple cleaning or reset to fix an alarm or error code. However, if the alarm is continuous or the error message won’t go away, call a repair technician from Antler Pumps.

Antler Pumps Knows How Condensate Pumps Work

Regular Pump Maintenance Reduces Failure Risk

How does a condensate pump work? Our pump professionals know the ins and outs of pump operation and the routine maintenance and inspections this important equipment requires. Call Antler Pumps at 212-534-2500 to learn more about our annual service contract and schedule a consultation or assessment of your condensate pump.

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