What Size Air Compressor Do I Need?

Air compressors are integral to many operations in your apartment complex. While the device is helpful for powering air tools for maintenance and construction tasks, most building owners are likely more interested in the device for HVAC purposes.

As a property owner, when an HVAC air compressor fails or is reaching the end of its life, you likely have one question: What size air compressor do I need? The sizing matters for operational efficiency, but determining the appropriate size is often complex, which is why a professional from Antler Pumps is crucial to compressor selection. Discover the process for choosing the right air compressor when the existing air compressor is showing signs of wear.

What Size Air Compressor Do I Need?

Looking at Averages

Suggesting an air compressor size without inspecting the building’s HVAC system is challenging. That said, you can determine a category of compressors based on a broad range of parameters, for instance:

  • Small multi-unit properties with simpler HVAC systems may use 5-20 gallon compressors capable of 5-10 cubic feet per minute
  • Medium-sized properties with more complex HVAC systems may use 20-60 gallon compressors capable of 10-15+ CFM
  • Large, complex properties, like high-rises, with extensive HVAC systems may use 60-80+ gallon compressors capable of 15+ CFM

The size your property needs varies based on several factors, including the size and complexity of the HVAC system, the number of units, the age of the building, and additional compressed air needs. Typically, the larger the building, the more complex its HVAC system becomes; however, the complexity depends on the independence of your property’s units.

Some multi-unit properties provide independent heating and cooling systems, making it easier to separate tenant utility responsibilities. A centralized HVAC system supplying all units usually needs a larger capacity air compressor.

The age of the building can affect its reliance on air compressors. Older properties, which comprise much of New York City’s real estate, depend on legacy pneumatic controls, which operate on compressed air. Determining what size air compressor you need in an older building usually requires a proper system assessment.

Some properties may have other uses for compressed air in the system. Many maintenance departments have dedicated lines for air tools in maintenance workshops, which can affect the building’s air compressor size.

How Do You Determine the Correct Air Compressor Size?

Assessing the HVAC System Demands

A pneumatic control HVAC system uses a series of dampers, actuators, and regulators to control the output and flow of heating and cooling. The devices that allow the system to operate depend on an air compressor connected to the system through a series of pipes. The compressor sends compressed air through the pipes interacting with the pneumatic devices.

Thermostats strategically placed throughout the system detect temperature, humidity, and static pressure deviations. In order to counter the changes, the thermostat sends a compressed air signal to the appropriate valve or damper to open or close it.

Understanding what size air compressor you need requires knowing the components of your HVAC system and their individual compressed air needs. For example, pneumatic damper actuators need 20-30 PSI and 2-5 CFM on average. The system compressor needs enough power and force to power all individual components throughout the system.

Tank size also matters in air compressor selection. Larger tanks ensure stable pressure when the system is in operation. A smaller tank is often more affordable but likely cycles on more frequently, using more energy and causing more of a raucous.

The existing air compressor for your HVAC system should have a label that tells you the tank capacity and the PSI/CFM outputs. If the label is worn and illegible, you can check the owner’s manual for your system to find the correct air compressor size. When all else fails, you can call Antler Pumps and schedule a system assessment.

What Else Should You Know About Air Compressors for HVAC Systems?

Compressor Types and HVAC Suitability

Air compressors typically come in oil-lubricated or oil-free styles. Oil-lubricated models are usually quieter and last longer than oil-free models, making them preferable to oil-free models. While oil-free models offer less contamination risk when sharing air lines with sensitive equipment and may require less maintenance than oil-lubricated models, their shorter lifespan is a significant drawback for property owners.

Compressors may be single-stage, two-stage, or multi-stage designs. Single-stage compressors are generally sufficient for most apartment buildings, while two-stage or multi-stage designs are typically reserved for industrial applications and settings with consistently high air demands.

Noise Levels

Also, while selecting the right size air compressor is vital, as an apartment building owner, you need to worry about noise levels. An air compressor is usually located in a basement. However, depending on the size and quality of insulation in a property, the device can still disturb tenants. When choosing an air compressor, look for models with lower decibel ratings and consider soundproofing options.

Maintenance and Reliability

The size and type of air compressor will affect its maintenance and reliability. For example, an oil-lubricated compressor usually requires more maintenance than an oil-free compressor, but it experiences less wear and tear from friction, making it more reliable.

If you choose an air compressor that is too small for your building’s system, it can strain the device and its components, risking frequent breakdowns, tenant discomfort, and costly repairs. Selecting an air compressor that is too large for the system can result in high energy consumption, short cycling, excessive noise, and potential overpressure issues.

What Size Air Compressor Do You Need for Your Building?

Consult Antler Pumps To Learn More

When an air compressor stops running, discovering what size replacement unit you need can be as simple as looking at the label on your existing compressor. That said, determining the right size compressor can be challenging for legacy systems or more complex HVAC and operational demands.

Antler Pumps makes the sizing and selection process easy. Our team assesses your existing system and defines the PSI/CFM requirements. Call us at 212-534-2500 to schedule a system assessment and get the right air compressor installed.

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