Local Law 152: Your Questions Answered About Periodic Gas Piping Inspections

If you are a property manager in New York City, you have no doubt heard about Local Law 152 pertaining to the periodic gas piping inspections. However, some new property owners and superintendents, as well as new building staff, may not be completely familiar with the law. Here are answers to some common questions, along with links to more detailed information, so you can ensure your building is in compliance.

What is Local Law 152?

Where, when, and what

Local Law 152 was created in 2016. However, it required an update from the New York Department of Buildings in the fall of 2019 before it could be implemented in January 2020. As of that date, many properties in New York City are required to undergo periodic inspection of their gas piping.

This law affects many properties in New York City. Buildings of two families or less (class R-3) are exempt. But, every other property, both commercial and residential, must have its gas piping inspected at routine intervals.

The inspection must be performed by appropriate professionals (see below) at least every four years according to the schedule in the update that sorts properties by community district. For 2020, inspections for buildings located in community districts 1, 3 and 10 are required. After the initial rotation has been completed, you must file an inspection report by December 31st every fourth calendar year.

Why is Local Law 152 important?

Safety and compliance

Local Law 152 protects a variety of parties affected by the inspections. Having safe gas piping in your buildings significantly reduces the risk of gas explosions and fires. This then protects tenants, building workers, and neighboring properties. Recent gas explosions in NYC and around other municipalities have shown how devastating the effects of gas hazards and unsafe piping can be.

Furthermore, Local Law 152 protects you as a building owner or property manager. When you keep your gas piping functioning properly, not only are you and your tenants safeguarded from gas accidents. You also reduce the likelihood of financial losses from property damage or lawsuits.

Failure to file an inspection certification can result in a $10,000 civil fine.

What Happens During This Inspection?

The Local Law 152 inspection process starts with three initial steps. First, schedule an inspection with Calray Gas Heat Corp.

During this inspection, all exposed gas piping from the point of entry throughout the building will be inspected. Gas piping within private spaces is exempt. Areas to be inspected include, but are not limited to:

  • Gas meter stations
  • Public hallways, stairwells, and general public spaces
  • Mechanical and boiler rooms
  • The roof

We will use a portable combustible gas detection device to monitor the gas concentration in the air surrounding the gas piping systems. A gas leak is defined as having at least 0.1% of gas detected in the air. Additionally, our trained inspector will be visually looking for illegal gas connections and a variety of unsafe conditions.

Within 30 days of the inspection, we will submit to the building owner a Gas Piping Periodic Inspection Report (GPS1) showing the written results of the inspection. Additionally, we will provide to the Owner the Gas Piping System Periodic Inspection Certification (GPS2). Within 60 days of the inspection, the building owner must submit this Gas Piping System Periodic Inspection Certification (GPS2) to the Department of Buildings (DOB). This form is signed and sealed by us as the licensed master plumber and the inspector.

You can submit the GPS2 certification through the dedicated DOB portal online. There is no fee for this, nor is there a login required. But, you must include the report from us.

What happens if something unsafe is discovered in your building?

Taking corrective action

If there are negative findings during your inspection, meaning there are conditions that require correction, you have 120 days to submit a new certification. In these cases, a proposal will be submitted to Management for the necessary corrections. Once repairs are completed, we will sign and seal a new certification for DOB submission.

There may be situations where major repairs are necessary to correct a problem with your building’s gas piping system. And, these repairs may take longer than the normal 120 days. In that instance, you have 180 days to perform the appropriate repairs. This is provided that your LMP indicated additional time was needed for corrections when filling out the initial GPS1 inspection report. Therefore, it’s essential that you communicate clearly with your LMP after the inspection to discuss a timeline for remedying any conditions that need fixing.

What else should you know about Local Law 152?

Final tips

There are a couple of other things you should keep in mind about Local Law 152:

  • If you’re not sure which district your building is in order to learn of your inspection schedule, you can look it up online with the city.
  • Building owners must keep all Local Law 152 reports and certifications on file for 10 years.
  • There is no air pressure test or interruption of service with your inspection, so tenants will not be inconvenienced.
  • If you have no gas piping in your building, you need to file a certification every four years from a registered design professional indicating that there is no gas piping to inspect pursuant to Local Law 152.
  • If anyone in the building finds an active gas leak or any other hazardous condition that poses an immediate danger, do not wait to take action. If necessary, such as in the case of a suspected gas leak, evacuate the building and dial 911 for first responders. Do not use any electronic devices, including your cell phone or light switches, in the area of a gas leak.

Who can conduct a gas piping inspection?

Licensed master plumbers (LMP)

Remember, only a licensed master plumber, or a person who meets select qualifications working under the supervision of an LMP, can conduct a piping inspection for Local Law 152.

To learn more about Local Law 152 or to schedule your building inspection, reach out to Calray Gas Heat Corp via our online form. Or, call us at 212-722-5506. We’re happy to inspect your buildings. Don’t risk being out of compliance with Local Law 152. Get in touch today.

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