Is Your Boiler Ready for Heating Season in New York City? Schedule Annual Maintenance Now to Avoid Problems

We may still be enjoying baseball, eating outdoors, and other gifts of summer weather, but technically it’s already fall. Here in the Northeast, that means winter cold and the need for heat will be upon us soon. Every year, our team at Calray Boilers takes panicked calls from clients who wait too late to do a maintenance check on their heating systems. We recommend getting a jump start on the heating season in New York City by scheduling your boiler checkup right away. Here are some of the problems that can be avoided with timely maintenance and why you don’t want to wait.

Common Boiler Problems and Solutions

Boiler won’t turn on or run consistently

Imagine this scenario: you go to start up your building’s boiler at the first New York cold snap, and it won’t turn on or stay on. There are lots of reasons why this can happen:

  • Problems with the ignition or wiring to electrical components
  • Issue with gas fuel supply line
  • Something wrong with the burner or combustion chamber
  • Tank leaking, not full enough, or running dry
  • Automatic water feeder not working (see below)
  • Malfunction with boiler or pump controls

When we do a pre-season maintenance check, we ensure all these potential issues are not going to affect your boiler. You’ll know it will start up as needed when the weather turns chilly.

Automatic water feeder not functioning properly

The automatic water feeder sends water to the boiler tank, where it is warmed for heat (and hot water, if that’s not a separate system). As the name implies, the automatic feeder should turn on by itself any time the tank gets low enough. If it’s not automatically activated, your boiler should eventually shut down to avoid running dry, which could be catastrophic for your boiler. But the boiler shutting down means no heat or hot water, so the automatic water heater is a vital component of the system.

Our routine maintenance call involves checking over the automatic water feeder. We make sure the sensor that triggers it to operate is working properly and that it dispenses the correct amount of water. If there is a problem with the pump, we work with our Omnia Mechanical Group associates at Antler Pumps to fix it.

Steam traps failing to work correctly

Some buildings use steam traps that recycle radiator steam in the form of condensation. This is sent back to the boiler already warm, so it doesn’t take much to reheat the water to turn it into steam again for heat. Because it saves on boiler energy and water consumption, a steam return system extends the life of your boiler and saves you money.

It’s smart to check over your steam traps at the start of the system to make certain they’re functioning as they should and haven’t become dirty or clogged. One sign your steam traps need attention is if the automatic water feeder starts running more than usual, signaling that the boiler isn’t getting enough condensation and needs fresh water to make heat.

Too much or too little heat

Did your building’s occupants complain last year that their units were too hot or too cold? That’s a sure sign your heat system needs a few adjustments before this winter. Some solutions that may work include:

  • Changing the settings on your boiler (this should only be done by a professional)
  • Installing individual thermostats in each unit, along with thermostatic radiator valves
  • Adjusting the steam vents on radiators
  • Assessing the integrity of the pipes leading to radiators
  • Adding insulation to pipes in the heat system to prevent energy loss
  • Checking the hot water circulator pump and related elements

We often work with our partners at Sanitary Plumbing to remedy any heat problems that are related to radiator operation versus problems with the boiler itself. Together, we can also eliminate “water hammer,” the banging of pipes and radiators due to problems with the way steam and water mix or malfunctioning steam traps.

Boiler surging and other emergencies

A yearly boiler check can also make sure there are no major issues with your boiler that could result in damage, injuries, or boiler shutdown. Some more serious problems we’ve encountered include:

  • Incomplete combustion or other malfunctions that result in excess carbon monoxide in the environment
  • Tank leaking due to corrosion and wear
  • Boiler surging and shutting down

As mentioned above, we do a thorough check of your combustion components with an autumn boiler evaluation. We can also talk to you about boiler water treatment, which can prevent catastrophic surging as well as leaks from overly acidic water. Treating your boiler water to the proper pH can extend the lifespan of your boiler too.

Why Early Autumn Boiler Maintenance Is Best

Multiple advantages to planning ahead

When you schedule your fall boiler maintenance in advance of winter, you reap several benefits:

  • Our calendar isn’t overwhelmed with emergency appointments, so you have a better chance of getting a convenient time.
  • If you need parts or repairs, or if you desire upgrades, we have time before winter starts in earnest.
  • You can tend to other late-season tasks, like city inspections and other obligations that must be done before the end of the year.
  • Your budget will like paying for a routine service call instead of an emergency visit if something goes unexpectedly wrong during wintertime.

Call Calray Boilers Today to Schedule Your Maintenance Appointment

Start winter with confidence

You will like the peace of mind that comes with knowing your boiler is all set to go when the snow flies. Call Calray Boilers today at 212-722-5506 to schedule your fall boiler maintenance check at your leisure. Don’t forget to ask about our annual service agreement, which makes staying on top of boiler maintenance even easier!

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