Boiler Quiz Questions: How Much Do You Know About Commercial Boilers?

If you’re a New York City property owner or manage a large co-operative or condominium building, you likely have at least one commercial boiler for heat and hot water. How well do you know your way around a boiler system? Test your knowledge with these fun and educational boiler quiz questions!

Boiler Anatomy

1 What are the two main types of commercial boilers?

  1. Sectional boilers
  2. Cold gas boilers
  3. Graphite boilers
  4. Convection boilers
  5. Tube boilers
  6. High-efficiency boilers

2 The sectional boiler is often nicknamed the “pork chop boiler” because:

  1. The sections resemble pork chops.
  2. It was first used to heat late 19th century butcher shops.
  3. The design is based on an ancient Chinese heater from a pork-producing region.
  4. Copper miners used to cook pork chops on an early prototype during the Montana mining boom.

3 What is the function of a Hartford loop?

  1. To speed the transport of steam to individual radiators
  2. To prevent steam pressure in the condensate return line from pulling water out of the boiler tank and into the return system
  3. To filter fresh water entering the automatic water feeder in order to keep the boiler tank cleaner
  4. To create an endless frustrating traffic pattern between Connecticut and the city

4 Your boiler’s condensate return system was designed to do what?

  1. Move steam from the boiler to radiators
  2. Improve humidity in the combustion chamber
  3. Release excess water from the boiler tank
  4. Return condensed steam from radiators to the boiler tank

Boiler Chemistry and Physics

5 What are the two main causes of water hammer in boiler system pipes or radiators?

  1. High hot water velocity
  2. Water and steam competing for the same space
  3. Radiators installed in a level position
  4. Radiators that are too small for the amount of steam they receive

6 To what pH range should boiler water typically be treated?

  1. 2 to 3.5
  2. 4.5 to 6.5
  3. 7 to 9
  4. 12 to 15

7 Which three components are needed for a boiler combustion reaction?

  1. Water
  2. Heat
  3. Oxygen
  4. Magnesium
  5. Low relative humidity
  6. Hydrocarbon

8 What are the two primary signs of incomplete combustion in a boiler system?

  1. Sooty buildup around the burners
  2. Loud noise when the boiler is firing
  3. Yellow flame
  4. Boiler surging
  5. Low cut-off switch triggered

9 Choose two signs of excess carbon monoxide in the boiler room.

  1. Sweating pipes
  2. Workers feeling sleepy
  3. Automatic water feeder not working
  4. Carbon monoxide detector alarming

Boiler Maintenance

10 What is surging in a boiler tank?

  1. Giving the boiler water a rapid dose of chemicals to raise the pH
  2. When the boiler runs almost nonstop in the coldest weather
  3. Sloshing, foaming, or percolating water in the boiler tank
  4. Higher fuel costs to heat water due to greater demand, like Uber at rush hour

11 If you suspect your boiler tank has a leak, what are four indicators to confirm your suspicions?

  1. Boiler triggering circuit breakers to shut off
  2. Signs of corrosion in pipes
  3. Low boiler tank water pH
  4. Boiler surging
  5. Dripping water outside the tank
  6. Banging noise in the condensate return lines
  7. Automatic water feeder running more frequently

12 When is the best time of year for a professional annual boiler system check?

  1. January, to start the new year off right
  2. April, when boiler experts are most available
  3. July, so you can shut the boiler off to work on it
  4. October, while the weather is still warm

Quiz Answers

How well did you do? Here are the answers, along with a few pro tips.

1 A & E Sectional and tube boilers are the two main types.

2 A The sections that look like pork chops make it easy to assemble and add volume.

3 B The Hartford loop must be correctly installed to perform this function.

4 D Recycling condensate saves on fresh water usage and extends boiler life.

5 B & C Try tipping radiators a few degrees towards the drain pipe to stop hammer.

6 C Normally, a pH of 7 to 9 is common, but your boiler expert can help with this.

7 B, C, & F A hydrocarbon (like gas) + heat + oxygen = combustion.

8 A & C Your combustion zone needs attention if you notice these signs.

9 B & D Never mess with the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning!

10 C Surging can be a disaster for your boiler, but it’s preventable.

11 B, C, E & G Stop boiler leaks from wear and acidic water while they’re still small.

12 D Fall is the best time, but any month is better than a boiler breakdown!

If you missed some questions, you can find all the answers and more detailed information in our Calray Boiler blog posts. For your convenience, just click on the links inside many of the quiz questions.

Meanwhile, has your building’s boiler been checked over for winter before the New York heating season starts? Don’t wait until the snow flies to make sure everything is set to run properly and keep everyone toasty warm when the thermometer plummets.

When you schedule your boiler maintenance with plenty of time in hand, you give yourself a buffer in case you need repairs or parts. You head into winter knowing everything is in good shape, so you can tend to other year-end responsibilities (like inspections that must be completed by the end of 2022). To schedule your annual boiler checkup, call Calray Boilers today at 212-722-5506.

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