Understanding Boiler Combustion: Atmospheric Burners vs. Power Burners

Combustion is the key element of any boiler. Without the combustion reaction, your boiler could not produce heat or hot water. Therefore, understanding boiler combustion is essential to helping your boiler run better and get the best fuel economy. If you’ve wondered what’s the difference between an atmospheric burner vs. a power burner, this post will explain it to you so you can choose the best type of burner for your boiler’s combustion for the highest level of efficiency.

What Is Combustion?

Understanding fuel burning

Before we get into a comparison of boiler burner types, let’s review the basics of combustion reactions. Combustion is the burning of a hydrocarbon, like natural gas, in the presence of oxygen. Heat is applied to speed up the reaction, and the result produces even more heat, as well as light and some byproducts, like carbon dioxide and water.

In a boiler system, the combustion reaction occurs at the burner. This is where piped gas meets with oxygen and a flame to produce the heat that warms water in the tank for radiator heat and hot water from the building’s taps.

What Is an Atmospheric Burner vs. a Power Burner?

Air mix ratios and more

While there are several kinds of burners, commercial boilers usually use one of two kinds: an atmospheric burner or a power burner. An atmospheric burner simply draws oxygen from the boiler room environment as part of the combustion reaction. A power burner, on the other hand, uses a mechanical blower to supply oxygen for boiler combustion.

Originally, power burners used single-speed blowers to provide air for boiler combustion with natural gas. However, more sophisticated models have been developed with variable speeds for the blower, as well as dampers to further control the amount of air allowed into the chamber. Some power burners also have modulating valves that control the flow of natural gas to the combustion area, allowing for further refinement of the reaction.

Power burners have become the new standard for commercial boilers in New York City, and most of our condominium and co-operative clients use this technology. Because you can get a very precise mixture of air and fuel, you can potentially maximize your gas consumption, plus utilize the boiler more effectively to create heat and hot water for building occupants. Hitting that perfect mix actually has a scientific name: stoichiometric combustion.

Which Type of Burner Is Right for Your Boiler?

Desired output is the key factor

Given all the information laid out above, is an atmospheric burner or a power burner best for your commercial boiler system? One prime determinant for which type to select is the size of your boiler output in BTUs (British thermal units). Atmospheric burners are acceptable up to about 500,000 BTUs per hour in certain applications. If you desire an output above that, a power burner is the better choice.

The Importance of Proper Maintenance with Both Burner Types

Preventing boiler disasters and worker hazards

All boilers require routine professional maintenance, but power burners need extra care with both checkups and installation. This is not a burner you want to adjust or put in yourself, as you could create a dangerous situation that could damage your boiler or injure building staff.

For instance, if not enough oxygen is delivered, an excess of fuel can build up. Then, when oxygen is added in a correction, an explosion can occur due the large amount of gas present.

Furthermore, the parts involved in a power burner can be exposed to the boiler room environment, making them more vulnerable to dirt and corrosion. They must be carefully tended and cleaned in order to prolong their lifespan and prevent combustion problems.

One of the most common combustion issues we see is incomplete combustion, indicated by large amounts of soot around the burner or a flame that burns yellow, not blue. Incomplete combustion has the inherent danger of producing too much carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide, abbreviated CO, can make a boiler room worker sick in mere minutes, and it can kill someone within an hour.

To prevent incomplete combustion and excess carbon monoxide dangers, follow these tips:

  • – Always have boiler professionals install and make adjustments to your power burner.
  • – Keep the area around the burner free of any other equipment.
  • – Make note of any soot accumulation or yellow flames in the burner indicating incomplete combustion.
  • – Install carbon monoxide detectors in your boiler room, and text them frequently.
  • – Have your boiler serviced and cleaned regularly — at least once per year — to catch any small problems before they become catastrophic.

Let Calray Boilers Advise You About Your Power Burner

New York City’s boiler experts

Whether you want to explore switching to a power burner for your boiler, or your power burner and boiler system are overdue for routine maintenance, reach out to Calray Boilers. We can consult with you on the best type and model of burner for your commercial boiler, and we can thoroughly go over your boiler to make sure you’re not at risk of any of the dangers discussed above. To schedule an appointment, simply call us today at 212-722-5506.

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