The Right Thermostat Can Greatly Improve Energy Efficiency

Most New York City property owners know about the heating season from October 1 through May 31. During these eight months, buildings must maintain an indoor temperature of at least 62°F from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., regardless of outdoor temperatures. Between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., property owners must ensure interior temperatures are at least 68°F when exterior temps are below 55°F.

Modern smart thermostats can make it easier to adjust the temperature settings than older manual options, but they are not ideal for every system. To find and manage energy-efficient thermostat settings, you must first select an appropriate thermostat for your system. Discover the perfect temperature settings for your property and the best thermostats.

Energy-Efficient Thermostat Settings and Operation

Temperature Adjustments and Savings

The rules for NYC heating season help property owners save money during the colder months. By turning your heating or cooling temperature setting back 7°F to 10°F for eight hours daily, you can save 10% on utility costs annually. The average savings depend on the severity of the climate; for example, a frigid winter may force your boiler or heating system to power up more often, using more energy and cutting into your savings.

The NYC regulations help reduce costs as much as possible during the winter. By lowering the temperature in the evening, when tenants are likely asleep, the system doesn’t need to use as much energy. It will probably shut down more frequently with only short cycles on to maintain ambient temperatures. Also, the lower the interior temperature, the slower the rate of heat loss.

In the summer, owners of buildings with cooling can use a similar strategy when setting energy-efficient thermostat settings, keeping units warmer when tenants are away and cooler when they are home. The goal in the summer is to maintain only a slight difference between the outside and interior temperatures. The smaller the difference, the lower your building’s utility bills.

Manual Versus Programmable Thermostats

Manual thermostats can allow you to make necessary adjustments throughout the day, but they are not the most effective or reliable method for consistent adjustments because they rely on people to make the changes. Whenever there’s a human in the equation, you must make room for human error. It’s common for a staff member or tenant to forget to set thermostats back or to make several adjustments during the day without considering overall system efficiency.

Thermostats programmed for your heating system are efficient, and they remove the element of human error. With a digital thermostat, you can program temperature adjustments throughout the day, enabling heating to occur automatically. Also, if you install a central system, it is possible to eliminate or manage individual access to temperature controls throughout the building.

Programmable Thermostat Limitations With Specific Systems

Heat Pumps

Energy-efficient thermostat settings are different across various heating and cooling devices or appliances. Heat pump systems, for instance, are not the best option for programmable thermostats because of how they work. While adjusting the thermostat up when the pump is in cooling mode can save energy and money, the same is not true when the unit is in heating mode.

When a heat pump is in its heating mode, setting the temperature back can force the system to work improperly and cause stress inefficiencies. The result is a reversal of any savings you might have earned when the system was in its cooling mode.

The best practice for buildings relying on heat pumps is maintaining a moderate, constant setting. For NYC property owners, the best option is likely to set a steady temperature of 68°F throughout the heating season.

That said, some companies now produce smart or programmable thermostats for heat pumps. The newer thermostats use algorithms to reduce the dependence on and use of backup resistance heat systems.

Electrical Resistance Systems

Electric resistance systems, such as baseboard heating, require special thermostats that can control 120-volt or 240-volt circuits. Line-voltage programmable thermostats are available but only from a few manufacturers, so as with heat pumps, the most energy-efficient thermostat setting may be to maintain a specific temperature throughout the season.

Steam Heat and Radiant Floor Heating

Steam heat and radiant floor heating are slow-response systems. Because it takes time for either of these systems to reach a specific temperature, some argue that setting down the temperature when in bed or away from home is not worthwhile. However, some smart thermostats can automatically adjust temperature settings to meet efficiency standards by tracking and learning the performance of your heating system.

If you don’t want to invest in a smart thermostat for your specific slow-response system, you can use a standard programmable thermostat, adjusting for heating and cool-down times. Initially, programming the thermostat can be a challenge and require some guesswork, but with time, you can find the right schedule to save energy and maintain a comfortable temperature in your building.

Best Device for Energy-Efficient Thermostat Settings in Your Building


Smart thermostats bring digital convenience and a level of autonomy to your heating controls. They automatically set themselves based on the heating requirements and habits of residents. However, you don’t need a fancy smart device to program basic temperature settings. A straightforward programmable thermostat that is digital or electromechanical is fine.


Standard digital programmable thermostats allow the user to input a temperature and time schedule. Unlike smart models, however, they do not learn and automatically adapt to the environment and your habits.


Property owners who find any digital device challenging to master might consider sticking with traditional electromechanical programmable options. These devices lack a digital interface but commonly have sliding bars or pegs that everyone understands intuitively.

Energy Efficient Thermostat Settings and Devices

Find the Right Thermostat for Your Property

Are you uncertain about what type of thermostat and temperature settings suit your property? Call Calray Boilers at 212-722-5506 to schedule a property assessment and learn which devices are best for your building and heating needs. The Calray team can help you understand the benefits of newer digital thermometers and how more traditional thermostats are still relevant, as well as ensure your boiler is ready for the heating season.

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