Your Guide To NYC Local Law 152 in 2024

Property owners in New York City must remain knowledgeable about building codes and local laws to avoid safety concerns and violations. Every year sees changes to rules and regulations, making it challenging to stay informed. NYC Local Law 152 is one example of an evolving law.

Passed in 2016 by the New York City Council, Local Law 152 establishes an inspection schedule for gas piping systems to reduce the risk of leaks and pipeline explosions. Discover the current provisions of the law as of January 1, 2024, and how you can ensure your property complies with this ordinance.

P.S. Want to be sure your property is compliant to Local Law 152? Schedule your 2024 inspections today and stay ahead of the regulations. 

NYC Local Law 152: Origin, Passage, and Key Provisions

Origin and Passage

Local Law 152 originated as a response to several tragedies, including the Harlem explosion in 2014, that highlighted the vulnerabilities in NYC’s aging infrastructure. Public outcry motivated the creation of the law, which was part of a larger package announced by then-Mayor Bill de Blasio as the “Gas Safety Package.” In 2016, the safety package, including Local Law 152, passed unanimously in the city council.

Despite the law’s passing, it did not take effect until January 1, 2020. The law required finalization from the NYC Department of Buildings, which put the final rules, provisions, and procedures in place.

Key Provisions

NYC Local Law 152 established three fundamental provisions for multi-dwelling buildings throughout the city: mandatory inspections, reporting and repair, and compliance and penalties.

The mandatory inspections provision provides clear guidance on the frequency, scope, and methods of inspections. First, inspections must occur every four years. Second, the inspection must assess exposed pipes from the point of entry to the meter room, excluding tenant spaces. Finally, a licensed plumber must perform the visual inspections, checking for leaks, corrosion, and illegal connections.

The reporting and repair provision addresses how to file the inspection certificate, what owners must do about defects and repairs, and how long owners have to complete the repairs. Only qualified individuals can sign and file a sealed certificate to the DOB after the inspection. Calray Boilers can handle the inspection and filing for you.

The company or plumber performing the inspection must provide a report identifying any issues that require repair. Finally, the inspector should provide a timeline to complete the repairs and a deadline for reinspection. All inspections must comply with set deadlines or face penalties.

If a property owner does not get an inspection of their system or does not make necessary repairs by set deadlines in NYC Local Law 152, they face fines ranging from $5,000 or more. Some property owners may face fines of up to $25,000 for repeat violations.

That said, some properties are exempt. Buildings without gas piping do not need to submit to inspections, but they must submit a “no gas piping” certificate from a registered architect or engineer.

Local Law 152 in 2024: Key Changes and Deadlines

Key Changes

This law changed little in 2024. The primary change states that from January 1, 2024, periodic inspection due dates will fall on the 4th anniversary of the previous inspection. Everything else remains the same.


There are several deadlines to keep in mind for 2024. First, buildings in community districts 1, 3, and 10 in the five boroughs are due for inspection. Property owners must have the inspections performed and submitted by December 31, 2024.

Finally, inspections are due for low- and high-pressure boilers. Any property with such a boiler must submit an inspection certificate by December 31, 2024. Calray Boilers can assist you with all your inspection and maintenance needs in compliance with NYC Local Law 152.

Inspection: Requirements and Process

Building Owner Responsibilities

Building owners coordinate and schedule the required inspections of Local Law 152. As a property owner, you must track and facilitate the inspection schedule every four years from the law’s effective date in your community district.

To facilitate, you must ensure an inspector — a licensed master plumber — has access to all required areas of the property. A plumber typically needs to evaluate hallways, basements, boiler rooms, and meter rooms. To obtain further clarification on the inspection guidelines, please reach out to Calray Boilers or a representative from the NYC DOB.

Beyond ensuring the building is accessible, property owners must also hire a qualified inspector. Calray Boilers employs several skilled plumbers who can inspect and assess your system.

Inspection Process

The NYC Local Law 152 inspection of the gas-piping system is visual. The plumber examines the piping, joints, and connections, looking for leaks, corrosion, and illegal connections. Typical signs of leaks include hissing sounds or unusual odors. Corrosion may appear as rust, pitting, or cracks in the piping and materials.

A plumber may use a gas detection device to aid their inspection, although it is optional. The approved device is supplemental to the visual inspection, and inspectors mainly use it to assess hard-to-reach or concealed pipes.

NYC Building Codes: Finding Resources and Support

NYC Department of Buildings

You may want more information about the law and your requirements as a building owner in NYC. In that case, check out the official website for the NYC DOB: Periodic Gas Piping System Inspections. You can also contact Calray Boilers, a knowledgeable and qualified plumbing service.

NYC Local Law 152: Omnia Mechanical Group to the Rescue

Service Contracts, Maintenance, and Inspections

To improve public safety and prevent future tragedies related to gas leaks and explosions, the city of New York has specific requirements regarding inspections of gas piping systems.

Omnia Mechanical Group can help with these inspections, allowing building owners to remain compliant with NYC Local Law 152, as well as do much more to ensure your property’s safe operation. With our annual service contracts, you never have to worry about missing routine inspections or required maintenance. We make sure your property meets all the necessary deadlines and more. Call our team at 212-722-5506 to discuss annual service contracts or schedule an assessment.

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