Boiler Inspections in NYC: A Quick Prep Guide for Property Managers

If you manage a property in New York City, your boilers are subject to annual inspections to ensure they are functioning safely and correctly. Boiler inspections can be a cause for confusion, especially if you have never experienced one before, and you don’t want to be in violation of the Department of Buildings requirement, as this can result in substantial fees. Rest assured, Calray Boilers is here to explain the process to you by answering common questions that will help you be prepared.

Is every building required to have a boiler inspection?

Inspection exceptions

Not every building is required to have a boiler inspection; there are some exceptions. The following boilers do not need an inspection:

  • Boilers that heat individual dwelling units
  • Boilers in one- to five-family properties
  • Domestic hot water boilers rated at a heat input of less than 350,000 BTUs
  • Boilers in mixed-use buildings that only heat residential units
  • Boilers rated at a heat input of less than 100,000 BTUs
  • Boilers owned by federal or state government agencies, the United Nations, foreign consulates, or the Port Authority

What if your building has a new boiler?

First test inspections

If your building has a brand new boiler or has had over half of the boiler replaced, it should undergo what is known as a first test inspection. This is conducted by the Department of Buildings. Once they sign off on your boiler, it can enter into the regular annual inspection cycle like every other boiler. You do not need to have an annual inspection during the year of your first test inspection.

If a boiler fails its first test inspection, the defects found must be corrected, and the inspection must be redone. Boilers must pass their first test inspection before they are considered registered. If you need a boiler installed or large components replaced, contact Calray Boilers so you can be confident the job will be done right the first time and you’ll pass your first test inspection.

Who performs boiler inspections in NYC?

Master plumbers and other professionals

Only certain professionals are permitted to perform boiler inspections in New York City:

  • Master plumbers
  • Oil burner installers
  • High-pressure boiler operating engineers (licensed by the Department of Buildings or by an authorized insurance company)
  • Authorized insurance companies

Building owners or property managers are responsible for hiring their own boiler inspectors once a boiler has passed the first test inspection.

How do boiler inspections work?

High-pressure boilers

High-pressure boilers are inspected internally and externally. An inspection may only be performed by an authorized insurance company. These inspections should be conducted during the annual cycle of January 1 through December 31 and should take place approximately six months apart. A separate report is filed online for each type of inspection and must be submitted within 45 days.

Inspectors must email the Department of Buildings at at least 10 days prior to the internal inspection. Any defects uncovered during the inspection must be remedied, and a second inspection must be completed. A copy of the inspection report must be filed online with the Department of Buildings within 180 calendar days from the initial inspection.

Low-pressure boilers

Low-pressure boilers, which make up the vast majority of boilers in New York City, must have their inspections conducted during the annual cycle from January 1 through December 31. Any boiler that is not included in the list of exceptions above must be inspected by one of the approved authorities also mentioned earlier in this post.

The boiler inspection report must be filed with the Department of Buildings within 45 days of the inspection by an authorized inspector. Extension requests for special contingencies can be submitted, but late reports without approved extensions will be assessed a penalty fine.

Just like with regular maintenance (see below), don’t wait until the last minute to schedule your annual boiler inspection. Inspectors get quite booked up when the heating season starts again in the fall, and you’ll have a better choice of appointments by scheduling early.

What if you have further questions about NYC boiler inspections?

Online city resources

The City of New York has a portion of its website devoted to boiler inspections, including a section on frequently asked questions. Of course, if you can’t find the information you’re looking for, Calray Boilers is always here to assist you. We want to make the inspection process as simple and clear for you as possible so you can focus on the myriad other tasks on your list.

Can you prepare for a boiler inspection?

Regular maintenance from your boiler experts

The best way to prepare for a boiler inspection is to keep your boiler maintained at all times. This includes both self-checks to catch small problems before they become big ones and service by a boiler pro to address issues that are beyond your level of expertise. As your resource for boiler maintenance in NYC properties, we offer advice about how you can stay on top of boiler function on our helpful blog.

For routine upkeep prior to your boiler inspection, call Calray Boilers at 212-722-5506 or simply set up an appointment online. Don’t wait until you have a boiler emergency or your inspection report is late and costing you money. Remember too, boiler experts get much busier once cold weather arrives. Reach out today for the best in boiler care and schedule at your convenience.

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