Does Your Sewage Ejector Pump Smell? Causes and Solutions

Many properties in New York City, from single-family homes to multi-unit apartment buildings, have sewage ejector pumps. While these pumps are essential for removing waste, they can act up from time to time. If you’ve noticed a sewage ejector pump smell, which is a common complaint we field here at Antler Pumps, there are some solutions you can try first yourself before calling in the pros. Try these tips to resolve odors and make sure your ejector pump is running properly at all times.

What Does Your Sewage Ejector Pump Do?

Assisting where gravity needs a boost

Sewage ejector pumps are utilized in low-lying areas of many different property types. When gravity isn’t sufficient to move waste into the sewer main, a sewage ejector pump provides an extra push, so waste doesn’t sit in bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms.

You’ll find sewage ejector pumps either just below the areas mentioned above or just outside these rooms on the exterior of the building. Waste collects in the pump’s basin. A flotation device detects when the basin is full and triggers the pump to empty the basin. It may simply propel the waste out, or it may grind it up first, like a garbage disposal, hence the alternative name “sewage grinder pump.”

Why Does Your Sewage Ejector Pump Smell?

Many possible causes

There are many reasons why your sewage ejector pump smells unpleasant. Let’s review the causes first, and then we’ll go through the fixes you can try to get rid of this odor.

  • The pump is old and hasn’t been properly maintained. You may encounter this if you recently purchased the property or hired new management.
  • The pump was not installed correctly.
  • The basin is dirty and needs to be cleaned.
  • Tenants are improperly disposing of items that shouldn’t enter the sewage system. This includes diaper wipes, face wipes, feminine hygiene products, paper towels, cat litter, cooking grease, and trash that belongs in other receptacles.
  • The pump impeller is clogged or damaged.
  • The pump’s electrical system has a problem.
  • The flotation sensor is stuck or malfunctioning, so the basin isn’t emptying.
  • The seal around the basin is poor or compromised.
  • You have a leak somewhere in the system.
  • The pump is due for maintenance to remove scale, change oil, etc.
  • The vent hole is blocked.
  • There is a clog further downstream between the pump and the sewer line.

What Are Some Solutions You Can Try to Eliminate Sewage Ejector Pump Odors?

Easy DIY fixes to try yourself

Replace outdated pumps

First, accept the fact that all pumps have a lifespan. If your sewage ejector pump is several decades old and has been in constant use, it may be time to replace it. If you inherited an ejector pump that hasn’t been maintained in a long time, it’s smart to have it professionally serviced.

Evaluate installation

You also want to make sure the pump has been installed correctly. It should sit straight up in the basin, not at a tilt. And it must be the right size for your property. Sometimes we see ejector pumps that are too small, whether they weren’t chosen well at the start or weren’t upgraded after an addition that put increased wear on the machine.

Clean the pump

If you notice obvious mineral scales around the pump or the accumulation of sand, sediment, or rust particles, your pump needs a good cleaning. If you feel this is outside your wheelhouse, we’re happy to do it for you. Likewise, if you suspect the pump’s impeller is clogged or there is an internal problem, it’s probably time to call the experts.

Assess electrical elements

Any worn or clearly damaged electrical components should be fixed by a professional. Disconnect the pump, if it is safe to do so, or cut power via the electrical panel supplying the pump. If your pump is constantly setting off your circuit breaker, it could either be a problem with the pump itself or with your wiring. We suggest having us take a look at the pump first, and if it’s not a pump problem, we advise you to consult with a licensed electrician about the outlet or your electrical panel.

Fix basin issues

Basin problems are relatively easy to fix on your own. It may be that the basin is quite dirty and needs a good scrubbing. Ensure the seal between the basin and the interior of the property is intact, and replace any components that have become too hard or are broken. Check that the float device that triggers the pump is operating properly. Sometimes they can become stuck or broken and need to be loosened or replaced.

Watch for leaks

Leaks in the system often leave visible evidence. Look for pooled water, drips, or condensation that may indicate you need the help of your pump specialist or plumber. Similarly, a clog below the pump, once you’ve ascertained it’s running correctly, may also require a professional service call.

Check the vent hole

Make certain the vent hole isn’t blocked. The vent is required by the NYC building code, and a blockage can prevent the pump from running optimally, resulting in abnormal odors.

Educate tenants

Finally, make sure your tenants know how to dispose of various items they use. Give them a list of all the things that should never go into the sewer system, and offer alternative disposal methods instead.

What Are Signs Your Sewage Ejector Pump Needs Maintenance or Replacement?

Warnings to heed

Along with bad odors, there are other warning signs that your sewage ejector pump is either on the fritz or about to fail on you. Be sure to pay attention to these signs, so you tend to them before you have a major sewage problem on your hands.

  • Tenants complaining the pump is not working properly, usually manifesting as waste backing up in sinks and toilet bowls
  • Visible mineral scale from hard water or sediment building up in and around the pump
  • Hardened or broken O rings, gaskets, or seals
  • Excessive noise or vibration (could be a pump problem or a loose fastener or bracket)
  • Pump running continuously without shutting off
  • Wet spots or leaking fluids
  • Low or dirty oil visible in the gauge (if your model has a gauge)
  • Worn or frayed wires on the pump cord or a broken electrical plug
  • Pump operation constantly triggering circuit breaker

Do You Need Professional Maintenance on Your Sewage Ejector Pump?

Antler Pumps for expert assistance

Whether you need routine maintenance, a repair, or a replacement for your sewage ejector pump, Antler Pumps is here to help. Call us today at 212-534-2500, or schedule a service call online. Don’t live with a sewage ejector pump smell when an easy solution is at your fingertips!

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