Hot Water and Heat Complaints in NYC: Avoid These Common Calls When You’re a Property Manager

New York City often experiences brutal winters with heavy snowfalls and frigid temperatures. As a building owner, you are responsible for ensuring your property provides adequate heat from the general heating system and water supply.

Heat complaints in NYC are always high. From October 1st, 2022, to January 10th, 2023, complaints reached an alarming 118,600, with the Bronx reporting the most unique heat complaints throughout 2022. Discover the problems in your building sparking hot water and heating issues.

What’s Sparking Heat Complaints in NYC?

Common Boiler Problems

When a heating system is not working, it is sure to cause a lot of complaints. Tenants may complain to property managers about insufficient heating or a complete lack of heat. As a property owner, you must resolve the issues quickly or face legal repercussions.

There are many potential causes for insufficient or a complete lack of heat, some with easy resolutions. For example, a boiler unit can sometimes trip a circuit and shut down. Maintenance staff can try resetting the tripped breaker but should call a professional if the unit continues to trip the circuit.

Another potential culprit for insufficient heating is a faulty thermostat. While smart or conventional thermostats look easy to manage, they can glitch sometimes. Also, the devices are susceptible to human error. If a thermostat is genuinely malfunctioning and disrupting heating functions, a professional should replace it.

Boilers generate heat by heating a water supply. Then, the system circulates hot water through pipes to baseboard heaters or radiators. If the water is losing too much heat during the trip, you likely have a leak in the system.

If your radiators don’t seem to heat at all, you may have blockages in the line or air pockets in the system. If dealing with air pockets, you can bleed the system. That said, some heating issues stem from more significant issues that require professional inspection and repair.

Finally, if your building uses an oil or gas furnace or boiler, the heating problems can stem from fuel leaks, overrun heat pumps, failing fan motors, or mechanical issues. Do not attempt to resolve any heating issues without consulting and working with a professional. Boilers are dangerous appliances and require knowledgeable technicians to avoid significant issues.

Common Water Heater Problems

Heat complaints in NYC don’t only involve general heating systems; problems with the hot water supply also is a hot-button issue among NYC tenants. Water heaters are essential to the quality of life in residential buildings. Unfortunately, these appliances can break down without routine maintenance and cause disruptions.

If a water heater does not produce hot water or cannot support demand, the problems can stem from a faulty thermostat, heating element, or dip tube. Water heaters are pressurized systems, so only experienced professionals should diagnose or repair damages.

As with boiler systems, faulty thermostats are common enough problems with water heaters, and the symptoms are usually temperature extremes. A problematic thermostat creates significant safety concerns as it can lead to burns and scalding of tenants. You can avoid some liability risks by installing anti-scald devices in units.

If heat complaints in NYC center around water temperature and include symptoms like brown or orange water, the unit’s water heater may have a sediment buildup. Such issues might also be a sign that the heater has reached its life expectancy, typically 10 to 15 years.

Leaks can cause a poor supply of hot water. If the appliance is leaking, the hot water supply in the tank is continuously replenishing, meaning the tank is likely cycling on more often than usual. Leaks can stem from loose connections or corrosion, so it is essential to have a professional inspect the system.

Overall, poor maintenance is the primary culprit of hot water tank problems, including colder temperatures. All vital systems and appliances in your building require routine maintenance; without it, the system degrades and likely won’t reach expected lifetime limits.

What’s the Solution for Heat Complaints in NYC?

Annual Service Contracts

Annual service contracts for boilers and heating equipment can protect building owners from frequent complaints and liability issues. A typical service contract includes:

  • – Seasonal maintenance
  • – Tune-ups
  • – Checkups
  • – Emergency service
  • – Priority treatment

The beauty of annual contracts is they remove the pressure from building owners. You no longer have to keep track of maintenance schedules because Antler Boilers will do it for you.

With annual agreements, you invest in preventative maintenance, meaning fewer risks of emergency breakdowns and system accidents. The plans also result in improved efficiency, better indoor air quality, and improvement of system lifespan.

Ultimately, annual service contracts ensure consistency in the care of your boiler and heating appliances limiting heating complaints in NYC properties. While the initial cost of the agreement may seem steep, remember what you are getting. The plan gives you priority scheduling and ensures your systems receive all proper maintenance.

Also, when considering the cost of the service, view it in terms of the average cost of common boiler repairs. On average, a gas boiler will cost between $100 and $8,500 to repair or replace; an electric boiler costs between $200 and $6,500. A maintenance contract reduces the need for significant repairs and can increase the system’s life expectancy.

Annual service contracts are also lifesavers in NYC, where the climate shifts drastically from season to season. As a building owner, having boiler units break down in extreme cold brings up potential liability concerns. Routine maintenance with service contracts significantly reduces the threat of complete system breakdowns, thereby reducing complaints and liability risks.

How Do You Get Help With Heat Complaints in NYC?

Call Calray Boilers for System Inspections and Maintenance

Heating systems and hot water heaters require continuous care to ensure the systems function correctly. Lapsed maintenance is a surefire way to risk the integrity of the systems.

Heat complaints in NYC are common for property owners, but many are avoidable with routine maintenance and service contracts. Contact Calray Boilers at 212-722-5506 to discuss annual service contracts or schedule an inspection or routine service call. Our team is always ready to ensure your property can handle NYC heating demands.

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