Addressing a High Water Bill When There Is No Visible Leak

Unexplained high water bills can send a ripple of financial worry through any New York City apartment building owner. Not only do owners worry about the charges, they worry about the potential causes. A high water bill with no visible leak can point to hidden problems and costs. Discover how to identify hidden issues and prevent them in the future.

Uncovering the Cause of a High Water Bill With No Visible Leak

Data Gathering

Not all water bill increases warrant concern. Some increases relate to seasonal changes, like outdoor watering in spring and summer. However, a sustained usage increase is reason enough for further investigation. According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), an average household leak can waste almost 10,000 gallons annually, resulting in a potential 10% increase in water bills.

If your water bill is higher than usual, you should request historical usage data from the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The DEP holds onto historical data, allowing property owners to assess trends, potentially revealing a leak that has gradually worsened.

When water usage is consistently higher than in previous years, it may be a sign of a hidden pipe break or leak, depending on the severity. It would be best to account for building occupancy rates in the historical data. Still, water usage can point to a possible problem that requires further investigation.

Hidden Leak Checks

With a high water bill with no visible leaks, hidden leaks are possible. These leaks occur inside walls, under floors, within appliances, and underground. They’re especially problematic because they often go unnoticed for extended periods, resulting in property damage and potential health hazards, like respiratory issues from mold or mildew exposure.

If tenants are amiable to the idea, run a shut-off test to identify a hidden leak and its potential location. Set a time to turn off all taps and water-using appliances. During the test, look at the main water meter. Is it still rising? If so, it may point to a leak.

The shut-off test is easier if each unit has its own meter because then you can run individual tests, which are more controllable and reliable. The process can help pinpoint the affected units to narrow down the area of the building with the leak.

If you don’t want to perform a shut-off test, look for signs of hidden leaks throughout the property, such as dampness, pools of standing water, warped flooring, staining, white mineral deposits on pipes, or mold and mildew. Listen for hissing, dripping, or rushing sounds within walls, ceilings, and floors.

Professional Inspection

If shut-off tests and visual inspections don’t provide answers for a high water bill with no visible leaks, it is likely time for a professional inspection. Licensed NYC plumbers have specialized tools for hidden leak detection, from acoustic listening devices that amplify water leaks and pinpoint areas of concern to thermal cameras that detect temperature differences and reveal moisture patterns.

Sanitary Plumbing can also use pressure tests and tracer gas to identify the precise leak locations. Pressure tests isolate pipe sections, helping narrow down where the leak occurs. Tracer gas techniques use non-toxic gases to pinpoint the exact location of a leak.

Multiple leaks are likely, depending on the age of the building and the severity of the water usage increase. Older buildings, which make up most of NYC’s cityscape, tend to have infrastructure issues. The rise in water bills might only be the first signal of an ongoing problem.

Faulty Water Meter or Billing Errors

Sometimes, a high water bill with no visible leak points to other issues, like a faulty water meter or billing errors. While water meters are built to last, they contain moving parts that can wear down over time, possibly causing inaccurate readings. Also, meters are potentially susceptible to debris or mineral buildup, which may obstruct the mechanics and lead to misreadings. Contact the NYC DEP to schedule a meter assessment if you suspect a faulty meter.

A higher water bill can also stem from estimated readings or human error. If a meter reader cannot access a meter, the water company may estimate water usage based on historical readings, which can be inaccurate. While infrequent, especially in the digital age, human error is possible. Meter readers may make mistakes with data entry or misread the meters, resulting in incorrect bills.

If you suspect a billing or meter error is causing your higher bill, contacting the DEP to test the meter before requesting an inspection of your plumbing system is best. Replacing a faulty meter will not likely cost you anything unless damage results from intentional damage, but hiring a plumber will. Still, a plumber might be the fastest way of determining the cause of a high water bill with no visible leak.

Preventing Future Issues With Hidden Leaks and Billing Costs

Regular Inspections, Proactive Leak Detection, and Water-Efficient Upgrades

To prevent unpleasant surprises from hidden leaks, schedule regular professional inspections and maintenance for building-wide water systems, common areas, and outdoor water use zones. Inspections should focus on identifying tell-tale signs of small leaks, worn or failing plumbing components, and potential problem areas.

In older buildings, periodic leak surveys by licensed plumbers specializing in leak detection are a proactive investment. Using advanced technology, these professionals can identify the precise location of hidden leaks without invasive procedures.

As a building owner, consider water-efficient upgrades to reduce utility bills. Low-flow toilets, showerheads, and faucet aerators reduce water bills and support the city’s sustainability efforts.

Beyond infrastructure upgrades, engage your tenants by providing guides on leak detection and prompt reporting. The apartment community depends on a collaborative approach to catch issues early, save money, and conserve valuable water resources.

Choosing Annual Service Contracts To Guard Against High Water Bills With No Visible Leaks

Routine Maintenance and Inspections With Sanitary Plumbing

A high water bill with no visible leak can be frustrating. Sanitary Plumbing can help. With our annual service contract, we can locate your hidden leak and reduce the risk of future damage. By signing the agreement, you no longer have to worry about scheduling routine maintenance and inspections because we’ll remember for you. Contact our team at 212-734-5000 to discuss our annual service agreements and schedule an inspection.

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