Antler Pumps – The More You Know: Basic Pump Terminology

If you need to call the pump experts for a repair job, or if you want to try to fix a pump problem on your own, knowing basic pump terminology is essential. Having the proper vocabulary lets you describe the problem precisely and gives you the tools to search for solutions, whether at the hardware store or online. Here are the terms you should know, especially if you are the owner or manager of a larger property in New York City.

Types of Pumps

Boiler feeder pump

This is the pump that automatically feeds water into the boiler when it gets low. It’s triggered by a sensor that detects the level of water in the boiler tank.

Centrifugal pump

A centrifugal pump is one of the basic categories of pumps based on its mechanism. Centrifugal pumps, which are the most common type found in residential properties of all sizes, use an impeller inside to move fluid, as opposed to a positive displacement pump. It gets its name by using centrifugal force to move fluid outward.

Fire suppression pump

These pumps are used in fire control systems, typically to provide water to sprinkler heads to extinguish fires. In high-rise buildings, fire suppression pumps may be housed on multiple levels to serve different heights.

Positive displacement pump

The opposite of a centrifugal pump, a positive displacement pump uses its components to displace fluid and move it towards its destination. Typically today a piston performs this service, but it may also be a diaphragm or screw mechanism, such as in the first pumps created by Archimedes in Ancient Greece.

Pressure booster pump

This kind of pump is used to increase water pressure in taller buildings, where it must fight the force of gravity to reach upper stories.

Sewage ejector pump

Sewage ejector pumps are used in low-lying areas of properties where gravity cannot assist with the flow of waste into the sewer system. Waste is collected in a basin, and a sensor detects when the basin is full, triggering the pump to run and empty it. Sometimes the waste is ground up first, similar to a garbage disposal, and this is known as a sewage grinder pump.

Steam return pump

Steam return pumps, also known as condensate pumps, help condensate return from radiators to the boiler after it has provided heat and cooled, undergoing a phase change from gas (steam) to liquid. This is a much more efficient way to run a boiler system, as it does not rely on cold water being heated every time the boiler gets low.

Sump pump

This type of pump removes stormwater or rising water from a low water table from the interior of properties. As soon as the water level reaches a certain point, the pump is automatically activated via a sensor.

Water distribution pump

Water distribution pumps deliver water from a source, such as the boiler, municipal supply, or a rooftop tank, to taps around the property.

Pump Components and Important Concepts


Bearings are part of the lubrication system to keep pump parts running smoothly together and prevent friction that causes wear and tear. Bearings can be in the shape of balls, rollers, sleeves, or pivot shoes, among other types.


The casing (aka cover or shell) houses the pump, prevents leaks, and keeps it protected from outside elements, while also protecting people working around the pump from getting caught in its mechanism.


Cavitation is an undesirable situation in which liquid in a pump can turn to vapor, which in turn creates air bubbles that can permanently damage a pump’s impeller and other elements.


Some pumps use controllers to automate their function. This frees up manpower and catches pump problems, like the factors that lead to cavitation, before they become major issues and cause breakdown.


This part connects the drive shaft coming from the motor to the pump shaft, which operates the pump’s inner workings.


A fitting, like in plumbing, is a part that connects two pump parts together.


A gauge gives pump users information about the pump’s operation, such as speed or pressure.


The impeller is the workhorse of a centrifugal pump. It resembles a fan or vane with blades that move liquid through the pump. The spinning of the impeller generates the centrifugal force that is key to the pump’s mechanism of action. Impellers can be open or shrouded (covered). They can also be axial flow (moving fluid parallel to the shaft) or radial flow (moving fluid perpendicular to the shaft).


The inlet is the entrance to the pump, also called the suction side. Fluid enters the pump here at its lowest pressure.


This is the part of the pump that holds it in place wherever it is located.


Also known as the discharge side of the pump, the outlet is where fluid exits the pump. Fluid is at its highest pressure at this point of the pump.


Pistons are used in positive displacement pumps to move fluids, usually liquids of higher viscosity, such as petroleum products or oils.


Pump systems usually have a variety of seals that prevent leaks and help the pump maintain its proper pressure. These may include gaskets or O-rings. In order to function properly, all seals must maintain the right level of elasticity and should be replaced if they become hardened, torn, or cracked.


Sensors trigger pumps to operate by detecting when more fluid is needed somewhere in the system (e.g., boiler feeder pumps) or when fluid should be removed from the system (e.g., sump pumps).


The shaft connects the pump’s motor, which powers it, to the rest of the pump.


Valves control the flow of liquid through a pump.

Need help with the pumps in your New York City property? Call Antler Pumps today for service. You can reach us at 212-534-2500 or use our convenient online form to schedule an appointment.

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