The Most Common Boiler Failures and Causes: Prevent These Boiler Problems Before They Cause Trouble

Boilers are essential components of residential and commercial properties. When something goes wrong with the system, it can cause dangerous problems. That said, most common boiler failures and causes are preventable with regular maintenance. Discover the most common boiler problems and how routine inspections — performed by licensed professionals — can prevent them.

8 Most Common Boiler Failures and Causes

1. Low Boiler Pressure

Your property portfolio may include buildings with combi-boilers, heat-only boilers, or system boilers. Each type can experience low pressure, but the symptoms may vary. A failing combi-boiler might produce cold radiators and a lukewarm water supply, while a traditional boiler only affects the radiators.

Boilers have displays or dials that show the current pressure level of the system. The correct level depends on the specific boiler. It is best to leave diagnoses and repairs to professionals.

When a system’s pressure is low, there are two likely culprits: a leak or a bleeding radiator. A leak means there is not enough water in the boiler to maintain adequate pressure, causing it to drop. A bleeding radiator refers to an air leak but can also refer to an intentional process to relieve too much pressure in the system.

2. Frozen Pipe

A condensing boiler features a waste water pipe to the outside of the property. The water, or condensation, is produced during the heating process. In the colder months, the water in this line may freeze before exiting the property. As a safety precaution, the boiler then shuts down to prevent damage to the system.

A frozen condensate pipe is among the most common boiler failures and causes. It is easy enough to fix: You can pour warm or hot water into the pipe to melt the ice. Still, it is best to hire a licensed boiler engineer or technician to assess the problem. Sometimes a frozen pipe can cause other issues, like fractures in the line.

3. Leaks

Boiler leaks are common and a nuisance. Depending on the severity of a leak, it can cause significant water damage. Also, it can damage electrical components, causing system malfunctions. Because of the potential severity of property loss, always consider leaks serious matters.

Leaks can occur for several reasons. The most common causes include:

  • – Faulty components
  • – Corrosion
  • – Poor seals
  • – Excessive pressure

Never attempt to repair a leak on your own. Boilers are delicate and dangerous pieces of machinery. Always contact a qualified engineer to assess and repair any damage.

4. No Heat But Hot Water

Among the most common boiler failures and causes is when there is no heat but still hot water. This is a common problem with combi-boilers especially. The cause is often forgetting to reset the system after the summer months. During the warmer seasons, property owners may switch the units to hot water only. Property owners may also set the boiler to shut down at specific times. The system display should show if presets or programming is the culprit.

Another plausible explanation is too much air in the radiators. The only way to relieve trapped air is by bleeding the system. While there are DIY options, for the sake of your boiler, hire a licensed professional.

5. No Heat and No Hot Water

When a boiler stops working at all, property managers play the worst-case scenario game. They think about the hassle of new installations rather than choosing optimism. If a boiler isn’t producing heat or hot water, something is wrong. Still, it doesn’t mean the entire system needs replacing. A boiler may stop working for several reasons, such as:

  • – Disconnection from the water, power, or gas supply
  • – Too much or too little pressure
  • – Piping problems

Because the most common boiler failures and causes have many explanations, it is best to hire a professional. Licensed technicians can prevent significant costs when called upon for regular maintenance.

6. Kettling and Other Strange Noises

Kettling is when trapped steam and air create a whistling sound from the boiler. The noise occurs because water is heating too quickly and reaching its boiling point. The likely cause of kettling is limescale buildup, which slows the water flow into the system. A restricted flow means less water in the boiler and quicker heating.

Whistling is not the only strange noise a boiler can make. Other common sounds include:

  • – Humming
  • – Gurgling
  • – Whooshing
  • – Droning

While noises may not indicate immediate danger, they suggest something is wrong. A professional can diagnose the sound, determining whether it stems from mineral deposits, faulty pumps, debris, trapped air, or something else.

7. Boiler Switching Off

Most common boiler failures and causes stem from poor maintenance. When this equipment does not receive regular service, many issues can arise, from a pressure buildup to the collection of debris or sludge. Such issues can cause the boiler to switch off at various moments.

Boiler systems include safety features that can interrupt normal operations when sensing something amiss. If the system keeps switching off and on, contact Calray Boiler to investigate.

8. Pilot Light Problems

Combustion operations for newer boilers typically rely on atmospheric or power burners. If you have an older boiler, though, it may have a pilot light. Pilot lights are notorious for causing problems, often blowing out, making the boiler burner useless.

While pilot lights can blow out, it should not happen too often. When the flame goes out frequently, it may indicate other problems, like a faulty thermocouple.

Do not attempt to repair or replace the faulty component on your own. The project requires the removal of the boiler casing, which requires professional assistance.

You can ensure the problem is not a supply issue by testing other gas appliances in the building. If other appliances work, contact a licensed technician to assess the boiler system.

Hire the Pros To Diagnose Most Common Boiler Failures and Causes

Calray Boilers Is Here To Help

The most common boiler failures and causes may not be obvious to the average property manager. Even if they are apparent, correcting boiler problems requires expert knowledge and skill. If your boiler is not operating as expected, contact Calray Boilers at 212-722-5506.

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