Boiler Won’t Turn On? Possible Causes and Fixes

If your boiler won’t turn on, this can create chaos in your life. Whether you’re the landlord or property manager of a New York City apartment building or a single-family homeowner, the results are the same: no hot water or heat. Here are some reasons your boiler may be giving you trouble, along with some possible fixes.

Understanding How Your Boiler Works

A straightforward system

First, it’s essential to understand how your boiler works, so you can try to determine what’s happening if it won’t turn on. A steam boiler is an uncomplicated closed system. But there are many places where things can go wrong (see list below), especially if boiler maintenance has not been thorough.

All boilers use the same basic science to provide heat and/or hot water. This includes small residential hot water boilers and industrial boilers designed to heat large multi-unit residences. Water is heated in a tank and distributed to a tap. Or, the steam generated is sent through pipes to heat radiators. In the case of radiators, once the steam cools, it re-condenses to liquid form and returns to the tank.

Possible Reasons Your Boiler Won’t Turn On

No power

This is an easy one to fix on your own most of the time. Check to see if a circuit breaker powering the boiler has tripped or if a fuse has blown. Reset the breaker, or replace the fuse. You may want to investigate what caused the power outage in the first place, though. For any electrical issues, our licensed electrical division — Bolt Electric — is available for emergencies or regular service.

Thermostat too low or malfunctioning

If your thermostat or boiler control (such as a Heat Timer) is set too low or isn’t working right, the boiler won’t “know” to turn on. Try turning up the temperature on the thermostat to trigger the boiler to ignite. If this doesn’t work, and the temperature is adequate, you may need to have the control professionally repaired or replaced.

Problem with the fuel source

If your natural gas is turned off for some reason, your boiler has no fuel source and therefore won’t turn on. Make sure the gas valve is open and that there is no gas outage in your neighborhood due to an accident or repairs. You can also check your burners to make sure nothing there is impairing the flow of gas.

Ignition system not working

If there is both power and electricity to the boiler, it could be that the ignition system is not working. We would recommend calling Calray Boilers to fix this issue.

Water level too low

Low water pressure can reduce your boiler’s automatic filling mechanism. And too little water can keep your boiler from coming on, too. A failure of the filling function could be a one-time fluke, or it could point to other problems. If the boiler will not fill, it’s time to discover why. Usually this means assistance from Calray Boilers. Or, if there is an underlying plumbing problem, our professionals at Sanitary Plumbing can help.

Leaking or blockages

Leaking water or blockages somewhere in your boiler system can also keep your boiler from coming on. Some possibilities include:

  • Leaking cast iron boiler sections
  • Leaking steel tubes
  • Leaking circulator pump
  • Leaking pressure relief valve

Safety issue

Many boilers nowadays are equipped with safety features that shut the boiler off or keep it from igniting if there is a safety issue. Shutoffs can be triggered by low water levels, probes in the tank becoming encrusted with water deposits or excessive pressure in the system.

These are not the only reasons, though. Unless you are knowledgeable about your boiler’s safety features, it’s smart to call in the experts here. Never ignore a safety trigger with your boiler. This can result in serious accidents or worse.

Need Professional Assistance? Call Calray Boilers

New York City’s boiler experts

The more you become familiar with your boiler system, the better you will be able to conduct self-diagnosis and repair. But when you need professional help, reach out to Calray Boilers, a division of the Omnia Mechanical Group.

We’re experienced at quickly identifying boiler problems and getting you the solutions you need. Call us at 212-722-5506 or use our online form to request an appointment. Don’t wait until you have a boiler emergency to act. Contact us today.

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