Category: Uncategorized

Published on
March 15th, 2021

Why Aging Water Heaters for Apartment Buildings Can Spell Trouble: Preventative Measures and Replacement Options

If you own or manage an apartment building in New York City, aging water heaters can be a source of many headaches. Your tenants are guaranteed adequate hot water, and if it’s not available, you may end up fielding complaints, citations from the city, or even lawsuits. Therefore, it’s essential to prevent water heater problems

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Published on
March 11th, 2021

Water Pipe Whisperer: What to Do When Water Pipes Make Humming Noises

Whether your building has newer or older water pipes, humming noises are a common problem in New York City buildings. If you’re a landlord or property manager, you may have tenants coming to you complaining about this issue, which may keep them awake at night or disrupt home life. Sometimes, people in adjoining buildings can

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Published on
March 8th, 2021

6 Common Air Compressor Problems and How to Fix Them

Air compressors are used in dozens of different applications. While at Antler Pumps, we mostly service air compressors used in industrial, mechanical, and fire suppression settings, we see air compressors utilized for everything from HVAC to medical devices to agriculture. When something goes wrong with your air compressor, it can result in lost work time

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Published on
March 1st, 2021

The More You Know: What Is an Automatic Water Feeder?

If you’re new to property ownership or management, or if you are upgrading your current boiler system, you might have wondered, “What is an automatic water feeder?” This post from the experts at Calray Boilers explains the function of this device, why it’s used, and how adding one to your system can improve boiler safety

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Published on
February 25th, 2021

Local Law 152: NYC Gas Piping Inspections and Extensions

Schedule Your 2020 and 2021 Inspections Today At the last minute in December, the New York City Council approved and enacted an extension on Local Law 152 Gas Piping Inspections for those properties due for an inspection in the 2020 calendar year. This gives property owners and managers a reprieve on gas inspections given the

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Published on
February 22nd, 2021

Electric Motor Rebuild vs Replacement — How to Determine Which Option Is Right for You

Properties in New York City typically have many electric motors powering various devices, such as pumps within the plumbing and heating system. If you’re a building owner or manager dealing with a malfunctioning or aging motor, you may be wondering if you should replace the motor or if it’s possible to have it rebuilt. To

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Published on
February 16th, 2021

The More You Know: What Is a Low Water Cut Off And Why Is It Critical for Your Boiler?

If you provide heat and hot water as a landlord for a New York City property, you likely have a low water cut off for the boiler as part of your system. This is an essential element, but it often goes overlooked until there are problems with it. Here is some vital information about your

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Published on
February 11th, 2021

Will Frozen Pipes Thaw on Their Own? How to Thaw Frozen Pipes

If you are a property owner or manager in New York City, the risk of frozen pipes skyrockets on cold winter days, especially when the thermometer dips below 28 degrees Fahrenheit. You may have wondered: will frozen pipes thaw on their own? Here’s the answer to that question, along with some tips on how to

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Published on
February 8th, 2021

Boiler Feed Pump Maintenance Guide for Property Managers

If your property has a commercial boiler for heat or hot water, it possibly has a boiler feed pump associated with it. Taking care of your boiler feed pump is essential to the successful operation of your boiler system. Here are some tips on boiler feed pump maintenance, so you can keep your boiler running

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Published on
February 1st, 2021

Everything You Need to Know About Boiler Installation: Cost, Timeframe and More

If the boiler for your apartment or commercial property is nearing the end of its lifespan, you’re probably thinking about replacing it. Such a large upgrade for the property is likely to provoke some worry about cost, timing, and logistics. Here’s some vital information to put your mind at ease from the experts at Calray

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Our Privacy Policy

Omnia Mechanical Group(the “Company”) strives to ensure the highest standards for property listings and customer information privacy. Please review the following statement to learn about our company practices and policies. Please be aware that our Privacy Policy is subject to change at any time.

1. Purpose.

This Privacy Policy (“the Policy”) provides information on how the Company uses your personal information. By agreeing to the Policy, you agree to our collection and use of your personal information as described in the Policy. This Privacy Policy is effective for all new users of

2. Personal Information.

You can browse some areas of (“the Website”) without being a registered user. However, certain activities do require registration. (You consent to the transfer and storage of your information by registering with

3. Use of Information.

Our primary purpose in collecting personal information is to provide you with a safe and user-friendly experience. For example, the Company may use your personal information to:

  • Improve our services and the Website’s content and layout;
  • Provide the services and necessary customer support you request;
  • Resolve disputes, collect fees, and troubleshoot problems;
  • Track and record customer satisfaction with our services;
  • Protect the Company against error and fraud;
  • Inform you of special promotions and announcements;
  • Enforce our agreements, terms, conditions, and policies; and
  • As otherwise described to you at the time of collection.

We may occasionally ask you to complete optional surveys. These surveys are used to improve and customize your experience with

The Company always provides you the ability to opt-out of further communication such as promotions and surveys; see the Opt-Out section below.

The Company does not share any of your personal information with outside organizations, companies, individuals, etc. The only exception to this standard is if such a disclosure is reasonably necessary to respond to any and all legal processes.

4. Links to Other Sites.

The Website may have links to other websites that may collect personally identifiable information about you. The Company is not responsible for the privacy practices of the content of those linked websites.

5. Safety & Security Precautions.

The Website has strict security measures in place to protect you and your information from fraud. Once your information is provided to Omnia Mechanical Group, we strive to ensure the confidentiality of your identity and information.

6. Opt-Out.

The Company provides you with the opportunity to opt-out of receiving promotional and other non-essential, marketing-related communications from Omnia Mechanical Group. If you would like to opt-out of these select communications, please see any of the Company’s email communications and follow the directions indicated.

7. Account Protection.

Your password ensures the security of your account. When choosing a password, the Company suggests using various characters. It is highly recommended that you do not disclose your password to anyone. (If you do disclose your password or your personal information with others, you are responsible for all actions taken in the name of your account.) If the security of your password is compromised for any reason, please contact the Company immediately.

8. Accuracy of Information

The Company does not guarantee the accuracy of information for any and all of its properties on the Website, and is not responsible for any errors or misrepresentations (made by Renters, the Client, or otherwise).

9. Cookies

The Company may place a small cookie on your computer’s hard drive. This allows us to personalize your use on the Website. In order to maximize the functionality and usability of the Website, you must set your browser’s preferences to allow both permanent and temporary cookies.

10. Changing Your Personal Information.

Should your personal information change, please immediately update your information on the Website. This will ensure the accuracy of our records. The Company does retain personal information from closed accounts in order to comply with law and collect and disburse any fees owed.

11. Third Parties

This Privacy Policy addresses only the use of information we collect from you. Since does not control the privacy policies of third parties, you are subject to the privacy policies of those third parties. It is advisable that you consult with the management of third parties before you disclose your personal information to others.

12. General

We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time by posting the amended terms on the Website. All amended terms are immediately effective after they are initially posted on the Website.

13. Privacy Policy Questions & Concerns

Questions and/or concerns regarding the Policy should be emailed to the following email address: