The Effects of Climate Change on New York City: What the City Is Doing and How Your Property Can Prepare

As a coastal community, New York City is at risk of dramatic population and environmental shifts thanks to climate change. As a property owner, it is often challenging to look 50 to 60 years beyond current conditions and make changes based on extended future predictions. However, some of the effects of climate change on New York City are already apparent, which is why city officials are adopting and enforcing new codes.

Discover the most significant threats to NYC, what the city is doing about them, and how you can prepare your property.

Effects of Climate Change on New York City

Rising Temperatures

The temperature in New York state is rising faster than the rest of the country; since 1970, the state’s temperature has risen 0.6°F per decade compared to the national average of 0.31°F to 0.54°F. Estimates and projections suggest New York will endure another 3°F temperature increase by 2080.

While the increase may not seem like much, it is significant from an environmental and community standpoint. The changing climate is already forcing insects and wildlife to migrate further north, and warmer temperatures mean the ecosystem can no longer support specific plant life. As species extend migration patterns, New York’s tourism, hunting, and fishing industries will experience losses.

Increasing Precipitation

The increased temperatures are also affecting the winter season. While many New Yorkers welcome warmer temperatures, fewer days below freezing, and less snowfall, the effect harms the state’s recreation industry.

The effects of climate change on New York City also affect precipitation throughout the year. The increased rainfall is causing greater occurrences of flooding throughout the state, which can damage buildings, homes, bridges, and ecosystems.

Beyond infrastructure damage, the rains impact agriculture, water pollution, supply chains, and costs. The heavy rains also increase the number of harmful algal blooms in various water bodies, hurting wildlife, people, and the environment.

Rising Sea Levels

One of the most significant concerns to NYC is also one of the most observable: sea level rise. SLR results from warming oceans and thermal expansion — an increase in water volume as it warms. Melting glaciers and land-based ice is also contributing to the rising water levels. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change expects sea levels to rise at least two to three meters even with drastic greenhouse gas reductions limiting warming to 2°C.

NYC is particularly vulnerable to sea level changes because of the relatively flat land close to sea level along the Atlantic coast. More than 50% of New York’s residents live in coastal communities under constant threat of environmental changes.

Extreme Weather

The effects of climate change on New York City are also altering weather patterns. While it is difficult to say with certainty that climate change is drastically changing or influencing storm activity, scientists know that storm energy comes from warm, moist air, which is only enhanced by the warming ocean.

Since the mid-19th century, only 65 tropical or subtropical cyclones hit New York. However, in 2011, Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee collided with the state in quick succession. The following year, in 2012, Superstorm Sandy clobbered the East Coast, decimating large swaths of the region and causing over $60 billion in damages, with extensive damage to New York City.

Increasing Social Challenges

While some effects of climate change on New York City are direct and obvious, others are less so. Scientists refer to climate change as a threat multiplier, explaining that its side effects — extreme heat, SLR, and intensifying storms — exacerbate existing social stresses and threats, such as famine, poverty, and immigration.

An example is how climate change impacts agriculture and food supply. Rising temperatures and precipitation can affect crop production in specific regions, decreasing annual yields; with fewer crops, supply drops, and demand increases, inflating prices. Climate change, therefore, threatens not only food availability but also its affordability, putting more significant strain on economic disparity.

Effects of Environmental Justice on Property Owners

Defining Environmental Justice

According to the Department of Energy, environmental justice involves the fair treatment and meaningful collaboration or participation of all people concerning the implementation, development, and enforcement of environmental policies, laws, and regulations.

When discussing fair treatment, the DOE states that no population should bear a disproportionate share of adverse environmental consequences stemming from commercial, industrial, or municipal operations.

New York City laid out its plan for environmental justice and answers to climate change threats in PlaNYC. The plan includes suggestions for citywide changes to combat the effects of climate change on New York City.

Understanding the Ramifications of New Regulations

NYC is constantly making regulatory changes to improve its environmental impact. The city and state goal of zero emissions by 2050 is admirable but requires significant commitments from property owners.

Buildings contribute almost 70% to New York state’s total greenhouse gas emissions. The city promises to support building owners who comply with Local Law 97 emissions reduction policy by offering tax breaks and other incentives.

That said, new regulations aim to decarbonize affordable housing, pursue fossil fuels, reduce construction carbon footprint, and reduce localized air pollution. Building owners failing to comply with new regulations will face fines and other penalties.

Making Meaningful Changes To Help the City and Yourself

As a property owner, you likely see the price tag of environmentally friendly or efficient products and need to take a few deep breaths. Transitioning from old equipment or retrofitting it can cost upfront, but you save money in the long run. For example, installing a new energy-efficient HVAC system can save thousands per month in a large commercial facility.

Upgrading is usually the only way to move toward compliance with the new, strict New York codes and laws, but the effects of climate change on New York City demand action. Meaningful changes or upgrades you can make include:

  • – New windows
  • – Better insulation
  • – LED light fixtures
  • – Smart thermostats
  • – Solar panels
  • Green plumbing technology

Effects of Climate Change on New York City and How Sanitary Plumbing Can Help

Upgrading and Updating Systems for a New Era

Climate change is real, and as a property owner, you need to respond proactively. Contact Sanitary Plumbing at 212-734-5000 to discuss property upgrades and schedule an assessment.

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