Fire Pumps in High-Rise Buildings: What You Need to Know as a NYC Property Owner or Manager

If you are the owner or manager of a high-rise building in New York City, you have to follow special fire suppression system requirements. Here are the answers to some common questions about fire pumps in high-rise buildings that will help you ensure you’re able to meet city requirements and create the safest possible environment for occupants.

What Is a High-Rise Building?

Definition by height

A high-rise building in New York is considered any property with an occupied floor that is more than 75 feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. That means that the measurement is taken from the side of the building with the lowest level of access. If you own a property on a grade, the measurement is always taken from the lowest side of the property.

Typically, this results in eight- or nine-story buildings being considered high rises, although it can vary with floor height and rooftop occupation (such as a rooftop restaurant or pool). This criterion is based on the limits imposed by fire department aerial ladder heights.

Why Are Fire Pumps Important in High-Rise Buildings?

Life-saving systems in higher-risk properties

Ladders and hose streams can only go so high when fighting a blaze. Fire pumps enable firefighters to access the right amount of water pressure to put out a fire, no matter what floor it’s on.

High-rise buildings aren’t just problematic for firefighters because of their size. The way they’re constructed makes fires more dangerous as well. Smoke, in particular, is a greater hazard. It can spread more quickly in high-rise structures. Vertical shafts can function like chimneys, pulling smoke and heat to upper stories rapidly.

People on higher floors may not be able to get out in time when firefighters resort to manual fire control, which is slower and depends on them having access to key areas of the building.

Fire pumps are necessary to push water from the local water supply or a roof tank to the uppermost areas of high-rise buildings to power sprinklers. They give occupants and firefighters the best chance of a positive outcome when a fire breaks out. Without pumps, fire suppression systems would be fighting a losing battle against gravity in high-rise properties.

What Are the NFPA Rules for Fire Pumps in High-Rise Buildings?

Special regulations

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) developed new standards for fire pumps in high-rise buildings in 2016. This update was designed both to make pumps more reliable in dire conditions and to avoid extra hazardous work for firefighters at the scene of a fire.

With very few exceptions (see below), fire pumps that work together in a series can no longer be on separate floors. This former practice, known as vertical staging, often results in subsequent pump failure when one pump located earlier in the series fails.

Now pumps must all be located in the same pump room so there will be adequate pressure even if one pump fails. Another benefit is, firefighters won’t have to locate and evaluate different pump rooms on separate floors when checking equipment when called to a fire scene.

The only way high-rise fire pumps are allowed to be in separate locations is if:

  • All pumps in the series can be manually started and stopped from all pump rooms.
  • Suction and discharge pressures for all pumps must be clearly displayed in all pump rooms.
  • Alarms and signals for all pumps are located in all pump rooms.
  • Standard-compliant interconnected control wiring is used between controllers in various pump rooms.
  • A standard-compliant pump room communication system is in use.

When Is It Time to Perform Fire Pump Maintenance?

Staying on top of maintenance

Maintenance should be performed any time it’s necessary, as this is not a task that can be delayed for obvious safety reasons. Here are some scenarios where you should call your local pump experts for assistance:

  • When the manufacturer’s instructions dictate maintenance is required
  • If you observe something wrong during a monthly visual inspection or any other time
  • If you fail the yearly flow test
  • If the fire pump is used and encounters problems (ranging from odd noises or leaking to insufficient pressure at the time of an actual fire when sprinklers are activated)
  • When you do construction work, renovations, or repairs in the vicinity of the fire suppression system
  • If your fire suppression system and fire pumps are older and you are concerned about their proper function

Who Can Help with Fire Pumps in Your High-Rise Building?

Antler Pumps and Sanitary Plumbing

If you need help with fire pump installation, fire pump maintenance, fire suppression monthly inspection, or annual flow testing, reach out to Antler Pumps today. Together with our Omnia Mechanical Group partner Sanitary Plumbing, we’ve got you covered. Call us at 212-534-2500, or use our easy online form to schedule an appointment at your convenience.

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