Need To Fix a Pump? Try These Things First With Any Pump To Get It Running Again

Every building in New York City uses pumps, whether sump pumps to manage storm surges or booster pumps to ensure adequate water pressure. The devices are essential to daily building operations, so mystery breakdowns are a headache.

Learning how to fix a pump when necessary is an essential skill for property owners. Still, not all problems are DIY-friendly. Discover common pump issues, how to troubleshoot, and when to call the professionals.

How To Fix a Pump by Troubleshooting Common Problems

Pump Not Powering On

Most pumps receive power from an electric, gas, diesel, or hydraulic motor. The specific means of diagnosing or fixing the device depends on its construction. That said, property owners can perform a few checks to ensure the system is ready and capable of operation.

Modern systems are more powerful than first-iteration models, so safety is always a concern. Before attempting any checks on equipment, ensure it is all properly shut down. Also, if the pump is electric, turn off the power supply to the connection before attempting any inspections.

With the device safely shut down, you can check the pump’s power supply. Is the connection point secure and intact? Fraying wires or broken prongs indicate a safety hazard, and you should contact a repair technician.

If plugs and wiring appear in good working order, check the system switches, valves, and fuel levels. Is the fuel valve in the open position? Is there enough fuel in the reservoir or enough oil?

After performing essential checks to fix a pump and affirming the system is in observable working order, reestablish electrical connections. Try turning the pump on. If it does not turn over, contact Antler Pumps to schedule a proper in-depth assessment of the equipment.

Pump Experiencing Poor or No Liquid Flow

A pump’s primary job is moving liquid from one point to another. If it cannot do that efficiently, it is ineffective and useless to a property owner. While normal wear and tear can eventually age a device, there are other reasons your pump may not work as needed.

The first step in troubleshooting is always to review the key components of the pump exterior. Examine the connection points between the pump and pipes. Do you see leaks or evidence of leaks? Next, examine the valves. Are they turned on and fully open?

If connections and valves look good, the filter may need cleaning. When learning how to fix a pump, you will realize it is common for filters to clog, which is why routine maintenance is essential. Also, regular maintenance reduces lifecycle costs for the equipment.

A pump experiencing low or no pressure might also need priming. The priming process for pumps varies based on manufacturer and type. Check the owner’s manual for specific instructions about priming the system.

If the pump looks OK, the problem is likely internal, possibly a valve clog or damage. Do not attempt interior repairs or system checks. Inexperienced maintenance staff or well-meaning individuals can leave a pump in disrepair, even trying to fix a minor issue. Contact Antler pumps to discuss annual pump service agreements and schedule a proper inspection.

Pump Not Priming or Pumping

Learning to fix a pump is often a frustrating experience, especially when there is no obvious reason for the breakdown. While several common problems have easy remedies, a pump that will not prime or perform its primary function has a mix of possible solutions ranging from DIY-friendly to advanced-level engineering.

For unprimed pumps, potential DIY-friendly solutions include filling the system with clean liquid and restarting the pump. You can also assess the system for improper strainers or filters. While you can do a few things, it is usually best to contact a pro when the system is incapable of performing its sole function.

A professional can inspect the fittings and suction lines for air leaks, measure lift, and assess suction performance. They can also compare real-time data with pump requirements and performance. More importantly, a professional can inspect the device’s internal components to ensure everything is intact and assess the system’s wiring, checking for frayed or damaged connections.

In some instances, a pump may not prime or pump because of clogs or debris in the equipment or connections. Annual pump maintenance services can help reduce the need to fix a pump by ensuring the system operates as expected. Talk to an Antler Pumps technician to learn more about the maintenance requirements of your system.

How To Know When To Call for Help

Identifying Pumps and Understanding Skill Level

NYC buildings use several pumps to perform basic operations, from water pumps to sump and septic pumps. Being able to identify specific devices is vital to diagnosing or troubleshooting issues. For example, submersible system problems may differ from aboveground systems because the housing, connections, and internal mechanisms differ.

No amount of goodwill gives a DIYer inexhaustible knowledge or skill. A well-meaning person can inflict significant damage unintentionally because they do not understand the device and system they choose to work on.

As a property owner, you have a responsibility to your tenants to ensure all systems operate according to building codes and city regulations. Safety is essential and a side effect of expertise. It is OK to admit when you do not know enough about a specific problem or your skill level is insufficient for a task.

Many property owners get tempted by DIY solutions because of potential cost savings, but they don’t realize that trying to fix a pump without the proper knowledge and skill will cost them more. Professionals do not waste time or money on unnecessary tasks or “fixes.” They also have the equipment and experience necessary to quickly diagnose, repair, or install pumps in a time and cost-efficient manner.

How To Responsibly Fix a Pump

Call Antler Pumps for System Repairs and Inspections

You can troubleshoot to fix a pump in your building, but in most situations, it is best to call a professional for a proper assessment. Contact Antler Pumps at 212-534-2500 and schedule an inspection or routine pump service for your property or properties.

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