How Long Do Different Types of Water Heaters Last?

On average, how long does a water heater last? You can expect a water heater to last 8-20 years on average. The primary contributor to water heater lifespan is the type. Tankless models last significantly longer than traditional tank models. Water quality also plays a role in the longevity and reliability of the appliance, with hard water often shortening the lifespan. Finally, maintenance and usage contribute to the life of a water heater, with regular maintenance improving life expectancy averages and heavy usage straining them.

While it’s best to consult a manufacturer’s specifications for your specific water heater model for the most accurate lifespan estimate, you can base averages on the styles. Discover the different lifespans of common water heater models.

Reviewing Different Models To Determine How Long a Water Heater Lasts

Traditional Tank Water Heaters

A traditional tank water heater is a system that stores a large volume of water, usually 30-80 gallons, in an insulated tank, constantly heating to a pre-set temperature. The heating element depends on the model. Electric models use electric resistance heating elements submerged in the water, while gas models use burners located beneath the tank. The average lifespan of a traditional tank water heater is 8-12 years.

The average lifespan depends on maintenance and usage. Still, tank water heaters show signs when they begin to fail, like dangerous leaks and rusty water, which hints at internal tank corrosion. When the unit cycles on, you or your tenants may hear a rumbling or banging noise, typically stemming from sediment buildup, which causes uneven heating. Waning water heaters may provide insufficient hot water during peak demands.

Tankless Water Heaters

The average lifespan of a tankless water heater is 15-20 years. The systems are more efficient because they do not store water like traditional water heaters; they heat water as it passes through the unit.

The powerful heating elements, gas or electric, only activate when you turn on a hot water faucet. Unlike traditional tank systems that run constantly, tankless systems conserve energy and potentially reduce utility bills.

As a property owner, be aware of the higher upfront costs of tankless water heaters and possible flow rate limitations. Depending on the size of your building, a tankless system may struggle to provide enough hot water for simultaneous high-demand uses.

As with tank systems, tankless water heaters require regular maintenance to ensure efficiency and longevity. If you or your tenants notice inconsistent water temperature and reduced hot water flow, consider scheduling a system assessment with Calray Boilers.

Hybrid and Heat Pump Water Heaters

Regarding how long water heaters last, hybrid and heat pump water heaters fall in the middle of the pack at 13-15 years. Hybrid and heat pump water heaters use the same technology, focusing on heat transfer, not generation. Instead of generating heat using traditional electric elements or gas burners, these systems use refrigerant, like an air conditioner in reverse. They absorb heat from the surrounding air and transfer it to the water stored in a tank. The process is incredibly energy efficient, often requiring less energy than a conventional electric tank heater.

You can select a self-contained unit with an integrated heat pump or a split system with a separate heat pump and storage tank. You can also choose a hybrid water heater that combines heat pump technology with traditional electric resistance heating elements, which only switch to less efficient heating modes during high-demand periods.

Hybrid and heat pump units are not suitable for every building. They are typically larger than traditional tanks and can cost more. The units are also best for properties with moderate hot water demands. The upfront cost of these water heaters is usually higher than the other units on this list.

Understanding the Importance of Regular Maintenance

Annual Flushing, Anode Rod Inspections, and Professional Servicing

Determining how long a water heater lasts depends on the level of care and maintenance its owner demonstrates. Suppose you commit to annual flushings, regular anode rod inspections and professional servicing. In that case, you can expect a water heater to maintain operations toward the far end of its lifetime expectations, so 12-20 years, depending on the type.

Annual flushing is necessary because it removes sediment, protects the heating elements, and prevents corrosion. These benefits depend on the type of heater you have. Still, the primary advantage of annual flushing is the removal of debris and mineral deposits. As sediment builds up in the tank or system, it reduces efficiency, increases heating costs, and leads to premature failure.

You can find anode rods in traditional tank-style water heaters. They are a magnesium, aluminum, or zinc component surrounded by a steel core wire. The rod attracts corrosive elements in the tank using the process of electrolysis. The rod extends the tank’s life by sacrificing itself to corrosive elements. If you have a tank-style water heater, it is necessary to replace the anode rod every 1-3 years, depending on regular inspections.

Every water heater requires occasional professional servicing. Tankless systems may only need servicing every 1-2 years, depending on issues like hard water, usage, and previous issues, but traditional, hybrid, and heat pump systems typically require annual servicing and inspections.

Increasing How Long a Water Heater Lasts With Calray Boilers

Annual Service Contracts and Routine Inspections

How long does a water heater last? The answer depends on several factors, some out of your control and others well within. With Calray Boilers’ annual service contracts, you can rest assured that your water heater and boiler systems receive the scheduled maintenance and inspections they need to achieve optimum lifespans. Our qualified technicians will perform regular checkups to catch minor problems early, preventing escalation and premature system failure. Contact us at 212-722-5506 to learn more about how we can optimize water heater operation and extend its useful life.

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