Get Ahead of Inflation in New York City in 2023 with an Annual Service Agreement

Economists may not agree on if or how far inflation will be reduced in 2023, but most are certain that prices for everything will still be higher than in recent years. And that’s if we don’t have any unexpected events that cause inflation to increase again. Smart property owners and managers in New York City are utilizing a range of money-saving strategies in anticipation of potential rising costs. An annual service agreement is one of the best ways to beat inflation in New York City in 2023. Here’s what you need to know about this economical option.

How Do Annual Service Agreements Work?

Service agreements explained

An annual service agreement for your building’s vital infrastructure commits your maintenance schedule and pricing in advance. You can select your preferred date and time for appointment early, so your service call goes on the calendar right away and you don’t have to worry about keeping track of anything.

The Omnia Mechanical Group consists of Sanitary Plumbing, Calray Boilers, Bolt Electric, and Antler Pumps, so we can provide you with comprehensive service under one umbrella for all your building’s maintenance, repair, and installation needs. As a group, we offer the following types of annual service agreements:

  • Annual Boiler Maintenance
  • Monthly/Quarterly Drain Cleaning
  • Annual Backflow Prevention Device Testing
  • Monthly and Annual Fire Sprinkler Inspections
  • Annual Pump, Motor, and Fan Maintenance
  • Annual Electrical Visual Inspection

Do Annual Service Agreements Save Money? Are There Other Advantages?

Top reasons to consider an annual service agreement

Saving money is the number one reason why New York City property owners and managers like annual service agreements. As mentioned above, your price for labor is guaranteed in advance, so there are no surprises when you get the bill. You can budget more confidently knowing what maintenance will cost. Should the cost of labor rise due to unforeseen circumstances, you won’t have to pay more.

You also save money by staying on top of maintenance. This lets you catch any little problems before they become more expensive and disruptive ones. A major boiler, plumbing, pump, or electrical failure can cost thousands or more if you have to make alternative arrangements for building occupants to avoid city fines and citations. For property managers, failure to take care of crucial equipment, which is the heart of the building, could cost you your client contract. Inability to pass various city inspections due to problems is another worry for property managers and could prove expensive.

When you take care of your commercial equipment like this year after year, you extend the lifespan of your systems, which is a huge money saver. Eventually, all major elements need replacement, but it’s much better to install new items as part of a planned upgrade than as an emergency measure.

When you sign an annual boiler service agreement with one of the Omnia Mechanical Group members, you get priority service. In case an unexpected repair or emergency comes up, you go to the top of the list for an appointment, even if it’s the middle of winter and other property managers are clamoring for service calls. We can get pretty busy if New York experiences a cold snap, so this is definitely an advantage — doubly so if there are any issues getting parts due to supply chain issues.

Our team likes to see regular customers because we get more familiar with their systems, such as boiler tanks, drain anatomy, electrical wiring, and rooftop exhaust fans. This makes diagnosing problems and making repairs easier, and it speeds up service time for you too. You don’t have to waste time searching for and calling maintenance companies, only to be disappointed or have to start from scratch again explaining your unique issues.

Who Benefits from an Annual Service Agreement?

Many condo and co-op managers

Are you trying to decide if an annual labor agreement for your property is the right decision? Here are the types of clients we find best benefit from this contract:

  • Anyone who is concerned about inflation in New York City in 2022 and 2023 and wants to lock in labor costs in advance
  • Property owners and managers with busy schedules — often multiple buildings in their portfolios — who don’t want to worry about scheduling regular maintenance
  • Building managers and owners dealing with older or troublesome equipment that requires extra attention
  • New equipment owners and maintenance staff who want to ensure their new systems last as long as possible with proper care from the start
  • People who feel overwhelmed with schedules, work, or understanding the intricacies of how building systems function, especially new property management staff or property managers who are expanding their portfolios

Lock in Your Annual Service Agreement for 2023 Now

Start the new year right

You can get ahead of inflation and focus on other important tasks when you set up your 2023 annual agreement now. You don’t know what events might be around the corner that could cause labor prices to rise, so waiting could cost your building money. As we get busier, prime appointment times book up. Making arrangements now gives you the greatest selection of desired dates.

To learn more about service agreements or to set up your agreement for 2023, call the members of the Omnia Mechanical Group today:

You’ll be glad you did when the new year begins and building equipment care is one less thing you have to worry about.

Our Privacy Policy

Omnia Mechanical Group(the “Company”) strives to ensure the highest standards for property listings and customer information privacy. Please review the following statement to learn about our company practices and policies. Please be aware that our Privacy Policy is subject to change at any time.

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  • Enforce our agreements, terms, conditions, and policies; and
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12. General

We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time by posting the amended terms on the Website. All amended terms are immediately effective after they are initially posted on the Website.

13. Privacy Policy Questions & Concerns

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