Local Law 152 Inspection Plumbers: What You Need to Know About 2022 NYC Gas Piping Inspection

If you are a property owner or manager in New York City, you probably know that gas piping inspection is mandatory on a rotating schedule. And when it comes to Local Law 152 inspection, plumbers are an integral part of the process. Here’s what you need to know about this city requirement to make sure your property stays up to date.

What Is Local Law 152?

Required for most R-3 dwellings

Local Law 152 was implemented in 2019 for all five New York City boroughs. It says that every four years on a set schedule, certain properties must have their gas piping inspected to ensure it’s safe. This helps prevent gas leaks, fires, and explosions, which are obviously dangerous for building occupants, neighboring properties, maintenance staff, and city first responders.

With the exception of one- and two-family dwellings, all R-3 residential properties must undergo this inspection.

What Is the Current Schedule for Gas Piping Inspection in NYC?

Schedule for the next three years

The city places each community district on a rotating schedule for gas piping inspection. Below is the upcoming schedule for 2022 through 2024:

Date Range for Inspections Buildings in Community Districts
January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022 4, 6, 8, 9, and 16 in all boroughs
January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023 11, 12, 14, 15, and 17 in all boroughs
January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024 1, 3, and 10 in all boroughs

If your community district is not on this schedule, you likely had your inspection completed in 2021 and won’t need one again until 2025. If you have a new property, if you’re not sure if you had a gas piping inspection, or if you aren’t sure which community district applies to your building, you can inquire online with the Department of City Planning.

What If You Don’t Have Your Gas Piping Inspected?

Serious consequences

It is not advisable to skip your gas piping inspection, as you can be cited by the city and fined up to $10,000. It’s usually much less costly to have the inspection performed as mandated.

If your property contains no gas piping, you do not have to undergo an inspection. However, you must submit documentation of this to the Department of Buildings (DOB), signed by a registered design professional, such as an architect.

Who Performs LL152 Gas Piping Inspections?

Sanitary Plumbing

Only a licensed master plumber (LMP) can perform gas piping inspections in accordance with Local Law 152 in New York City. Sanitary Plumbing is a licensed master plumber and would be happy to help with your inspection.

What Is the Process for Gas Piping Inspections?

A simple procedure

The LL152 inspection evaluates all exposed gas piping in the building, particularly:

  • Public spaces, like hallways and lobbies
  • Boiler and mechanical rooms
  • Gas meters
  • The area where gas piping enters the property

Once the inspection is complete, the LMP sends a form called the GPS1 Gas Piping Periodic Inspection Report to the property owner within 30 days.

It is then the property owner’s responsibility to file a GPS2 Gas Piping System Periodic Inspection Certification, completed and signed by the LMP, with the city Department of Buildings. This must be accomplished within 60 days of the inspection. Fortunately, it’s easy to do online for free, using the DOB’s portal created for this purpose.

What If a Problem Shows Up During Your Inspection?

Grace period for repairs

Occasionally, problems surface during the gas piping inspection that make it impossible for the LMP to sign off on the property. In this instance, the property owner must remedy the issue so the LMP can file a Certificate of Correction within 120 days of the initial inspection.

What if you need more time to make repairs? This is understandable right now, given supply chain delays, parts shortages, difficulty finding workers, and unpredictable Covid surges. You can ask for an additional 60 days, giving you a total of 180 days to fix the problem. But it’s essential that you make this request at the time the GPS1 form is filed. Therefore, if there is a problem with the inspection, talk to your plumber or boiler specialist immediately to set up a timetable for repairs.

What Are Some Tips to Pass Your Local Law 152 Inspection?

Expert advice

Buildings that stay current with their maintenance typically have no problem passing their Local Law 152 inspection. That’s because they work with their plumbing and boiler experts to fix little problems before they become larger ones that can affect the entire system. Regular service calls at least once per year — or more often if parts are older – are essential to preventing inspection problems.

Proper building systems maintenance will also help when it comes to things like:

  • Preventing frozen pipes, leaks, clogs, and water damage
  • Inability to pass sprinkler inspection or RPZ tests for backflow prevention
  • Boiler failure that results in no heat or hot water
  • High utility bills due to inefficient operation
  • Tenant complaints because of radiator water hammer, low water pressure, faulty shower valves, etc.

Is your New York City property due for a Local Law 152 gas piping inspection this year? Do you have a plumbing problem unrelated to gas piping that needs attention? The summer and early autumn are the perfect time to address these concerns before the heat season begins and the end of the year (deadline for gas piping inspections) arrives.

Sanitary Plumbing can perform your LL152 inspection and assist with other plumbing problems, and our Omnia Mechanical Group partners can help with boiler issues. Call us at 212-734-5000 today to schedule your inspection or service call.

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