The Most Common Water Heater Problems and How To Prevent Them

Water heaters are essential pieces of equipment in a building, ensuring all of your tenants remain happy. However, despite the necessity of these appliances for the comforts of modern living, they often break down or cause problems, especially when not taken care of.

A broken or malfunctioning water heater leads to tenant complaints and frustrations, which affects profits and productivity. If you know about the most common water heater problems and their causes, you can prevent the hoopla. Discover the common issues and how to avoid or repair them.

8 Most Common Water Heater Problems

1. Lack of Hot Water

Likely the most frustrating problem with a hot water heater is a lack of heat. If the device is not working correctly, it can fail to heat an adequate supply of water, meaning tenants may get an unwelcome chilly surprise during their morning showers.

There are many possible causes for the absence of hot water, from a faulty connection to a broken heating element or an expired pilot light. Because of the fragility and potential hazards of the system, it is always best to contact a professional to assess the issue and find an effective solution.

2. Limited Hot Water Supply

Sometimes, hot water tanks don’t seem to have enough hot water to support demand. If a tank seems to run out of hot water too quickly, talk to a professional to ensure you have an appropriate size system for your building.

If capacity is not the problem, the issue may stem from a faulty thermostat or broken dip tube. The thermostat acts as a temperature-activated switch, turning on when the water temperature drops below a set point.

A broken drip tube is also among the most common water heater problems. The drip tube carries cooler water from the top of the tank and cycles it to the bottom. If the tube has a crack, some of the cooler water leaks out into the supply.

One possible solution to limited hot water supplies is upgrading your conventional system to a tankless water heater. The system is a bit more pricey, but it provides a consistent and unending hot water supply when you need it.

3. Temperature Extremes

If you experience water that is either too hot or too cold, you may need to adjust the thermostat settings on your tank. A setting of 120°F is ideal to prevent scalding, but most tanks are preset to 140°F, which is hot without being too hot.

That said, if your water temperature seems to be well beyond the ideal range or well below it, you likely have a faulty thermostat. A professional can assess your system and make quick work of the thermostat replacement.

If the thermostat is in good working order, the tank may have a sediment issue. Sediment build-up can create an insulating layer between the water and the heating element, resulting in cooler water temperatures.

4. Leaks

Leaks are another of the most common water heater problems. A leak can stem from numerous issues, such as corrosion or rust, a stuck drain valve, a bad gasket, loose bolts, or too much pressure in the tank.

When you notice a leak, do not wait to call a repair technician, regardless of the size of the leak. The problem can signal more severe issues, so it is best to turn the device off and wait for qualified professionals.

If the leak is significant, contact an emergency repair service. Do not attempt to make repairs on your own. Pressure in water heaters can build to dangerous levels, resulting in explosions. DIY repairs are never advisable.

5. Noises

Sometimes, you might hear strange noises coming from your water heater tank, like rumbling, popping, or whining. The noises may be subtle or loud. In either case, they require investigation.

The most common water heater problems that lead to noises are the result of sediment settling at the bottom of the tank. A professional can resolve the noises by emptying and cleaning the tank, which should be part of routine tank maintenance.

Sediment causes noises because as it creates a layer at the base of the tank, it forces the water to boil. The boiling is what you hear as popping or rumbling.

6. Odors

If you smell an odor of rotten eggs when you open a faucet, your water heater likely has hydrogen sulfide gas in the tank. The gas can result from excess sulfur-reducing bacteria or a corroded anode rod.

If warm water is left to stand in a tank for extended periods, bacteria levels increase. The bacteria feed on sulfates present in the water and produce the rancid smelling gas.

An anode rod attracts corrosive compounds to prevent damage to the tank. In rare instances, a corroded rod releases metals into the tank. Those metals react to the sulfates in the water, producing hydrogen sulfate gas.

7. Strange Colors

Water from a faucet should be clear. If you notice your hot water supply is brown, orange, or rust-colored, it may indicate a problem with the water heater.

The color change may result from sediment build-up or corrosion in the system. It may also stem from an aging system. Water heaters typically last between 10 and 15 years before needing replacement.

8. Low Pressure

Most common water heater problems stem from poor maintenance. Water heaters require annual cleaning and assessments. A neglected system can present with low pressure. Sediment might clog valves or water lines, disrupting the flow.

To correct the problem, the system will probably require a thorough cleaning, which often involves flushing the tank and assessing the lines. A professional can help you understand whether a tank replacement is necessary.

How To Prevent the Most Common Water Heater Problems

Scheduled Maintenance and Cleanings

To avoid the most common water heater problems, you need to commit to a predictable maintenance schedule. Contact Calray Boilers at 212-722-5506 to discuss your specific water heater and schedule an assessment and cleaning.

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