NYC Gas Piping Inspection: Is Your Property in Compliance with Local Law 152?

If you are a large property owner or manager in New York City, you must keep track of multiple municipal requirements. One of the most important is NYC gas piping inspection, which nearly every property in all five boroughs must pass every four years. Here’s what you need to know about Local Law 152, including the upcoming inspection calendar. We also offer tips about passing your inspection on the first try so your property isn’t subject to penalties that can be quite costly.

What Is Local Law 152?

A requirement since 2019

New York City Local Law 152 was implemented in 2019 to protect residents and property from dangerous gas situations that could cause fires or explosions. The law mandates gas piping inspection every four years for most buildings except for one- and two-family homes (aka R-3 dwellings). You must retain all documentation of your Local Law 152 inspections for at least 10 years.

Failure to have an inspection or to fix issues that prevent passing inspection can result in civil fines as high as $10,000. What if you don’t have any gas powering your boiler or occupants’ appliances? You simply submit documentation of such signed by an architect or other registered design professional to the city Department of Buildings (DOB).

What Is the Current 4-Year Calendar for NYC Gas Piping Inspection?

When are you due?

The following is the inspection calendar for Local Law 152. If you were supposed to have your property inspected in 2022, you are already late and need to make sure you get your inspection done right away.

Not sure which community district your property lies in? The Department of City Planning makes it easy to check online.

Date Range for Inspections Buildings in Community Districts
January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022 4, 6, 8, 9, and 16 in all boroughs
January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023 11, 12, 14, 15, and 17 in all boroughs
January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024 1, 3, and 10 in all boroughs
January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025 2, 5, 7, 13, and 18 in all boroughs

How Does NYC Gas Piping Inspection Work?

The process explained

A licensed master plumber (LMP) like one of the experts at our associates Sanitary Plumbing is the only one who can conduct a gas piping inspection for Local Law 152 (LL 152). Your inspector, scheduled by you, looks at public spaces where gas piping is exposed throughout the building. This includes:

  • Where the municipal gas supply enters the building
  • Gas meters
  • Public spaces, such as hallways and lobbies
  • Boiler rooms and mechanical rooms with gas supply

Once the inspection has been completed, the LMP sends the property owner a GPS1 Gas Piping Periodic Inspection Report within 30 days.

Then, the property owner files a GPS2 Gas Piping System Periodic Inspection Certification, which is signed by the LMP and unable to be edited by the owner. This is sent via a free portal on the Department of Buildings website. The GPS2 form must be submitted within 60 days of the inspection.

Should you fail your LL 152 inspection on the first try, it is the property owner’s responsibility to fix whatever problem caused the failure. Within 120 days of the initial inspection, a Certificate of Correction must be submitted. It’s possible to add an extra 60 days of remediation time, but a request for this must be sent at the same time as the GPS1 form is submitted, not later.

What Are Some Tips to Pass Local Law 152 Inspection the First Time?

Proper scheduling and maintenance are key

It’s been our professional experience that a Certificate of Correction or late inspection fines can be avoided with a few essential actions:

  • – Stay on top of your inspection calendar, and don’t wait until the last minute to schedule your inspection. The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to take care of your NYC gas piping inspection responsibilities if it’s your district’s turn.
  • – Use a daily and weekly checklist to perform internal inspections of your boiler system. This catches small problems before they become larger, more costly ones. In particular, pay attention to the combustion area of the burner, making sure there is no sooty buildup around the burners. The flame should always burn blue, not yellow, the latter indicating incomplete combustion, which could point to a gas supply problem. Notify your boiler experts immediately if anything is amiss.
  • – Schedule a professional boiler maintenance check at least once per year – more often if your boiler is old or if you have ongoing boiler problems. If you missed your pre-heat season service check in the fall, it’s not too late. Call for an appointment as soon as possible to get caught up. To make it even easier for our clients, Calray Boilers offers an annual labor service agreement. This triggers a reminder for your annual maintenance call, plus it gives you priority service and locks in labor prices at the time of the contract initiation.

Have you had a recent NYC gas piping inspection failure? Are you in need of boiler maintenance before scheduling your inspection for 2023? Call Calray Boilers today at 212-722-5506 to set up your appointment and get the new year off to the right start!

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