When and Why Is It Necessary To Balance a Pump?

Pumps serve many purposes in New York City buildings. Booster pumps ensure adequate water pressure throughout a property, and sump pumps protect against flooding.

Whether a submersible or constant pressure design, pumps require regular maintenance to keep the need for pump repairs at a minimum. Proper maintenance includes occasional balancing. Because pumps contain several moving parts, the system can become unbalanced, which can result in premature breakdown. Discover when and why it is necessary to balance a pump.

Understanding Balancing and How It Helps You Avoid Costly Pump Repairs

Pump Impeller Balancing

Pump balancing focuses on the realignment of spinning or rotating parts, particularly the impeller. A perfect machine alignment equates to zero vibration or noise, but this is impossible. Because perfect alignment is impossible, the various components of a pump eventually become askew.

Misalignment or imbalance of a pump component can cause overheating and other significant issues. If left without correction, the pump can experience shaft deflection, mechanical seal failures, catastrophic bearing failures, or excessive vibration and noise. All problems from extensive and prolonged imbalance will likely result in significant pump repairs, if not a replacement.

Balancing is the elimination of vibration — as much as possible, anyway. There are two primary methods of balancing: static and dynamic.

Static Balancing

If an object’s center of gravity is on the axis of rotation, technicians can keep the object stationary, hence the name static balancing. The technician places the rotating elements of the unit on a horizontal axis. By allowing the device to remain static, the professional can observe any obvious heavy points from the elements that settle at the bottom of the rotation.

During static balancing, a technician will continue adding or removing material to improve the rotation. The addition or removal of material continues until no obvious “heavy” points remain.

The primary benefit of static balancing is that it requires minimal equipment and training. However, there are limitations to the process, and for centrifugal pumps, dynamic balancing is likely a better option.

Dynamic Balancing

Building owners should consider occasional dynamic balancing to prolong the life of their equipment and prevent costly pump repairs. The process involves rotating parts quickly and measuring imbalances with electronic equipment.

Dynamic balancing requires specialized equipment and displacement or acceleration sensors. When spun, the components with an offset or out-of-balance mass will increase their centrifugal force. By amplifying the readings from the sensors, a computer can identify even small amounts of imbalance.

Single Versus Dual-Plane Dynamic Balancing

A standard dynamic balancer measures the assembly’s balance on a single plane, which can present challenges when presented with end imbalances that may cancel one another out.

Longer pump shafts can have an overall balance. However, it is possible to create an unintentional strain that may damage bearings by offsetting perceived imbalances from the single-plane readings.

A dual-plane balancer, also known as a multi-plane balancer, overcomes the problems of a single-plane device. The dual-plane system has two sets of sensors on either side of the bearing pedestals. With multiple sensors, the balancer can independently identify imbalances on either side, offering a more accurate assessment of where the actual imbalances lie.

A single-plane balancer is usually sufficient for short components such as a pump impeller. A dual-plane balancer is typically necessary for longer shafts.

Annual Service Contracts

All mechanical devices require maintenance to maintain optimum performance. The moving parts vibrate, twist, and rotate at high rates of speed. A device’s standard operation will eventually cause an imbalance.

As pumps are pivotal to building operations, such as heating and cooling, plumbing, and flood prevention, they must maintain peak performance. If pumps break down, entire systems can fail.

Antler Pumps can service and repair all commercial and residential pumps in the NYC area. A property owner can sign-up for the annual service contract, ensuring timely scheduled maintenance and repairs of all pump equipment. The yearly service also includes pump balancing to ensure the proper operation and extend the life of the pump.

Identifying Common Balancing Issues


Like all mechanical devices, pumps vibrate; there are acceptable limits to pump vibration, and they can indicate your pump is in good working order. Excessive vibration is problematic and can point to several internal issues with a pump, including cavitation, recirculation, and rotor imbalance.

Typically, to diagnose excessive vibration, you need to perform readings. Antler Pumps can help you identify vibration problems and correct them. Signing up for annual service contracts can ensure your pumps remain operational with reduced risks of vibration and maintenance issues.


Loud and unusual sounds from rotating pumps are never a good sign and often lead to necessary pump repairs. Noise can mean a number of issues, from air in the system to excessive bearing wear.

When the cause directly affects the rotation of the drive, the system can incur significant damage. Incorrect speed settings may lead to premature wear and out-of-sync components, resulting in excessive noise.

Also, clogs may interfere with the rotation of critical components, causing timing issues. The clog or debris can make noises as it interacts with system parts; the problem can also force pieces out of balance.

Routine maintenance through annual service contracts can reduce the likelihood of common problems and the risks of extensive repairs. Contact Antler Pumps to learn more.


Pump imbalance often results in system inefficiency. The imbalance leads to increased force on the components and excessive vibration, which also causes mechanical faults throughout the drive and system. With the increasing faults and the undue pressure exerted on the entire system, the life of the pump also degrades.

Noticing poor pump performance or output is indicative of balancing issues. A system inspection is likely necessary if poor performance occurs alongside excessive vibration and noise.

Hiring Professionals To Avoid Expensive Pump Repairs

Call Antler Pumps for Your Balancing and Maintenance Needs

All mechanical devices need regular maintenance, especially those with rotating components like pumps. Pumps also need balancing to ensure functionality. Contact Antler Pumps at 212-534-2500 to schedule pump repairs or discuss annual service contracts.

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