Spring Roof Check-Up: Make Sure Your Rooftop Equipment Is in Good Shape After Winter Weather

A property’s roof is essential for protecting the interior from exterior elements. A roof check-up ensures the roof can continue to protect the structure against weather damage while providing thermal insulation. Without this often unsung hero of building construction, your properties may fall victim to many disasters, leading to high financial costs.

Because roofing materials lack protection and receive significant exposure to the elements, annual or biannual inspections are necessary. Uncover the aspects of roof assessments and maintenance essentials.

4 Essential Elements of a Roof Check-Up

1. Roofing Covers and Materials

The primary concern of rooftop inspections is uncovering water damage to the roof cover system. Water damage can occur anytime throughout the year, which is why four-season maintenance is vital. Still, in the spring, take extra special care to inspect covers and materials for signs of water loss.

Low-slope or flat roofs, which feature on many properties in New York City, can suffer from excessive weathering from long-standing water, causing the membrane to be brittle and crack. Signs include growing vegetation and mold. It is often easier to inspect the underside of a roof for symptoms of water damage.

The type of low-slope or flat roof will play a role in the roof check-up. Some common flat roof types and elements to check include:

  • Ballasted roof system: The system is a loose membrane weighed down by stone or pavers. The stone should cover the entire membrane.
  • Modified and built-up bitumen system: Modified bitumen is similar to a built-up roof. Each uses bitumen — asphalt — and modified versions reinforce the surface with fiberglass. The surface should be smooth and free of tears, punctures, or blisters.
  • Metal Panels: Metal roofing is long-lasting and durable. Screws with rubber washers secure the material, and the surface may contain a paint layer or anti-rust coating. Inspections check for loose screws, deteriorated washers, and rust.

Steep-slope roofs use different materials, requiring varying roof check-up techniques. Some common materials include:

  • Asphalt shingles: Asphalt is an affordable material. The downside of the roofing staple is it is prone to tearing, curling, and wind damage.
  • Metal panels: Metal roofs are also popular for sloped systems. Inspectors look for worn paint, rust, loose screws, dents, and divots.
  • Concrete or clay tiles: Tiled roofs are more fragile and expensive. A roofer must watch for cracks, unattached tiles, or missing tiles.

Every roof must maintain its shape. A roof inspection assesses the materials and structure, ensuring there are no signs of bowing or failure.

2. Drainage Systems

The specifics of a drainage system depend on the slope and design of the roof. A typical system can include pumps or siphons, gutters, downspouts, scuppers, and internal drains.

While most people are familiar with pumps, siphons, gutters, and downspouts, scuppers and internal drains may sound unfamiliar. A scupper is an opening or channel in the roof sidewalls that allow water to flow through and connect with the gutter system.

An internal drain is standard on many commercial properties. The installation occurs under the roof surface in an area where water naturally collects. The drain connects to a scupper or gutter system to allow water to flow from the roof.

A typical roof check-up will ensure all drainage elements are free of debris and secure. A professional should inspect mechanical components, such as pumps and siphons, to ensure they work correctly.

Gutters should have anchored gutter straps to resist high winds. All sections must be secure and present. If any element of the drainage system is missing or broken, the entire roof and structure are at risk of water damage.

3. Skylights and Roof Hatches

Skylights and roof hatches are unique and sometimes essential rooftop amenities. Skylights can reduce energy costs and offer health benefits; they can also act as rooftop access points. A roof hatch might be necessary if you can’t install a skylight or don’t need one on your property. Hatches provide easy access for a roof check-up.

For both rooftop additions, inspectors must assess the flashing for cracks or leaks. Additionally, they must check for missing or loose hardware, such as bolts, nuts, screws, and washers. With skylights, the inspector will review securements to the curb and assess wood or other materials for damage.

4. Equipment

Rooftop equipment can include everything from ventilation systems to solar panels. The spring is an ideal time to perform rooftop exhaust fan maintenance and assessments. It is also essential to check the mounting hardware of all equipment.

Roof inspections should review cables, flashing, panels, screws, nuts, bolts, and washers. Equipment should not have debris around it. Loose debris can cause water to pool, leading to rot, mold, or collapse.

A thorough roof check-up will test and assess rooftop fans. Fan maintenance is essential to the health of the building. The devices expel dirty air and pull in clean air; they also result in fewer odors in multi-unit properties.

While maintenance staff can perform routine and safe inspections from the ground, inside the building, or on a flat roof with the proper gear, they cannot perform thorough equipment inspections. Specialty equipment, such as pumps and solar panels, often requires regular, professional check-ups.

Frequency of Roof Inspections

Professional Versus Routine

The importance of roofing means routine maintenance is essential. Typical maintenance includes removing debris, performing ground-level inspections after storms, looking for ponding or water damage, scanning for missing or broken shingles or tiles, and reviewing the surface for cracks or brittleness. Routine roof assessments should occur often (at least monthly), and usually, your staff can handle it.

Professional inspections are more than a visual roof check-up; they are more thorough. Licensed inspectors will assess equipment, roofing materials, drainage systems, and more. Thorough inspections should occur at least once annually, but many professionals recommend biannual inspections — once before winter and once after.

Beyond the Roof Check-Up

Hire Antler Pumps

A professional roof check-up is one thing, but all of the sensitive and essential equipment on your roof requires specialized care. Contact Antler Pumps at 212-534-2500 to schedule a rooftop inspection of all your critical mechanicals.

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