Roof Fan Maintenance: Last Check Before the Weather Turns Cold

If you’ve been putting off roof fan maintenance for other change-of-season tasks, we get it. There’s a lot on your list come autumn if you are a property owner or manager in New York City. But before the cold weather arrives in full force, it’s wise to give your roof fans one more maintenance check prior to spring. Here are four good reasons why.

Catch Wear and Tear from Summer Use

Air conditioning stresses roof fans

If you run your air conditioning nonstop throughout the summer, your roof fans likely take a lot of abuse. All of that usage can stress the many parts of the fans, causing wear and tear that affects their performance.

On top of that you have factors like weather, environmental corrosion, and age that can contribute to malfunctions in your roof fans. These issues usually start out as small problems, but if they’re not caught in time, they can become expensive and potentially disastrous for your building and source of income.

Here are some warning signs that your roof fans may not be working properly and need service:

  • Tenants mentioning unpleasant odors in their units
  • Tenants opening their windows for ventilation, even in cold weather
  • Stale smells in public areas
  • Mold or mildew building up anywhere in the property
  • Tenants complaining of increased respiratory problems
  • Carbon monoxide alarms going off
  • Lack of airflow at intake or outflow vents
  • Unusual or excessive noise coming from HVAC elements or the roof

End-of-year roof fan maintenance allows you to catch minor problems before they get out of control. Replacing motor bearings, checking wires, lubricating, and the like are small tasks that can save you big bucks in the end. And, you’ll be a step ahead for spring.

Clean Up After Fall Foliage

Leaves and detritus can clog fans

Late fall is usually the ideal time to have Antler Pumps come out to check your roof fans. It’s not cold or snowy yet, but all the trees have lost their leaves. Why is this important? Fall foliage and other blowing detritus, including trash and plant material from fall storms, can clog your roof fans.

It’s best to remove those potential blockages right away. Allowing them to sit through the winter under the cover of snow can cause long-term damage to your fans. The fans may malfunction during the winter, which is less than ideal (see below). Or, you may make it through winter but find you have a big repair job waiting for you in the spring.

Airflow Is Vital for Wintertime Health

Safeguard your tenants’ comfort and wellbeing

If you count on your roof fans to provide airflow all year long, not just in the summertime, you want to make sure they’re in tip-top shape for winter. Your tenants’ health relies in part on your ability to safeguard the air they breathe.

Proper airflow, aided by optimally functioning roof fans, can help with the prevention of airborne illnesses, which are prevalent right now and increase during cold and flu season. Your tenants will appreciate not suffering from stuffy units, and they’ll enjoy fresh air when you ensure your roof fans are doing the job as they should.

Cold Weather Repairs Can Be Costly

Snow and ice make maintenance challenging

Waiting too late into the season to perform roof fan maintenance can make the job more challenging. We don’t mind working in cold weather, but the presence of snow and ice on the roof can make maintenance difficult… or even impossible.

You don’t want to have an HVAC emergency with your building in the middle of winter due to a lack of maintenance in the fall. Repairs may not be performed as quickly as you’d like, and the cost of labor can be higher if the job takes hours longer. You can preempt this by doing fan maintenance in a timely manner.

Call Antler Pumps for Roof Fan Maintenance

Rely on roof fan experts

Don’t let your roof fan maintenance slide until you have a malfunction or failure. Call Antler Pumps today at 212-534-2500 or use our easy online form to schedule an appointment. You can rely on us to get your roof fans repaired from heavy summer use, cleaned of fall detritus, and ready for proper winter airflow. Neither you nor your tenants will be inconvenienced by the discomfort of a winter roof fan problem.

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