Sanitary Plumbing Answers Your Questions About Local Law 152 and Periodic Gas Piping Inspections

It’s important to know about Local Law 152 if you are a landlord or property owner in New York City. Periodic gas piping inspections are essential for both building safety and compliance with the law. To ensure your properties are following Local Law 152 properly, here are answers to some common questions we often field at Sanitary Plumbing.

What is required by Local Law 152?

A brief summary

Local Law 152 was implemented in January 2020, requiring many properties in New York City to have routine gas piping inspections. The law was created in 2016 but was not finalized and enforced by the New York Department of Buildings.

Two-family buildings and smaller, which are class R-3, are exempt from the law. However, other buildings, including both residential and commercial properties, must undergo periodic gas piping inspections as per the law.

A schedule was developed that allocates inspections by borough and district for the rollout of the law. Once the city has completed its initial rotation through this schedule, every property that requires an inspection must file a report by December 31st every four years.

Why is adherence to Local Law 152 important?

Compliance with NYC laws

As a property owner or superintendent, you know it’s vital to comply with all New York City building and inspection laws. In the case of Local Law 152, if you fail to file your gas piping inspection report as required, you can be given a civil fine of up to $10,000.

Building and tenant safety

Of course, inspecting your gas pipes for leaks and other dangers is important for the safety of your building and its tenants. It also protects adjacent properties and your neighborhood from devastating gas fires and explosions.

Keeping your gas piping up to standard protects landlords and property management agencies from lawsuits resulting from negligence. Failure to perform required maintenance can also invalidate your property insurance, should you have a gas incident resulting in a claim.

How to prepare your property for gas piping inspection

When you work with a regular plumber like Sanitary Plumbing, you can tend to small issues before they become more urgent ones, including those that might cause you to fail a gas piping inspection.

When checking out your gas piping, it’s helpful to know which elements are included in the inspection. While gas piping in individual units is exempt from inspection, every bit of exposed gas piping emanating from the building’s point of entry will be evaluated, including:

  • All gas service meters for your building
  • Public space piping, such as in hallways, lobbies, and corridors
  • Boiler room and mechanical room piping

How does the inspection process work?

There are four steps to the basic Local Law 152 inspection process:


  1. Schedule your inspection with Sanitary Plumbing.
  2. We will complete the gas inspection of the property.
  3. Within 30 days, Sanitary Plumbing (as the Licensed Master Plumber) submits a Gas Piping Periodic Inspection Report (GPS1) to the building owner.
  4. Within 60 days, the owner of the property submits a Gas Piping System Periodic Inspection Certification (GPS2), signed and sealed by the LMP, to the Department of Buildings (DOB). This step can be completed through a dedicated online portal without any fee.

Corrective action

Negative findings uncovered during the inspection must be corrected. A new certification, again signed and sealed by the LMP, must be submitted within 120 days, indicating the problem has been corrected.

Sometimes repairs for a major issue take longer than 120 days. In this scenario, you are allowed 180 days to perform the corrective action. However, your LMP must state that additional time is required for repairs when submitting the GPS1 report.

Additional information for managers and property owners about Local Law 152

Here are some tips to help your gas piping inspection process go more smoothly:

  • Communicate with your LMP during the initial inspection. That way, you can make sure you’re on the same page regarding any findings that need corrective action, especially if they’re going to exceed the normal 120-day window.
  • To find your building’s inspection time, simply look up the city schedule online.
  • No gas piping in your building? No problem—just file a certification every four years stating that. This documentation should come from a registered design professional who can attest that no inspection is needed.
  • If you’re worried your tenants will be inconvenienced, rest assured there will be no interruption to their gas service. There is no air pressure test involved that requires shutting off gas to units.
  • Do not wait for your inspection or scheduled maintenance with your plumber or boiler specialist to report any suspected gas leaks or serious hazards. If you smell gas or detect a leak, evacuate the building and dial 911. While waiting for first responders, make sure no one uses cell phones or electrical switches that could spark a gas fire or explosion.

Can you perform your own gas piping inspection?

The short answer is no. Performing a gas piping inspection is not a DIY job. Only a licensed master plumber (LMP) or a qualified employee working under the Licensee’s supervision can perform the inspection and fill out the required paperwork for the city.

To schedule your gas piping inspection and fulfill your obligation with regard to Local Law 152, reach out to Sanitary Plumbing. You can call us at 212-734-5000 or use our easy online message form at your convenience. We’re happy to answer any other questions you may have about Local Law 152 and help you get your inspection and report filed properly and on time.

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