Save Money and Reduce Boiler Failures with an Annual Labor Service Agreement

As a property owner or manager in New York City, you know having a properly functioning boiler is key to providing heat and hot water for tenants. If your boiler goes on the fritz, it can be a huge disruption and expense, not to mention it may precipitate calls from irate tenants, which can be a hassle. You can avoid many of these problems with an annual labor service agreement with Calray Boilers, your hyper-local blue-chip New York City boiler experts. Here, we explain how this works and why it may be beneficial for your property.

What Is an Annual Labor Service Agreement?

Affordable planned maintenance

An annual labor service agreement for your boiler is a form of affordable planned maintenance. You set up a schedule for boiler cleaning and checking, much like scheduling a regular dental cleaning and exam for yourself or a routine tuneup for your vehicle with your mechanic.

How Do You Save Money With an Annual Labor Service Agreement?

Catch problems early

The biggest pro to using an annual labor service agreement is that you stay on top of your boiler maintenance. This allows you to catch small problems early before they morph into larger ones that can cost more money or even cause a boiler failure or safety issue. Boiler failures or accidents aren’t just a nuisance; they can result in citations from the city or lawsuits for failure to provide service as stipulated in a tenant’s lease.

In many cases, careful boiler maintenance lets you increase your operating efficiency, saving on fuel or water expenses. For example, there are many parts that when malfunctioning can cause your boiler to fire more often. This eats up energy unnecessarily. Additionally, with proper maintenance, you can extend the life of your boiler, and you reduce the likelihood of costly emergency calls, which can result in higher labor costs.

What Are Some Other Advantages of our Boiler Service Agreement?

Reminders and priority service

There are plenty of other benefits to using an annual labor service agreement for your boiler:

  • You know your boiler will be ready to go when you need it, such as at the start of the heating season every autumn. This gives landlords and superintendents peace of mind and lets them focus on other tasks.
  • You know only the best experts will be servicing your equipment and that their service is guaranteed.
  • Your property gets priority status because you’re already on the books for a maintenance call. If you do need emergency service, you’re also a top priority as a regular client, and technicians will already be familiar with your boiler system.
  • Labor charges, for any service calls related to deficiencies with the boiler controls, are “on the house”. Call and ask for more details!
  • You get reminders about upcoming service, so you don’t have to worry about remembering to schedule anything. This prevents all appointments from being booked by the time you call.

What Types of Property Owners and Managers Benefit from Service Agreements?

Budget-conscious and busy owners

Virtually any property owner or manager can benefit from an annual boiler labor service agreement. We have found some clients find these agreements particularly helpful:

  • New property owners
  • Property owners with tight budgets
  • People who own or manage more than one property
  • Property managers with a large staff
  • Property owners with older boilers
  • Busy property owners or managers who appreciate reminders and pre-scheduled service

What Questions Should You Ask About an Annual Labor Service Agreement?

Other considerations

Every labor service agreement is different, so you want to ask the right questions to make sure the contract is appropriate for you, your staff, and your property.

  1. What is included in the agreement? Labor service agreements typically cover labor only, not parts. Which parts of the boiler will be serviced and which will not? How often will a technician be servicing the boiler?
  2. What is the cost of the service agreement? How are payments divided? Many agreements allow for monthly payments, but you want to understand the plan so you can budget.
  3. What is the time period covered by the agreement? Does the agreement renew automatically when it expires, or do you have to approve another contract?
  4. Is your boiler too old or too poorly maintained to qualify? Typically, an initial inspection is requested to make sure a service agreement is reasonable from the boiler professional’s viewpoint. Sometimes some work or new parts are necessary to bring the boiler up to a level where a labor service agreement is feasible.
  5. Are there any perks that come with the agreement, such as discounts on parts, priority servicing, or the like?
  6. Are you obligated to purchase parts through the company providing service if something needs to be replaced?
  7. What guarantees come with service, if any? What level are the technicians, and are they bonded and insured?
  8. What happens if you have to install a new boiler or want to upgrade your boiler system during the agreement period?
  9. Is the service agreement transferable if you sell the property?

Contact Calray Boilers Today to Learn More About Annual Labor Service Agreements

If an annual labor service agreement for your property’s boiler sounds like just the solution you’ve been seeking, we’d welcome the opportunity to talk more about it with you. We can answer your questions, and if we haven’t worked on your boiler previously, we can come out and have a look.

Our clients appreciate knowing their boilers are well maintained and that they’re saving money with annual agreements. Call us at 212-722-5506, or use our handy online form to schedule an appointment at your convenience. Once you have an annual service agreement in place, you’ll never want to go back to scheduling maintenance any other way.

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