Save Money on Energy Bills by Keeping Your Boiler in Top Condition

No matter what size property you own or manage, reaping cost savings on your utility bills is always a bonus. There are many ways you can save money on energy bills by making sure your hot water boiler is always in the best possible condition. Here are eight expert tips from the professionals at Calray Boilers that you can employ today to lower expenses. Even better, these ideas will help extend the lifespan of your boiler, another way to save money over time.

Make Sure the Steam Return System Is Working Properly

Capitalize on efficiency

Your steam return system captures condensate from slightly cooled radiator steam and returns it to the boiler. Because it’s already warm, it barely needs heating to be reutilized in the heat system. When your steam traps work properly, your boiler runs more efficiently because it doesn’t have to heat cold fresh water from the boiler feed.

Check Your Boiler Feed Regularly

Watch for malfunctions

Your boiler feed sends fresh water to the boiler tank whenever the level gets low enough. A sensor in the tank should message the feed pump to activate when fresh water is needed.

You want to check your boiler feed mechanism, including the sensor, routinely to make sure it’s operating when it should. Too little water, and your boiler will be wasting fuel energy heating less than what is demanded. If the boiler feed is running too frequently, it will likewise waste electrical energy needed to power the pump motor. And you’ll be using too much water, which can run up your water utility bill.

Treat Boiler Water

Achieve the proper pH

Untreated boiler water can be dirty and of the wrong pH. Ask us about a boiler water chemical treatment program to remove dirt and achieve the desired pH to prevent problems like surging, corrosion, and the buildup of solid deposits. These issues can make your boiler run less efficiently by affecting the interior heating tubes or even causing it to shut down.

Stay on Top of Local Law 152 Gas Piping Inspection

Encourage proper combustion

Your property must undergo periodic gas piping inspection in accordance with New York City Local Law 152. This is primarily a safety concern, but you can also use checking your gas supply to improve your boiler’s health.

If the burner area is not clean and functioning correctly, it can cause incomplete combustion. This not only wastes gas, but it can also produce excess amounts of carbon monoxide, which is a health hazard. Make sure the area where gas meets the burner is clear and there is no sooty buildup in that space. Your flame should burn blue, not yellow, if combustion is good.

Schedule Annual or Biannual Professional Maintenance

Catch and prevent expensive problems

Just like boiler controls, regular maintenance sessions can catch small problems before they become big ones, thereby saving you money and preserving your boiler. We can also make small adjustments to improve fuel efficiency and make recommendations for changes that would result in cost savings.

Take Advantage of an Annual Labor Service Agreement with Calray Boilers

Save money and stay current with maintenance

We recommend scheduling expert boiler maintenance appointments at least once per year before the heating season starts. However, if you have an older boiler or one that you feel needs more attention, biannual service calls are a smart move, and you can add a second maintenance session in the spring, at the end of the heating season.

We make it easy to remain up to date with boiler maintenance with our annual labor service agreement. You sign up in advance for service calls or ask us to call you with a reminder, so you don’t have to remember to schedule anything. Your property gets priority service in case of any emergencies, and best of all, you can lock in labor prices in case the cost goes up over the year.

Whether you want to schedule a spring boiler checkup, inquire about water treatment, or sign up for an annual service agreement, we’re eager to speak with you about maintaining your boiler’s optimum health. Call Calray Boilers at 212-722-5506, or use our easy online form to set up an appointment at your convenience.

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