Spring Exhaust Fan Maintenance Checklist and Tips for Property Managers

Apartment building ventilation systems help keep air circulating, improve air quality, reduce excess moisture, and reduce allergens. The systems also expel old, stale air to the outside of the building, which is especially important in the winter.

Like all mechanicals, exhaust fans require routine maintenance. The maintenance limits dust buildup and ensures operational efficiency and safety.

Exhaust Fan Maintenance Checklist (Not a DIY Job)

Covers and Grills

After a long winter, you want to clean all exhaust fan covers and grills; your maintenance staff can likely handle this step. All they need to do is remove the grill and cover and wash it, wipe it down, or brush it off using a nylon-bristled brush. This represents most kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans. Hiring a professional for cleaning and upkeep is best for rooftop and exterior fans.

Fan Blades and Filter

With the fan cover removed, the fan blades should be accessible to dust and clean with an appropriate cleaning solution, removing any dust or grime on the blades. Depending on the type of filter, a professional can either clean it or replace it.

Cleaning the blades and other fan components involves turning off the power to the ventilation system and adjusting or working on delicate components in the housing. A professional from Antler Pumps understands the mechanics of the fan and can work without damaging the system.

Motors and Housing

Next on the exhaust fan maintenance checklist are the motors and housing of the ventilation system in the building. Using an appropriate electrical spray cleaner and grease remover is crucial to clean the components and housing. Again, professionals are the best to clean and assess the exhaust system parts, including motors. They also assess the electrical components and use electrostatic dusters to clear connections and wiring of debris.

Ducts and Vents

A professional from Antler Pumps must remove the motor assembly to access the exhaust system ducts and vents. Once removed, they can use vacuums with long attachments and brushes to remove any dust buildup in the system. After vacuuming, they wash any vent covers and parts before reinstalling them.

Importance of Spring Cleaning for Exhaust Fans

How Spring Differs From Other Seasons

While it is important to perform an exhaust fan maintenance checklist throughout the year, the spring is particularly significant because of increased pollen and allergens. Most people love spring because everything blooms back to life, but all the blossoming releases allergens into the air. Exhaust fans help remove excess allergens in your building, allowing tenants to breathe more easily. Moreover, dust and stale air accumulate on the property after a long winter with closed windows. Spring cleaning ensures optimal ventilation, promoting fresh air circulation and dust removal.

Winter can lead to a lot of moisture accumulation in the system, which causes poor operation and can limit the efficiency of exhaust fans and ventilation systems. The season can cause damage to internal motors and electronics. A spring inspection and cleaning can lead to early detection of performance issues and potential safety hazards.

Finally, spring cleaning using an exhaust fan maintenance checklist produces a pleasant environment for your tenants. The process addresses any winter problems and refreshes the system to ensure fresh air for the building and its residents. Depending on the last time you had your system serviced, NYC requires regular inspections, so spring is a perfect time to comply with building policies.

Benefits of Professional Inspections and Repairs


Exhaust fans are potentially dangerous pieces of equipment. Sure, their primary job is to suck out stale air, humidity, and debris, but during that process, they can also collect dust, grease, and food particles. Without routine maintenance and cleaning, exhaust fans and ventilation ductwork can become fire hazards or locations for mold development and spread.

Antler Pumps, especially when you sign an annual service agreement, can help prevent safety hazards by adhering to an exhaust fan maintenance checklist and regular cleaning schedules. Beyond cleaning, a yearly service contract includes system inspections and prioritizes your property in emergencies.

Operation and Extended Use

Professional inspections ensure your building’s ventilation system works correctly and efficiently. Our team recognizes the need for repairs and works with you to ensure timely corrections, resulting in fewer risks to the system. Because an annual service contract ensures your system gets the inspections and service it needs, you can expect a longer use life. Without proper maintenance, a typical rooftop exhaust fan may only last for five years, but with proper care, it can last for twice that or even longer.

Exhaust Fan Maintenance Checklist With Antler Pumps

Avoid the Hassle and Hire a Professional

It is possible to perform a visual inspection of an exhaust fan maintenance checklist independently, or you can permit your maintenance staff to do it. Still, a visual inspection is insufficient to clean and assess the ventilation system. A real spring cleaning and maintenance checkup requires professionals who can correctly break down the fan and examine its components, ensuring the system is operational and safe. Call Antler Pumps at 212-534-2500 to discuss exhaust fan maintenance and annual service contracts. Also, please schedule a consultation with one of our licensed team members.

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