Types of Pumps Used in Boiler Systems: The 3 Most Important Pumps You Must Maintain Well

Boilers are significant and essential pieces of equipment in commercial and multi-unit properties. Most property owners know these appliances are responsible for producing heat and maintaining stable temperatures throughout a building. Still, owners may not possess knowledge of specific parts such as pumps — the critical mechanisms that help a boiler function.

Understanding the types of pumps used in boiler systems helps when communicating with boiler operators or pump repair technicians. Discover the three most essential pumps for boiler operation in your building.

The 3 Most Important Types of Pumps Used in Boiler Operations

1. Circulator Pumps

Circulator pumps circulate water within the system. The standard pump has an electric impeller that pulls and pushes hot water through tube circuits to radiators or baseboard heaters.

The pumps transport water directly from the boiler drum, meaning they must withstand high temperatures, between 300° and 600° Fahrenheit depending on the boiler rating and size. The devices must be capable of managing high pressures that correspond with temperature and water vapor pressure.

When a circulator pump wears down, or an operator or the system overworks it, the device can cause problems. An overworked pump can trip circuit breakers or result in broken interior components and valves that stop the unit from working.

As pumps wear down, they may rust and leak. Leaks can cause a drop in water pressure, reducing heating throughout the building. They can also allow excess air to enter the system, causing strange and sometimes loud noises, such as bangs.

If a circulator pump is not working correctly, contact Antler Pumps. All types of pumps used in boiler operations, including circulator pumps, require regular maintenance. Talk to an Antler Pumps technician to learn about annual service contracts to prevent common maintenance problems.

2. Feeder Pumps

For boilers to produce heat, they need water. Feeder pumps transfer water from a deaerator tank at high pressure to the boiler.

Most boiler systems use multistage feeder pumps with a vertical or horizontal classification. The orientation of the pump’s shaft determines its class.

Despite the different classifications and orientations of the pumps, both styles maintain a casing with a vertical joint and radial split. The critical difference is the pressures each pump can withstand.

Vertical multistage pumps typically use stamped stainless steel housing, which can maintain pressures up to 900 ft. Horizontal pumps use heavy-duty cast parts that are preferable for more significant pressures.

Each type of feeder pump can handle standard temperatures for their part of the operation. Depending on the boiler, a feeder pump may need to transfer water exceeding 200° F but less than 400° F.

As with all types of pumps used in boiler systems, feeder pumps require routine maintenance. Changes in feedwater quality, flow rate, pressure, and temperature can affect the performance of a feeder pump.

Horizontal feeder pumps are more accessible than vertical pumps, making maintenance easier. An Antler Pumps technician can work on a horizontal device in place, possibly reducing labor costs. Contact Antler Pumps for more information.

3. Condensate Return Pumps

In steam boiler operations, steam travels through a system to radiators, providing heating. As the steam cools, it turns back into liquid water, called condensate. By using a condensate return or transfer pump, a boiler can use condensate to reduce the need for makeup water from the feed system, saving money on fuel, chemicals, and treatment costs. Also, high-purity condensate can reduce energy losses from boiler blowdowns.

Out of the types of pumps used in boiler operations, the transfer pump is the building owner’s friend when it comes to saved heating costs. It works quickly to return condensate to the boiler without significant temperature loss.

The liquid from the steam traps flows with gravity into a condensate receiver. A floating mechanism within the receiver signals the pump when the water/condensate level is high enough for transfer. When condensate pumps return water at higher temperatures, between 130° F and 225° F, they reduce the amount of cold makeup water needed for operation and reduce heating times, ultimately saving money.

Most condensate units have two pumps, one primary and one standby. Some systems also have two floats and alternation with higher-level sensors if one pump cannot meet demand. Ideally, the primary pump handles day-to-day operations, and the secondary pump is only for backup.

As with other pumps, the condensate return system requires regular maintenance. Antler Pumps offers annual service contracts to ensure the health and functionality of all boiler pumps.

The Importance of Professional Inspections for Various Types of Pumps Used in Boiler Systems

Boilers and Individual Components Require Regular Upkeep

All mechanical devices  require maintenance to maintain proper operations. Boiler pumps must endure high-pressure and high-temperature environments, transporting liquids through various moving parts.

Even without the volatile conditions, pumps sustain wear from everyday use. The vibrations from rotating parts slowly move different components out of balance, resulting in noise and inefficient operation.

Maintenance tasks such as dynamic balance help protect the life of the pumps. Regular cleaning and replacement of worn parts ensure sustained efficiency.

Pump maintenance requires skilled labor. With an annual service contract from Antler Pumps, all the pumps in your building receive the care they need on predetermined schedules. Also, your property receives special consideration for emergency scheduling.

Boiler pumps are more vulnerable to problems because of the system’s volatility. For your safety and the safety of your staff and tenants, always call a professional for system pump repairs, installations, and upkeep.

Local Boiler Technicians for All Types of Pumps Used in Boiler Operations

Hire Antler Boilers for Maintenance, Repairs, and Routine Inspections

Ensuring the health of your building’s boiler system requires a commitment to regular pump maintenance.

The three main types of pumps used in boiler operations include circulator, feeder, and condensate return pumps. Each pump is unique and may experience problems from routine use. Contact Antler Pumps at 212-534-2500 to discuss annual service contracts or schedule pump inspections and maintenance. Our technicians can help you evaluate your current system and determine if specific pump upgrades can improve boiler and building efficiency.

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