What Are the Types of Commercial Boilers and Which One Is Best for Your Property?

Are you shopping for a new boiler for your New York City rental property? Having the right boiler can be the key to everything from tenant happiness to saving money on your fuel bills. There are several types of commercial boilers on the market today. Here’s a review of their differences, pros, and cons, so you can decide which boiler is best when you set up your new boiler installation. Additionally, if you manage multiple properties, it’s smart to understand how these boilers work and be able to recognize them when you encounter them.

Tube Boilers

Two subtypes of tube boilers

There are actually two subtypes of tube boilers: fire-tube and water-tube boilers. While they both use metal tubes inside the boiler to heat water and produce steam, they typically have different functions in New York City rental properties.

Fire-tube boilers use the process of thermal conduction to get the job done. Hot gasses pass through the tubes in the boiler tank. This type of boiler can be used for both radiator steam heat and hot water.

Water-tube boilers are usually used in industrial settings and less in residential buildings. They are quite common in hospital and university physical plants. They pass water through the tubes to heat water in the tank; the tube water is heated by the boiler’s gasses.

The pros and cons of tube boilers

Fire-tube boilers are very flexible, being able to produce both steam for radiators and hot water for taps. This is because they can accommodate a wide range of pressure – from approximately 500,000 BTUs per hour to 75,000,000 BTUs per hour. Fire tubes are also less expensive to replace, so maintenance is frequently simple and less costly.

Water-tube boilers take up less space than fire-tube boilers. They use less fuel and overall function more efficiently, which make them cost-effective in industrial settings. They are, however, more costly to maintain and repair.

All tube boilers are vulnerable to a few issues that can reduce their lifespan:

    • Corrosion from water fed into the boiler
    • Corrosion and thermal fatigue
    • Clogging from graphite particles (AKA graphitization)

Sectional Boilers

Often installed when space is at a premium, sectional boilers have acquired the nickname “pork chop boilers” because of their appearance. They’re comprised of sections that look like old-fashioned radiators still common in many New York City buildings today. Cast iron sections are bolted together to produce the size needed. Then the segments are sealed with gaskets.

The pros and cons of sectional boilers

There aren’t many downsides to sectional boilers, hence their popularity with most of our clients. Really, the only disadvantage is the limits of their pressure:

    • 15 psi when creating steam
    • 160 psi when producing hot water

You don’t want to exceed temperatures of approximately 250 degrees Fahrenheit with a sectional boiler.

There are multiple advantages to sectional boilers:

    • They have a large output range, from about 35,000 to 14,000,000 BTUs per hour.
    • They are the most compact type of boiler, so they’re a good choice when you want a boiler with a small footprint to put in a limited space.
    • They can be assembled on-site, making installation easier.
    • More sections can be added over time, as need increases, which gives them great flexibility, especially if you are thinking of renovating and upping boiler demand.
    • They are resistant to corrosion if you treat your boiler feeder water properly to achieve the correct pH.

Coil Boilers

On-demand water heating

Sometimes coil boilers are confused with tube boilers. But the coil boilers we are talking about here are the ones used to provide on-demand water heating. You may have seen on-demand water heaters used in single-family homes and duplexes. Now they are available on a commercial scale for larger rental properties, like apartment buildings.

Coil boilers for commercial on-demand use function in one of two ways:

    • Coils inside a boiler tank allow water to pass through only when a faucet is turned on, using a kind of indirect heating to create hot water.
    • A separate tankless unit heats water quickly whenever it is needed.

The pros and cons of coil boilers

Tankless units can provide hot water separately for each unit. You can cluster them together to accommodate demand for as many tenants as you like. These on-demand water heaters don’t take up much space, so they’re very flexible and unobtrusive.

Both types of coil hot water heating are excellent for conserving energy and therefore fuel bills. However, tankless units can only be used for hot water and not for radiator steam heat. Tankless on-demand water heaters are perfect for saving money if you don’t want to run a boiler all year or if you have electric heat and are only seeking a method for producing hot water.

Need Help Deciding Which Boiler You Should Buy?

Call Calray Boilers, NYC’s boiler experts

You may have other factors unique to your property, as well as budget concerns, that have you still on the fence about what kind of boiler is best for your building. In that case, Calray Boilers is happy to consult with you. We perform boiler maintenance, repair, and installation throughout all five boroughs.

Our professionals bring a wealth of experience and training to your door, and we’ll help you select a boiler that’s just right for your needs. Call us today at 212-722-5506 or schedule an appointment online at your convenience.

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