How To Prevent Rain Flooding: Guard Against Storm Damage Using Sump Pumps and Improved Drainage Methods

Because New York City borders the Atlantic, it is vulnerable to coastal storms. Recent studies project that over 100,000 NYC properties have a greater than 26% chance of flooding over the next three decades. The statistic is worrisome, and all property owners should start investigating flood prevention tools and strategies.

Most flood prevention methods are cost-effective with minimal installation demands. Learn how to prevent rain flooding around your property with 10 tools and strategies.

How To Prevent Rain Flooding With 10 Tools and Strategies

1. Sump Pumps

A sump pump is a submersible device typically located in the lowest point of a building, such as a crawlspace or a basement. The device detects water pressure and levels in the surrounding area and turns on when water levels are too high. The pump mechanism moves the water away from the building.

Most properties in NYC already have a sump pump because the area has a high flood risk. However, these pumps require regular maintenance and inspections to ensure they function properly when needed.

2. Backwater Valves

The combined sewer system of NYC overflows once per week on average. When regular sewer usage combines with severe stormwater runoff, excess wastewater can flow backward through the system and into buildings. You can prevent rain flooding and sewage backups with a backwater valve installation.

A backwater valve is a relatively simple device with an internal mechanism, a flapper. The design of the valve only allows liquid and waste to flow one way. If a storm surge should overwhelm the city’s sewers, the pressure of wastewater returning to a property closes the flapper, blocking a backup.

While some properties may have a backwater or check valve, it is not standard. Installation estimates range between $600 to $5,000 depending on valve type and drainpipe location.

3. French Drains

For exterior flood prevention, a building owner can consider a French drainage system. The system doesn’t look like much; in fact, when done well, it looks like a hardscaping element to complement your landscaping.

A French drain can prevent rain flooding by allowing water to quickly and easily pass through the upper layers of rock. The water seeps through the stone into a perforated pipe that guides it away from the foundation.

The French drain comprises a few layers: fabric, pipe, and stone. The fabric prevents weeds and dirt from clogging the pipe’s holes, ensuring easy drainage.

5. Gutter and Roof Maintenance

Unkempt roofs and clogged gutters affect drainage during a rainstorm. Debris buildup on a roof can prevent water from accessing gutter or drainage systems, overwhelming the roof and leading to leaks or excess runoff close to the structure. Clogged gutters or downspouts cause rainwater to flood the eaves and run down the building’s walls toward the foundation.

Regular roof and gutter maintenance is integral to building drainage. You can help an established rooftop drainage system by installing pumps and drains — contact Antler Pumps to discuss more.

4. Downspout Extensions

Part of learning how to prevent rain flooding is about keeping water away from your building. Downspout extensions are among the most cost-effective solutions for pushing rainwater from the roof and gutter away from the foundation. That said, these extensions are not a solution for severe storm surges or overwhelmed city sewers.

6. Basement Waterproofing

Basement waterproofing is an extensive process that involves exposing the exterior basement walls and footings. Once exposed, installers power-wash the structure before sealing it with a waterproof membrane and installing drainage or weeping tiles.

Exterior waterproofing is the most effective method for sealing a basement. It costs $3,000 to $15,000 on average, depending on the building size and complexity of the installation.

7. Rain Barrels and Green Roofs

An excellent option to prevent rain flooding is to reduce the strain on the city’s sewer system. Rain barrels and green roofs can help relieve demands on the sewer system while helping to prevent flooding of residential buildings.

Rain barrels are large containers that connect to the downspouts. Instead of rainwater running through the downspouts and into the street toward the sewer, the barrels collect it. Property owners can drain the barrels once the storm is over and the sewers are clear.

As you might expect, green roofs feature vegetation: They are essentially a garden on the top of a building. The beauty of a green roof is it absorbs rain and prevents excess drainage that can overwhelm city sewers. Also, this innovative roof design adds insulation and combats the heat island effect.

8. Flood Barriers

Physical flood barriers can also prevent rain flooding. Many people use sandbags built up around their property with pumps around the interior perimeter to excavate water that seeps in.

A more natural-looking flood barrier is a berm — a gravel, rock, or dirt mound of linear construction along a road or stream to protect against flooding. A berm can be a large-scale city project or a small-scale installation around residential properties.

9. Proper Grading

Landscape grading refers to the slope of the design. Landscaping should always slope away from a property’s foundation. Incorrect grading means water runs toward the foundation, increasing the likelihood of flooding.

Landscaping can shift over time, making the slope or grade ineffective. Building owners should test the gradation of their property to mitigate flood risks.

10. Landscaping

When done right, landscaping can protect against flooding and act as a natural berm or provide extra drainage solutions. One of the best ways to improve drainage and keep water away from your building’s foundation is to landscape with rocks or stones.

Installing landscaping rocks under downspouts can create a fountain-like effect during rain. It also helps push the water away from the foundation.

Also, use mulch to bulk up landscaping. Mulch can help collect excess water so it doesn’t seep too quickly into the soil.

How To Prevent Rain Flooding With Professional Help

Antler Pumps Can Help With All Your Pump Needs

Professionals with Antler Pumps know how to prevent rainwater flooding, and it starts with pump installations and maintenance. Contact Antler Pumps at 212-534-2500 to discuss sump pumps and other devices for flood prevention.

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