When Does Heating Season Start in NYC? Make Sure Your Boiler System Pumps Are Ready If Cold Weather Comes Early

If you live in New York City, you’re probably enjoying the last of the fall foliage right now and thinking about where to find pumpkins for Halloween. You’re likely not asking, “When does heating season start in NYC?” For most folks, heating season begins when the first cold snap hits, which might be in October or may not come until December. But if you are a property owner or manager, heating season starts right now. Why so early? Read on to find out.

Why Does Heating Season Start Early for Property Managers?

Preparing for winter

If you manage a property, particularly one of New York City’s large co-operative or condominium buildings, you can’t afford to wait until it gets cold outside to see if your boiler system is up to the job. Although it may have been heating water for taps all summer, producing hot water or steam for radiators is another story entirely.

Heating large multi-unit properties is a complicated process, especially given the age of many of these buildings. There are many components involved, including multiple pumps that must function harmoniously in order for occupants to enjoy a comfortable interior in winter.

By test driving the boiler system early, before truly cold weather arrives, you can make certain everything is working properly. If not, you still have time to order parts and get repairs done before the snow flies.

What Can You Do to Ensure Your Boiler System Pumps Are Ready?

Yearly professional maintenance

The best action you can take to ensure your boiler will run correctly in cold weather is to schedule a yearly maintenance check in autumn, while the temperatures are still moderate. Although we always encourage our Antler Pumps clients to do in-house assessments and fix minor issues, nothing replaces the thorough evaluation and work that we can do before heating season.

Our experts will check over all the pumps associated with your boiler system, including:

  • The automatic water feeder pump that supplies fresh water to the boiler tank
  • The circulator pumps that supply hot water or steam to taps and radiators
  • Condensate return pumps that bring liquid back to the boiler as part of the steam trap loop

Together with our partners at Calray Boilers, Bolt Electric, and Sanitary Plumbing, we can ensure your boiler is in tip-top shape for winter, so you can relax and deal with other year-end responsibilities, like city inspections for 2022.

We can also install pump controls in many cases. These devices automate pump function and make minute adjustments as needed, so you don’t have to do it manually. Pump controllers also alert you to problems with the system before they become serious, so you can address them right away.

What Are the Signs Your Boiler System Needs Adjustment or Repairs?

Not enough heat or hot water

If your building struggled to get sufficient heat or hot water last winter, it’s definitely a sign that your boiler system needs work before this cold season starts. Some common reasons why occupants may have endured tepid showers and/or chilly rooms include:

  • Malfunctioning circulator pump
  • Heat loss due to pipes lacking insulation
  • Boiler and/or thermostat settings needing adjustment
  • Radiators needing bleeding and valve checks

Water hammer

Water hammer is the technical term for that banging and clanging you may hear coming from your radiators or heat system pipes. While many New Yorkers consider it a normal sound of winter, they don’t have to live with the noise.

Water hammer usually comes from one of two causes:

  • Condensate return system (steam traps) dirty or pump not running correctly
  • Radiators not tipped at the proper angle for drainage

In both cases, you can have steam and water battling it out in a contained area, which results in the violent noise you hear.

Automatic water feeder running constantly

Your boiler’s automatic water feeder is essentially a pump that sends fresh cold water to the boiler tank when the level drops inside. This is a vital part of the boiler mechanism, but the feeder should not run nonstop, even during peak demand hours.

An automatic boiler feeder that never shuts off is typically due to one of these causes:

  • A problem with the feeder pump or its settings
  • A leak in the boiler tank causing continual water loss that must be compensated for
  • Steam return system components, including the pump, not running properly (less condensate going back to the tank, so the feeder kicks in to keep the level steady)
  • Sensor in the boiler tank stuck or broken, falsely triggering feeder pump to run

Obvious signs of pump malfunction

You may have noticed some clear signs of boiler system pump malfunction at the end of the last heating season but put these issues on the back burner when spring arrived:

  • Loud noises or vibration coming from a pump
  • Loose pump mounting
  • Electrical supply issues (worn cords or loose wires, triggering circuit breaker, etc.)
  • Leaking (usually due to a worn or broken pump gasket, a valve that needs replacing, or a breach in the pump housing)
  • Pump not turning on when it should, not shutting off, or only running intermittently

Call Antler Pumps Before Heating Season Starts to Be Ready for Winter

Don’t let the NYC heating season sneak up on you this year! Schedule your boiler pump maintenance with Antler Pumps today by calling 212-534-2500. You’ll be glad you did whenever the cold weather hits. While everyone else is scrambling to make sure their boilers work, you’ll be toasty warm and ready for winter.

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