Antler Pumps – Sump vs. Ejector Pumps: What Are the Similarities and Differences?

If you’ve ever wondered about pumps in the basement of your property or had problems with low levels of your building flooding, this post is for you. We’ll compare and contrast sump vs ejector pumps so that you can understand the function of each. You may already have these pumps and not be familiar with them or their maintenance, especially if you are a new property owner or manager. You may also be interested in installing a sump or ejector pump, and this article can help you decide which you need.

Sump Pumps

What sump pumps do

Sump pumps prevent lower levels and basements from flooding. Usually, it’s groundwater being removed by a sump pump. This water can come from permanent sources nearby, like a spring, or from a buildup of storm water that elevates the water table locally.

While the water handled by a sump pump isn’t typically hazardous in its composition, it can pose many unwanted consequences for property owners. Water rising into the home can cause serious property damage, mold and mildew, and even electric shock if it reaches the level of electrical wiring.

How sump pumps work

Sump pumps are always positioned at the lowest point of the property. A sump basin, typically a couple of feet deep, is created under the floor to collect water. When rising water in the basin reaches a certain level, the sump pump is automatically activated and begins pumping water away from the property.

To make sure the water being removed doesn’t simply travel right back into the building, the discharge pipe is set up to deliver it to a location where it is safe from re-entry, such as the municipal sewer system, a distant part of the yard, or a dry well.

What else you need to know about sump pumps

While there are old-fashioned hand-crank sump pumps still around, the most efficient and convenient models operate on electrical power. Most models these days have backup battery power, so the pump can operate during a power outage when flooding may be especially likely.

Some sump pump models have manual override features in case the sensor in the pump that detects rising water fails. It’s important to check the sensor frequently, as well as the drainpipe, since without these, the pump will not do its job for you.

Most people opt for the less obtrusive submerged pump style, but there are pedestal pumps available as well. Although pedestal-style sump pumps jut into the room more, their engineering makes them easier to access and maintain.

There are a few places where sump pumps tend to run into trouble. As mentioned previously, the float sensor can fail, preventing the pump from turning on when it should. Other common issues include failure of the backup battery and problems with the electrical components, including the switch and wiring (they are most often hardwired into the property’s main electrical system). Sometimes sump pumps also fail to turn off when they should.

When you need a sump pump

The decision to install a sump pump is usually pretty straightforward. You should consider adding one if:

  • Your property had flooded before.
  • You experience frequent heavy rainstorms or hurricanes.
  • You live in an area with a high water table most or all of the year.
  • Your property is at the bottom of a hill.

Ejector Pumps

What ejector pumps do

Ejector pumps have two things in common with sump pumps. First, they both use a basic pump mechanism to remove unwanted fluid. And second, ejector pumps are also found in the lowest area of a property, usually in the basement.

Ejector pumps were created to remove wastewater and pump it into the sewer line, where it can be carried away from the building. Normally gravity performs this function, but in low parts of a home, apartment, or office building, this isn’t an option. The ejector pump removes wastewater from below-grade bathrooms, sinks, dishwashers, and clothes washers.

Without an ejector pump, some properties would be at risk for wastewater backing up into the aforementioned fixtures and appliances. Obviously, this is not only a hassle; wastewater can be full of bacteria, viruses, and other unwanted elements that are hazardous to health.

How ejector pumps work

Ejector pumps use a basin beneath the floor to collect wastewater for disposal. There is a discharge pipe that runs from the pump to the sewer line. Whenever waste is created when using a low-lying sink, toilet, or appliance, the ejector pump is activated, and the waste is flushed out.

Other ejector pump essentials

There is a subtype of the ejector pump called a sewage grinder pump. This can handle solid waste better and grinds it up, similar to a garbage disposal.

All ejector pumps have tight seals around the cover to prevent leaks, as well as a vent pipe through which sewage gases can escape. It’s our experience that these two areas are where users often have problems that require professional assistance. Other common ejector pump issues include electrical malfunction, failure to activate, and clogs.

Ejector pumps don’t have backup battery systems like sump pumps, so they don’t work during power outages. However, the holding tank is usually large enough that this isn’t a concern. During power outages, users have to refrain from using their washers and should limit toilet flushing to prevent the tank from reaching its capacity.

When you need an ejector pump

Do you need an ejector pump or sewage grinder pump? The answer is yes if:

  • You have a toilet, bathroom, laundry room, or apartment kitchen in a low-lying basement.
  • You want extra protection from flooding with a septic system.
  • Your property eliminates a large amount of wastewater daily, such as in residential apartments or a commercial laundry or kitchen.

Want more information about sump or ejector pumps? Have a pump that’s not working right on your property? Reach out to Antler Pumps today. You can call us at 212-534-2500, or use our easy online form to schedule a service call.

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