Considering a New Boiler for an Apartment Building? Your Checklist for Making a Smooth Transition

Are you thinking about buying a new boiler for an apartment building you own? There’s lots to consider in the process, and it can feel overwhelming enough that you don’t take action. But that can leave you with no heat or hot water if your old or failing boiler stops working entirely. A better solution is to approach new boiler acquisition and installation in a logical, methodical way. Here’s a checklist of important considerations as you move through the process.

Be Clear About Why You’re Replacing Your Boiler

Age or something else?

For some property owners, their boiler has reached the end of its natural lifespan, and it’s time to be replaced. In that case, we urge you not to wait until the last minute and your old boiler fails. Plan for the new installation while there’s still a little life left in the existing model. That gives you more time to get the model you really want, and you’ll pay less for labor when it’s not an emergency call.

Also, think about other reasons you may not be happy with your boiler:

  • It takes up too much space.
  • It’s not energy efficient and therefore costs too much to run.
  • It breaks down frequently, and the unreliability and repairs are aggravating.
  • You would like a boiler system that’s easier to operate and requires less manual labor.

You might think you have to wait until a boiler is on its last legs to replace it, but the reasons listed above are all legitimate. In fact, some of them can save you money in the long run, rather than waiting out the lifespan of your current boiler.

Choose a New Boiler That Helps Solve Past Problems

Don’t repeat old mistakes

Once you decide it’s time to install a new boiler, learn from your past frustrations. It may be cheaper to buy a boiler that doesn’t have the features you want, but you’ll spend another two or three decades (the common lifespan of a boiler) hating a boiler that isn’t what you really need.

Likewise, a less expensive boiler might not run as efficiently as you hoped, or it won’t free up manpower like you need. Turn your negatives about your current boiler into a wish list for the new boiler. Existing boiler too large? Shop for a compact model that takes up a smaller footprint.

Tired of spending time and labor making manual adjustments 24/7? Look for a boiler with more automatic features, and talk to Calray Boilers about how to add controllers to components like pumps so they run themselves and alert you if anything goes wrong. You might also want to consider an annual labor service agreement to stay on top of maintenance and cover some services that would otherwise be surprise costs.

Budget Carefully and Well in Advance

Add a buffer for additional costs

At Calray Boilers, we price each boiler we install individually, and costs can vary greatly depending on multiple factors. We tell clients to think in the range of $25,000 to $70,000 for a new boiler, and then we narrow down the price once we know better what you’re looking for and what’s available on the market. Some things that affect price include:

  • Size and number of radiators being heated
  • Use — for just heat or for both heat and hot water
  • Type of boiler needed
  • Energy efficiency
  • Boiler features for operation and control

You can expect to pay more if you are changing your boiler type or doing upgrades that affect the system around the boiler.

Some of our clients are taken aback at first by extra costs they hadn’t planned on. Be sure to budget for these expenses too:

  • Removal of your old boiler
  • City permits and new boiler inspection
  • Additional plumbing or system parts
  • Installation labor
  • Heat and hot water for tenants if boiler service is interrupted (regulated by law)

Understand the Timeframe for New Boiler Installation

Schedule thoughtfully and think about tenant inconvenience

The timetable for installing a new boiler, once a model has been selected, is anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. More time is needed if you are making upgrades to other elements of the system simultaneously or if the installation is a particularly complex one. When we schedule your boiler installation, we will let you know the timeframe for your unique scenario.

Be sure to notify your tenants if they will experience any interruptions to heat or hot water. Under New York law, you are required to provide heat and hot water during certain hours and under specific temperature conditions. So, unless you are doing an unexpected boiler replacement, it’s best to plan your boiler installation for the warmer months when heat isn’t needed. You may be able to rent a temporary mobile boiler for hot water needs if your boiler installation is going to violate any tenant protection laws by leaving occupants without hot water for more than a few hours.

Not sure if you should repair or replace your boiler? Ready to schedule a new boiler installation once the heat season is over in New York? Call Calray Boilers at 212-722-5506 today or schedule an appointment online for a consultation.

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