How Often Should a Sewage Ejector Pump Run?

Sewage ejector pumps are relatively common devices in New York City construction. You typically find the pumps below the city’s main sewer lines because gravity can’t push wastewater uphill.

Usually, multi-family properties or apartment buildings have ejector pumps because of below-grade plumbing. Your building may have basement-level units or laundry facilities that require the pumps to force wastewater up and out.

Regardless of the need for sewage ejector pumps, they should not run constantly. How often a sewage ejector pump should run depends on several key factors; discover these factors and other signs that signal trouble.

How Often Should a Sewage Ejector Pump Run?

Determining Normal Run Frequency

Unfortunately, there is no universal answer for how often your sewage ejector pump should run. Every building is unique, and defining the number of regular cycles is a complex measurement, depending on the size and purpose of your building.

The number of units and tenants you have naturally affects the frequency of cycles in the pump. Typically, a pump cycles on for roughly 10 seconds at a time, but the amount of times it cycles on during any given day depends on water usage and waste in your property. The more tenants and units you have, the more often the pump cycles on.

The type of tenant usage also plays a role in determining run frequency. Residential buildings with consistent daily patterns of showers, dishwashing, and laundry will probably experience a greater run frequency than commercial properties that produce varied wastewater daily.

A typical run frequency is anything from a few times per day to several times per hour, depending on the property and its tenants. To get a more specific answer about your property’s normal run frequency, schedule an assessment with Antler Pumps.

Noticing Red Flags That Signal Poor Operation

Understanding how often a sewage ejector pump should run in your building can help you identify red flags. Possible red flags include:

  • Constant running
  • Short cycling
  • Frequent alarms

Constant running does not refer to nonstop running, although it can. The phrase refers to high-frequency operations with limited gaps between cycles. There are several causes for this red flag, but regardless of the cause, Antler Pumps should address the issue immediately. Operating at too high of a frequency puts significant strain on the pump, which can lead to total failure.

Short cycling is like constant running but with a more noticeable pattern of rapid cycling on and off. It is normal for the pump to turn on for several seconds, then stop, and then start again. Again, this problem puts excessive strain on the pump and requires immediate attention.

Most fluid ejector pumps have built-in alarms as early warning systems that monitor water levels in the ejector basin. Frequent alarms mean the pump is struggling to keep up with demands and may not strictly point to excessive water inflow. Antler Pumps can assess the system to determine the cause of the repeat alarms.

How often your sewage ejector pump runs depends on your tenant’s and property’s demands. Still, the system should not have to overwork because that is a sign of an inefficient or damaged pump.

Understanding Improper Operations

Improper operations can stem from a faulty float switch, a clogged main sewer line, a clogged discharge line or sump pit, or a sewer leak. The float switch is the primary component that triggers the pump based on the water level in the pit. If the switch is malfunctioning, it can cause the pump to run continuously.

A clogged sewer line can force wastewater back into the sewage pit because it is below the level of the sewer line. While the pump tries to evacuate the sewage, the waste continues to find its way back to the pit. Unfortunately, this activity causes the pump to keep cycling on and off.

Clogs can also occur in the discharge line or sump pit. The discharge line can clog with dirt and debris, preventing draining. A clogged sump pit can happen because of dirt and debris in the basement. In either case, the pump cannot push wastewater out despite the float switch or check valve triggering its cycle.

Beyond clogs, a sewer leak can also trigger too many cycles in an ejector pump. Anytime a sewer leak occurs near the ejector basin, wastewater finds its way back to the basin — with the wastewater level remaining high, the ejector pump cycles on again and again.

Don’t be alarmed if the pumps turn on frequently, as it depends on your property how often a sewer ejector pump should run. Contact Antler Pumps to learn more about red flags and pump performance.

How Can You Maximize the Lifespan of Your Sewage Ejector Pump?

Regular Maintenance

Like any part of your plumbing system, sewage ejector pumps and wastewater systems require regular maintenance. To ensure compliance with building codes, only work with NYC-licensed plumbers and technicians. Also, stick to maintenance schedules; sewage ejector pumps require annual checks at a minimum.

Antler Pumps offers annual service contracts to ensure your pumps receive the routine care they need. The contracts aim to limit emergency service calls by providing proactive maintenance and repairs.

Tenant Actions

Despite being well-meaning, many tenants have poor flushing habits. They may wash fats, oils, and grease down sink drains or attempt to flush paper towels, dental floss, or feminine hygiene products down toilets. Any of these items can cause clogs and problems in the wastewater system that may affect your ejector pump. To reduce the risks of poor tenant behaviors, provide a do-not-flush list with visuals to tenants — and post visual aids in public areas, like laundry rooms or lobby bathrooms.

How Often Should a Sewage Ejector Pump Run in Your Building?

Contact Antler Pumps To Learn More

Understanding how often a sewage ejector pump should run in your building depends on several factors, not the least of which are the size of the property and the number of tenants. Antler Pumps can assess your existing pump to determine whether it is the right size and if it is operating correctly. Contact us at 212-534-2500 and ask about our annual service agreements.

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