It’s That Time of Year Again: Your NYC Fall Heating Maintenance Reminder

We may still be in those beautiful days of early autumn in New York City, but it’s time to start thinking about the colder weather soon to come. Calray Boilers is here to remind you that it’s time to schedule your fall heating maintenance visit. Let’s review why this service call is so vital to the health of your building and go over some tips for what you can do as a landlord or property manager between professional visits.

Why Fall Heating Maintenance Is Essential for Property Owners

Cost savings

Keeping your boiler in tip-top condition saves you money in the long run. First, it extends the life of your boiler. New boilers can be costly and require many installation logistics that you don’t want to deal with any sooner than is absolutely necessary.

Additionally, a properly running boiler uses energy more efficiently. This saves you on gas and electricity costs. It also reduces your water bill, as your boiler feeder, steam traps, and the like lower the need for water.

Fewer hassles and tenant complaints

Problems with your boiler that result in too much or too little heat for tenants – or worse, a breakdown – create headaches for you. A boiler issue can derail your entire day. You can prevent that with regular boiler maintenance so little problems don’t morph into bigger ones.

Safety and compliance with the city

A boiler that isn’t functioning properly can be a safety hazard, creating a dangerous environment in your boiler room. You don’t want to subject yourself or your building staff to excessively high temperatures, danger of explosion, or exposure to carbon monoxide.

Most buildings we service need to pass an annual boiler inspection with the city. The only exception are the following:

  • Boilers in individual dwelling units
  • Boilers heating five-family properties or smaller
  • Boilers used for domestic hot water that are rated less than 350,000 BTUs
  • Boilers that heat only residential units in mixed-use buildings
  • Boilers rated at a heat input of less than 100,000 BTUs
  • Boilers owned by the United Nations, the Port Authority, foreign consulates, or state or federal government agencies
  • New boilers or boilers with more than 50 percent of the components replaced, if you have already had a first test inspection in 2020

In order to pass your boiler inspection, your boiler needs to be in safe and efficient operating order. Therefore, you need to know the warning signs of boiler issues listed below, perform basic maintenance on your own, and adhere to a schedule of yearly boiler service calls.

The Signs of Boiler Problems to Watch For

Early warnings of boiler trouble

  • Lack of or insufficient heat and/or hot water
  • Hot water cuts out periodically
  • Boiler won’t start or stops running intermittently
  • Complaints from tenants about their heat and hot water
  • Boiler constantly firing
  • Malfunctioning boiler gauges
  • Expansion tank not working
  • Boiler water feeder not feeding water or running continually
  • Steam traps not returning condensate to boiler
  • Loud noises, strange noises, or excess vibration coming from boiler
  • Leaking water anywhere around the boiler system
  • Visible corrosion of the boiler tank or the boiler pipes
  • Cracked, hardened, or poorly functioning seals, gaskets, or O-rings
  • Buildup of soot around the ignition area
  • Boiler flame is yellow, not blue
  • Boiler room overheating, often causing pumps to shut down
  • Signs of carbon monoxide poisoning or CO alarm going off

Tips for Optimal Boiler Performance

Advice from the experts

When Calray Boilers isn’t around to evaluate and fix your boiler, we still want to help you keep it running optimally. Here are a few final pro tips for property owners:

  1. Review all safety policies and boiler operation protocols with staff. Make sure they understand what constitutes an emergency with your boiler system. Keep the number for Calray Boilers in a place where staff can see it quickly in case you need an urgent service call.
  2. Give yourself plenty of time to schedule your annual boiler inspection. Make sure it’s on the calendar so you don’t forget and run afoul of city regulations.
  3. Communicate with your tenants about heat and hot water. Let them know what’s normal and what isn’t with regard to temperature, thermostat function, radiator noise (water hammer), etc. Ask them to let you know if anything doesn’t seem to be within the range of standards you have set.

Don’t Forget to Schedule Your Boiler Maintenance Call

The earlier, the better

Calray Boilers books up fast once property owners in New York City realize winter is coming soon! The earlier you schedule your fall heating maintenance, the more choice you have of convenient appointment times that work with your timetable.

Contact Calray Boilers today to get on the calendar for your boiler checkup. Call us at 212-722-5506 or use our simple online form to schedule your appointment with ease. Don’t wait until you have a boiler emergency, miss your annual city inspection, or lose the appointment time of your choice. Reach out now.

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