Common Mistakes Related To Pump Installation and How To Prevent Them

Pumps essentially run New York City. The devices ensure proper water supply and pressure, feed fire safety equipment, ensure adequate heating and cooling, and help eliminate wastewater through the sewer systems.

While pumps are essential to NYC infrastructure, the tools also play a significant and similar role in your buildings. Still, pumps can only perform critical tasks if initial installations are correct and professionals perform regular maintenance. Discover common mistakes in pump installation and how to prevent them.

7 Common Pump Installation Mistakes

1. Improper Wiring

Every pump comes with a set of wiring schematics provided by the manufacturer. The schematics should help installers connect the pump to existing systems and electrical supplies.

If the wiring is incorrect, it may short out the pump, cause overheating, and present a fire hazard. Improper wiring can also result in electric shock and injury.

Sometimes, incorrect wiring may cause the motor to rotate in reverse. Fluid can still move through a pump with a reverse motor, but current restriction can diminish flow by up to 70%. Furthermore, operating in reverse can damage the impeller, possibly unthreading or jamming it.

2. Ungrounded Connections

Grounding refers to a conducting connection between the equipment and the earth. It is primarily a safety issue because it prevents shock and electrocution. When a pump installation involves an ungrounded circuit, electricity can leach into the bearings and equipment, causing damage. Also, arcing can occur, which is a fire and safety threat.

Similar issues can occur when a pump is not correctly plugged in. It is dangerous and unwise to plug a pump into a power strip or extension cord. Not only does the strip or extension not provide enough power for the device, but it can also overheat, possibly short-circuiting the pump and causing a fire.

To avoid problems with the installation, installers should plug the device directly into the wall on a dedicated circuit. No other appliances should share the same circuit as the pump. Sharing a circuit can result in low power, shorts, and fire hazards.

3. Incorrect Alignment of the Check Valve

The check valve plays a vital role in pump operation; it prevents reverse flow. With proper pump installation, the valve only allows fluid to exit the pump and enter the system in one direction.

Unfortunately, installing the valve in the wrong direction or alignment is possible. Additionally, installing a valve that is too small for the pump is possible. Both errors can result in reverse flow, which can damage the impeller. Without repairing or replacing the valve, the impeller can sustain so much damage as to prevent any flow through the system.

4. Improper Alignment of the Pump and Motor

For frame-mounted pumps, the alignment of the drive and pump shafts is critical. The shafts must align vertically and horizontally for smooth and consistent operation.

Misalignment is a common characteristic of incorrect pump installations. The result is rough rotations, resulting in excessive vibration, friction, overheating, and wear. Without correction, pump performance will remain inefficient, noisy, and potentially dangerous. The pump will wear down faster than it should, resulting in a decreased operational lifespan.

To prevent such errors during pump installation, look for installers that use laser alignment tools. Lasers allow for the most accurate installations.

5. Cavitation

Cavitation refers to the formation of vapor bubbles in low-pressure regions within the system, where liquid acceleration reaches high velocities. The unfortunate issue can result from obstructions in piping layouts or when positioning forces the pump to operate outside its designed pressure range.

The primary issues with cavitation include reduced efficiency, noise, and premature wear. Cavitation distorts flow patterns, resulting in unpredictable outputs. Additionally, the formation of bubbles causes the growth and collapse of vapor cavities that cause additional vibrations and knocking sounds. Finally, the process can cause pitting of metal components and surfaces and lead to extensive erosion of rotating blades.

To avoid cavitation, look for experienced pump installers. Antler Pumps is a local and trusted name in NYC with a qualified and experienced team.

6. Incorrect Sizing

Proper pump installation relies on the Goldilocks principle — the idea that a thing must be “just right.” Pumps cannot be too small or too big; they must be the correct size for operational demands and effectiveness.

Several issues can arise when a pump is too small. First, the device cannot produce enough flow or pressure to meet the demands of the operation. Second, because the pump tries to meet demands, it overworks its components. Finally, by overworking, the pump causes premature wear, resulting in greater costs to the operator or owner.

An oversized pump also creates operational problems. First, the pumps waste energy because they demand higher power consumption. Second, they require higher operating costs because of internal loading and hydraulic radial thrust. Third, oversized pumps often cause cavitation because of the exertion of excessive force, which creates rapid pressure changes within the liquid. Finally, the pumps experience reduced service life from operating outside their best efficiency point (BEP).

Antler Pumps can assess your system and operational needs to determine the proper pump installation for your property. Contact a representative to discuss your building’s needs or current pump demands.

7. Bad Seals

Pump manufacturers often describe and recommend proper sealing techniques for installations. Despite the suggestions, many installers supplement a manufacturer’s guidance with their own preferences. For example, an installer may adhere to the direction of specific o-rings, but then supplement with unnecessary gaskets or sealing paste.

Failing to adhere to a manufacturer’s guidance can result in improper seating, damaged seals, and misaligned gaskets. Misalignments can cause undue stress and leakage at the mounting surface.

While professionals may substitute manufacturer suggestions on occasion, they should do so in the best interest of the operation, not to save time or money. Common time- and money-saving mistakes include not allowing sealants full drying time and reusing old seals.

Professional Pump Installation and Maintenance

Trust Antler Pumps for Your Next Install

With proper pump installation, the device should last its projected lifespan, which may be anywhere from three to 15 years, depending on the type. However, the installation is only part of the requirement to reach operational life expectancy. Pumps require ongoing maintenance and inspection to ensure optimal performance. Contact Antler Pumps at 212-534-2500 to discuss installations and annual service contracts.

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