Sewage Ejector Pump Maintenance Guide – What to Know as a Landlord

As a New York City property owner or manager, you need to stay on top of many building systems. When it comes to your plumbing and sewage system, if you have a sewage ejector pump, it’s vital to understand how it works and how to keep it operating effectively. Here we discuss sewage ejector pump maintenance, so you know when your pump may be on the fritz and how to keep that from happening with regular upkeep.

What a Sewage Ejector Pump Does

Essential for low-lying bathrooms

A sewage ejector pump is a type of sump pump typically installed in a home, apartment, or basement. These pumps are designed to work when the property’s drainage system is lower than the septic tank, drainfield, or sewer main. Because a low-lying bathroom, kitchen, or laundry room can’t use the flow of gravity to keep sewage flowing properly, the pump is there to grind it up into a blackwater slurry and propel it away from the property.

Sewage ejector pumps are not terribly complicated. They consist of a basin where waste collects. Flotation devices within the basin trigger a pump to empty the basin when it becomes full. Before the waste is pumped out of the basin, it is ground up with a device similar to a garbage disposal.

Signs of Problems with a Sewage Ejector Pump

Warnings to heed

In a perfect world, your sewage ejector pump would be well maintained, and you’d rarely encounter any problems (see below). However, you may have an older pump or have recently purchased a property where the pump was not kept up. Additionally, tenants may allow items into the drain that shouldn’t be there, such as feminine hygiene products, paper towels, baby wipes, cat litter, and the like.

Pay attention to these warning signs that something is wrong with your ejector pump. Tending to problems early can sometimes mean you only need to perform a repair on the pump rather than replacing the entire unit.

  • Dirty water remains in the toilet bowl or sink, and waste isn’t being removed.
  • Sewage or waste odors are noticeable in the bath, kitchen, or laundry area.
  • The pump won’t start or only runs occasionally.
  • The pump makes odd or excessive noise.
  • The motor in the pump runs continuously.
  • An alarm sounds that indicates the waste threshold has been reached, but the basin is not emptying (some but not all models have this feature).

Sewage Ejector Pump Maintenance

Set up the pump properly

In order to work correctly, your ejector pump must be set up properly from the start. Make sure you have the right size pump with enough power to handle the demand placed on it. Ensure that it’s set plumb in its cavity, so it’s perfectly vertical and not tipped in any direction, and that the float valves or sensors are positioned correctly. Also, be certain that the drain lines leading away from the pump are a sufficient diameter.

Communicate with tenants

Let your tenants know about anything they should not be putting down the drain because it could harm the sewage ejector pump. Some substances can clog a pump so badly that it becomes past the point of repair and must be replaced.

In addition to the items mentioned above that should be prohibited from the toilet, be sure to tell tenants to avoid putting grease, oils, coffee grounds, and food scraps into the kitchen sink drain. It may help to give them a list of specific items that must go in the trash instead. A drain cover can catch these things before it’s too late and they’re washed into the ejector basin.

Basement-level mud and slop sinks should also be fitted with a drain cover to prevent undesirable elements from winding up in the ejector pump. Washing laundry in a fine mesh bag, easily purchased online, can prevent pet hair and grass from entering the basin as well.

Watch for electrical plug or wiring issues

Your ejector pump motor is electrically powered. If you have problems with the pump not starting or only functioning intermittently, one of the first places to check is the electrical plug. Evaluate the plug and related wiring to make sure everything is intact. Sometimes issues with a pump can be fixed by simply rewiring and/or replacing the plug.

Conduct your own self-inspections

Periodically, inspect your sewage ejector pump for signs that it might need a repair or professional servicing. Things to look for while doing sewage ejector pump maintenance include:

  • Corrosion or scale buildup: clean or call your pump specialist to replace parts.
  • Blocked vent hole: clear any blockage so it runs clear.
  • Poor seal around the vent or the basin: replace hardened or broken gaskets and O rings.
  • Loose drain pipe fasteners and pump brackets: tighten or replace (this may stop excessive noise from vibration).
  • Wet spots or leaks: if you can’t determine the source and fix, call the pros.
  • Bearing damage in the pump: replace bearings or call pump experts.
  • Clogs in pump impeller: remove and clean.
  • Low or dirty oil in the pump: top off or drain oil and replace with new (some pumps have an oil gauge, while others do not).

If your sewage ejector pump takes a lot of abuse, or if you’ve had problems with it, give the basin a regular cleaning to remove debris and improve its integrity.

Perform a yearly professional maintenance check

Even if you are doing your own regular maintenance on the pump, it’s smart to have pump professionals do a yearly check. They may spot things you wouldn’t see, and they can do quick repairs for you, either on the spot or in their shop, like Antler Pumps has. Pro tip: larger properties may want to install an auxiliary pump, so you’re never without one if the main pump has to be out of service for a brief period.

If you need help inspecting or repairing your sewage ejector pump, we’re here to help. Call us at 212-534-2500, or use our online form to schedule an appointment. Don’t wait until your pump fails and you’re faced with a sewage emergency! Reach out today and get assistance at your convenience.

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