Sump Pump Keeps Running? 5 Signs Your Sump Pump May Be Failing

If you have a sump pump that keeps running, it may be nearing the end of its lifespan. You don’t want to find yourself with a sump pump emergency during a storm, whether you’re a single-family homeowner, a landlord, or a property manager. Avoid that by learning these five signs of a sump pump failing, brought to you by Antler Pumps, New York City’s hyper-local blue-chip pump experts.

Runs Constantly

Multiple causes

A sump pump that runs nonstop can be due to many different things. A problem with the switch or float should be your first thought. The float turns the switch on and off depending on the water level, and this part can break or need repositioning.

The switch itself may have wiring or connectivity issues with your power source. It can also become clogged with debris.

The pump’s check valve keeps water flowing outside the property. If it’s broken, water simply flows back to the pit, and it triggers the pump to keep running.

Another common cause of a sump pump running constantly is that it’s too small for the demand on it. You will need to replace it with a different model that can handle the load.

Strange or Loud Noises

Grinding or Vibrating

Any time you hear odd or noisy sounds coming from your sump pump, it’s a sign something is definitely wrong. Our clients describe these sounds as grinding, rattling, or vibrating.

In some instances, it’s a sound indicating that the pump needs replacement because a vital interior part has broken down and can’t be repaired. It could also be due to bearings in the motor being loose or needing replacement.

Sometimes the impeller inside the pump becomes jammed or clogged, which can also cause excessive noise. When there’s a problem with the impeller, water may not move as it should. The impeller is like a fan or water wheel inside the pump, and it’s essential to the pump’s function. You may be able to free up the impeller, as long as it hasn’t been damaged. This is also a job a pump specialist can do for you.

Improper Cycling

Unreliable water removal

Improper cycling can indicate a range of problems, but they all typically result in inadequate water removal or excessive wear on the pump:

  • Pit fills but the pump doesn’t activate: this is usually due to a stuck or broken float switch or a defective motor.
  • Pump runs when the pit is empty: this is almost always due to a malfunctioning float switch. You want to catch this right away before it burns out the pump motor entirely. Unplug the pump or cut the power supply, so it doesn’t keep running until it can be serviced.
  • Pump runs too long per cycle: this usually means the pump’s horsepower is inadequate. Consult a pump specialist who can help you select a better pump based on the volume of water to be removed and the anatomy of your drain pipes.

Signs of Corrosion, Rust, or Scale Accumulation

Aging sump pump

Sump pumps that show signs of wear and tear are most often at the end of their useful lifespans. If you’ve had your sump pump for a long time or bought a property that came with the sump pump, you may notice corrosion (wearing away of certain parts), rust, or mineral scale accumulation. You may also see what looks like rust but is actually bacteria. While in some cases, we may be able to clean the pump and restore its function, it may be time to install a new one.

Motor Problems

No power for the pump

Your sump pump has a motor that drives its action. If the motor is malfunctioning, so will the pump.

Motor problems can be caused by wiring failures as well as by the pump triggering the circuit breaker. This is a good spot to check first for an easy fix.

Sump pump motors also burn out in cold climates if the extension hose that drains water from the pit freezes and clogs with ice. The pump keeps trying to move water through the frozen hose to no avail, causing the motor to run for too long at a high output.

Have you run into one of these problems or something else that makes you think your sump pump needs professional servicing? The five issues above are the most common problems we see, but you may experience other failures particular to your setup.

Don’t wait until a winter storm to tend to your sump pump! Call Antler Pumps at 212-534-2500 or schedule an appointment online today.

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